  1. 《暗喻幻想:ReFantazio》正式發售!同步公開最新上市宣傳影片


      SEGA 世雅宣布,Atlus 旗下 Studio Zero 製作的新作 RPG《暗喻幻想:ReFantazio》,已於今日 2024 年 10 月 11 日起於 Xbox Series X|S、Windows、PS5、PS4、Steam 發售,並於發售日當天累計銷售突破 100 萬套。為紀念遊戲發售,現已公開介紹遊戲的 PV。







      而隨著本作正式上市,目前 Steam 版也正在舉辦期間限定優惠碼活動,活動自即日起至 10 月 31 日(四)止。限時優惠,絕對不容錯過!優惠碼可參照活動網頁進行確認。

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  2. 動作冒險《靈拳 Spirit×Strike》demo 版 Steam 限時開放試玩

    動作冒險《靈拳 Spirit×Strike》demo 版 Steam 限時開放試玩

      MaiCha 開發、XD 預定 2024 年內推出、支援英文與簡體中文兩種語系的動作冒險遊戲《靈拳 Spirit×Strike》,宣佈自即日起至 10 月 21 日為止,在 Steam 推出體驗版下載試玩。

      《靈拳 Spirit×Strike》為一款受到《God Hand 神之手》、《忍者龍劍傳》等人氣動作遊戲影響,主打高速動作戰鬥、獨特 Combo 連擊系統,以末日後世界觀為背景的動作冒險遊戲。

      在遊戲中,將會透過「Instant Counter 即時反擊」與「Super Strike 超級攻擊」,以及可以將各種動作招式自由組合的「Spirit Mimicry 靈魂擬態」等三種戰鬥系統相融合,為玩家們帶來前所未有的爽快動作戰鬥體驗,讓不擅長動作遊戲的初學者們也能簡單操作,藉由防禦與攻擊的瞬間切換,體驗腎上腺素全開的刺激動作戰鬥快感。


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  3. 《The Spirit of the Samurai 武士魂》12/12 發售!化身英勇武士守護故鄉迎戰邪惡妖怪大軍

    《The Spirit of the Samurai 武士魂》12/12 發售!化身英勇武士守護故鄉迎戰邪惡妖怪大軍

      Kwalee 預定在 SteamEpic Games Store/Atari VCS 等平台推出、Digital Mind Games 開發中的 2D 動作冒險《The Spirit of the Samurai 武士魂》(中文名暫稱),宣佈將決定於 2024 年 12 月 12 日起正式上線,遊戲預定將會支援繁體中文等多種語系。

      《The Spirit of the Samurai 武士魂》為人氣小貓冒險遊戲《Kitty Quest》獨立遊戲開發工作室 Digital Mind 全新製作,以日式和風世界為背景的 2D 橫向卷軸類型類銀河戰士惡魔城系動作冒險遊戲。玩家在遊戲中,可以從三名角色中進行選擇操作,並為了守護故鄉村莊而與來襲的妖怪大軍對抗。


      另外遊戲中,玩家還可以探索開發團隊精心打造的和風世界,體驗各種日本神話與民間故事元素。走過村莊廢墟、山中洞穴、荒涼的墓園等地點,迎戰妖怪、不死魔物和各種鬼怪,這些敵人全都都將會以雷哈利豪森式的定格動畫風格精美呈現,並且具有豐富的細節與 AI,為玩家的每場戰鬥帶來不同的刺激挑戰與體驗。


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  4. 模擬新作《Oil Rig Simulator》發表,體驗石油鑽井平台的危機與管理挑戰

    模擬新作《Oil Rig Simulator》發表,體驗石油鑽井平台的危機與管理挑戰

      遊戲發行商 PlayWay 宣布,預定在 PC Steam 上推出一款由波蘭工作室 Woodland Games 所開發的新作模擬遊戲《Oil Rig Simulator》,支援包含繁體中文在內等多種語言。




      結合工作模擬與管理經營的《Oil Rig Simulator》現正開發中,若對海上油井生活感興趣的話,可以加入願望清單關注才不會錯過最新資訊的通知喔!


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  5. 克蘇魯神話太空卡牌恐怖戰略《Starless Abyss》發表!測試玩家招募同步展開

    克蘇魯神話太空卡牌恐怖戰略《Starless Abyss》發表!測試玩家招募同步展開

      No More Robots 宣佈,預定 2025 年內在 Steam 上推出由 Konafa Games 開發的卡牌類型宇宙恐怖戰略遊戲《Starless Abyss》,並在 Steam 上展開測試玩家招募(測試時間將於日後公開)。遊戲預定將會支援簡體中文等多種語系。

      《Starless Abyss》為一款以銀河系作為舞台,讓玩家來對抗外星種族守護地球的卡牌類型戰略遊戲。不過不同於一般太空戰略遊戲,本作還加入了克蘇魯神話的世界觀恐怖要素,以及 Rougelike 玩法特色,帶給玩家不同於一般太空戰略遊戲的嶄新策略對戰體驗。



      目前在遊戲中,預定將會收錄六大類型、合計共 160 張以上的卡牌登場讓玩家使用。玩家可以透過戰鬥獲勝或是商店購買來入手新的卡牌,並透過牌組編組來制定自己的卡牌戰術,藉此發動卡牌連攜克敵制勝。附帶一提,遊戲中的商店除了提供卡牌購買外,也能進行船艦修理或是升級強化,或是購買新的宇宙船,玩家可以依照自己的喜好與卡牌搭配來購買強化船艦,讓自己的艦隊變得更加強大。


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  6. 奇幻策略新作《Touch Type Tale》DEMO 版開放試玩,靠鍵盤與打字速度指揮軍隊!

    奇幻策略新作《Touch Type Tale》DEMO 版開放試玩,靠鍵盤與打字速度指揮軍隊!

      遊戲發行商 Mythwright 近期宣布,由 Pumpernickel Studio 開發的新作策略遊戲《Touch Type Tale - Strategic Typing》將於 11 月 4 日在 PC Steam 上推出,免費 DEMO 版現已 Steam 公開中。


      遊戲裡所有的操作皆以鍵盤進行,除了能享受原本的主線戰役以外,遊戲中還存在很多精彩的小遊戲,像是烹飪比賽、射擊場、節奏遊戲和彈幕射擊等等;遊戲支援 13 種語言的文字和打字機制,玩家可以選擇適合遊戲風格的難度設置,並以越來越高的難度重完以獲取獎勵。

      在公開的免費 DEMO 版中,玩家能夠挑戰 4 個單人任務和 4 個線上多人地圖,這些內容共有 5 個難度等級和 13 種語言,開發團隊表示他們還嘗試在 DEMO 版裡加入新的打字聲音(像是鴨子叫聲),玩家可隨時到選項中進行變更,若對這款只靠鍵盤跟打字的策略遊戲《Touch Type Tale》感興趣的話,不妨趁 Steam 新品節期間下載 DEMO 版嘗鮮並加入願望清單關注吧!


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  7. How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

    How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

    Gamers, have you ever found yourself fumbling over the default control layout, wishing you could tailor it to fit your playstyle? In Throne and Liberty, you have the power to change your key bindings, ensuring your adventures are as smooth as they are thrilling. Let’s explore how you can tweak your key bindings for a personalized gaming experience.

    Tailoring Your PC Controls

    If you’re playing on PC, adjusting your Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty is straightforward. Head into the game’s menu and click your way into Settings. Look for the Shortcuts tab, where you’ll find a list of operations and their assigned keys. Here’s what you need to know:

    • Click on the trashcan icon to unbind a key.
    • Select the current shortcut to assign a new key.
    • Press the new key or key combination to confirm your choice.

    Classic vs. Action Mode

    While you’re in there, consider switching between Classic and Action mode. This toggle can significantly alter your gameplay, making it worth experimenting with to discover y

      •  Default settings might lead to unintended actions. Customize to suit your instincts.
      •  You know how you play best. Adjust your bindings to match your style.
      •  Certain actions might be more critical to your strategy. Make sure they’re easily accessible.

      In Throne and Liberty, the power to craft your ideal control scheme is in your hands. Whether you’re on PC or console, take the time to adjust your key bindings for an edge in your quests. Remember, the right setup can make all the difference between a good gamer and a great one. Dive into the settings, fine-tune your controls, and make your mark on the world of Throne and Liberty with confidence. Happy !

      • ...
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    • How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

      How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

      Gamers, have you ever found yourself fumbling over the default control layout, wishing you could tailor it to fit your playstyle? In Throne and Liberty, you have the power to change your key bindings, ensuring your adventures are as smooth as they are thrilling. Let’s explore how you can tweak your key bindings for a personalized gaming experience.

      Tailoring Your PC Controls

      If you’re playing on PC, adjusting your Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty is straightforward. Head into the game’s menu and click your way into Settings. Look for the Shortcuts tab, where you’ll find a list of operations and their assigned keys. Here’s what you need to know:

      • Click on the trashcan icon to unbind a key.
      • Select the current shortcut to assign a new key.
      • Press the new key or key combination to confirm your choice.

      Classic vs. Action Mode

      While you’re in there, consider switching between Classic and Action mode. This toggle can significantly alter your gameplay, making it worth experimenting with to discover y

        •  Default settings might lead to unintended actions. Customize to suit your instincts.
        •  You know how you play best. Adjust your bindings to match your style.
        •  Certain actions might be more critical to your strategy. Make sure they’re easily accessible.

        In Throne and Liberty, the power to craft your ideal control scheme is in your hands. Whether you’re on PC or console, take the time to adjust your key bindings for an edge in your quests. Remember, the right setup can make all the difference between a good gamer and a great one. Dive into the settings, fine-tune your controls, and make your mark on the world of Throne and Liberty with confidence. Happy !

        • ...
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      • How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

        How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

        Gamers, have you ever found yourself fumbling over the default control layout, wishing you could tailor it to fit your playstyle? In Throne and Liberty, you have the power to change your key bindings, ensuring your adventures are as smooth as they are thrilling. Let’s explore how you can tweak your key bindings for a personalized gaming experience.

        Tailoring Your PC Controls

        If you’re playing on PC, adjusting your Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty is straightforward. Head into the game’s menu and click your way into Settings. Look for the Shortcuts tab, where you’ll find a list of operations and their assigned keys. Here’s what you need to know:

        • Click on the trashcan icon to unbind a key.
        • Select the current shortcut to assign a new key.
        • Press the new key or key combination to confirm your choice.

        Classic vs. Action Mode

        While you’re in there, consider switching between Classic and Action mode. This toggle can significantly alter your gameplay, making it worth experimenting with to discover y

          •  Default settings might lead to unintended actions. Customize to suit your instincts.
          •  You know how you play best. Adjust your bindings to match your style.
          •  Certain actions might be more critical to your strategy. Make sure they’re easily accessible.

          In Throne and Liberty, the power to craft your ideal control scheme is in your hands. Whether you’re on PC or console, take the time to adjust your key bindings for an edge in your quests. Remember, the right setup can make all the difference between a good gamer and a great one. Dive into the settings, fine-tune your controls, and make your mark on the world of Throne and Liberty with confidence. Happy !

          • ...
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        • How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

          How to Change Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty

          Gamers, have you ever found yourself fumbling over the default control layout, wishing you could tailor it to fit your playstyle? In Throne and Liberty, you have the power to change your key bindings, ensuring your adventures are as smooth as they are thrilling. Let’s explore how you can tweak your key bindings for a personalized gaming experience.

          Tailoring Your PC Controls

          If you’re playing on PC, adjusting your Key Bindings in Throne and Liberty is straightforward. Head into the game’s menu and click your way into Settings. Look for the Shortcuts tab, where you’ll find a list of operations and their assigned keys. Here’s what you need to know:

          • Click on the trashcan icon to unbind a key.
          • Select the current shortcut to assign a new key.
          • Press the new key or key combination to confirm your choice.

          Classic vs. Action Mode

          While you’re in there, consider switching between Classic and Action mode. This toggle can significantly alter your gameplay, making it worth experimenting with to discover y

            •  Default settings might lead to unintended actions. Customize to suit your instincts.
            •  You know how you play best. Adjust your bindings to match your style.
            •  Certain actions might be more critical to your strategy. Make sure they’re easily accessible.

            In Throne and Liberty, the power to craft your ideal control scheme is in your hands. Whether you’re on PC or console, take the time to adjust your key bindings for an edge in your quests. Remember, the right setup can make all the difference between a good gamer and a great one. Dive into the settings, fine-tune your controls, and make your mark on the world of Throne and Liberty with confidence. Happy !

            • ...
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