  1. 時間旅行 RPG《Pathologic 3》發表,在僅剩的 12 天裡從神秘瘟疫中拯救小鎮

    時間旅行 RPG《Pathologic 3》發表,在僅剩的 12 天裡從神秘瘟疫中拯救小鎮

      遊戲發行商 HypeTrain Digital 於今(8)日發表了俄羅斯團隊 Ice-Pick Lodge 目前正在開發的 RPG 新作《Pathologic 3》,預定 2025 年內在 PC Steam 上推出。

      《Pathologic 3》是該開發團隊旗下知名開放世界生存恐怖遊戲《Pathologic》系列最新作。玩家在遊戲中要扮演來自首都的年輕醫生 Daniil Dankovsky,他受到在前作登場現已亡故的醫生 Isidor Burakh 的邀請,來到一個偏僻的小鎮居住,目標是阻止正在小鎮中蔓延的神秘瘟疫,然而在瘟疫毀滅小鎮之前只剩下 12 天的時間。



      《Pathologic 3》預定 2025 年上架 Steam,若對劇情感到好奇,或是有玩過前作的話,不妨加入願望清單關注才不會錯過更新資訊喔!


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  2. 探索未知星球!生存工藝新作《Wild Planet》Steam 搶先體驗日期公開

    探索未知星球!生存工藝新作《Wild Planet》Steam 搶先體驗日期公開

      瑞士遊戲工作室 Monkey Factory Media Lukyantsev 宣布,由他們開發兼發行的星球生存工藝遊戲《Wild Planet》將於 10 月 24 日在 PC Steam 上開放搶先體驗,同步公開最新預告片讓玩家欣賞。

      《Wild Planet》是一款採用俯視視角進行,除了單人遊戲以外也將會支援最多四人線上遊玩的開放世界生存工藝遊戲。遊戲開始時玩家會迫降在一個未知的星球上,需要探索生物群落、收集資源、建造基地和物品,以便在未經開發的自然環境中生存;一旦生活需求穩定後,就能製作更便利的道具擴大探索範圍,也可以在基地開發農業。

      遊戲最大的特徵是非常著重地下城探索,根據玩家探索的深度會出現不同行為模式的 Boss,擊敗 Boss 的獎勵也會有所區別,玩家可以獲得新工藝品作為獎勵來強化裝備,然後再探索地下城以到達更深的地方;此外根據 Steam 商店的形容,本作是一款「Chill Survival」的作品,玩家能在低多邊形所構築的幻想星球上以輕鬆的方式去享受遊戲。

      開發團隊表示搶先體驗版已能玩到遊戲的核心內容,並會根據玩家的反饋進行調整,搶先體驗期間會逐步添加新內容,包含新的生物群落、敵人、頭目和材料等等,也將引進更多武器類型和建造物件等等。隨著搶先體驗版時間的發表,官方也預告將會在 Steam 新品節活動期間推出支援多人合作的 DEMO 版讓玩家嘗鮮,感興趣的話不要錯過!


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  3. How to Change Servers in Throne and Liberty

    How to Change Servers in Throne and Liberty

    If you’re stepping into the expansive world of Throne and Liberty, you might want to team up with friends or dive into PVP battles. Doing so requires you to be on the same server. With a variety of servers available, you may be wondering how to switch servers to join your comrades. Here's your guide to navigating the servers in Throne and Liberty.

    Understanding Server Regions

    Servers in Throne and Liberty are divided by regions, and once you create a character in one region, you’re bound to the servers within it. Unfortunately, as of now, you cannot switch between regions, so choose wisely when you first create your character.

    How to Change Servers

    To hop between servers in the same region, you’ll need a Server Transfer Ticket. You can purchase this ticket from the shop in the main menu for 750 Lucent. Remember, you can only buy two tickets per day. Once you have your ticket, you can change servers by following these steps:

    1. Ensure you meet all the transfer requirements:
      • Level 1 or higher
      • In a safe zone
      • Not in a party or guild
      • No pending gu

    Switching servers in Throne and Liberty is a straightforward process once you know the steps. Keep the transfer requirements in mind and plan your moves carefully to ensure your transition is . Whether you’re joining friends or seeking new adventures, understanding servers is key to your experience in the game. Happy gaming, and see you in your new server!

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  4. Why Does Everybody Hate Picking Cassiopeia?

    Why Does Everybody Hate Picking Cassiopeia?

    Cassiopeia is a champion that many League of Legends players avoid picking, despite her reputation as a powerful late-game hyper carry. Known for her sustained damage and unique mechanics, she is capable of turning the tide in team fights with her area control and poison-based abilities. However, her playstyle comes with several challenges, including high mechanical skill requirements and resource management, which can make her difficult to master. This has led to a decline in her popularity across all roles, leaving players frustrated with her limitations in both solo queue and competitive play.

    Cassiopeia's Kit

    She possesses a unique kit, which on paper, seems perfect for exerting consistent pressure in games. Her sustained damage through Twin Fang (E) combined with strong zoning abilities like Miasma (W) and the game-changing Petrifying Gaze (R), makes her a powerhouse in theory. Yet, despite all this, Cassiopeia struggles to be a popular pick in both solo queue and professional play.

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  5. What is the Level Cap in Throne and Liberty

    What is the Level Cap in Throne and Liberty

    As you embark on your adventure in Throne and Liberty, you’re probably curious about the peak of your character’s power and progression. The level cap is a crucial aspect of any MMORPG, marking the point where endgame content becomes your new playground. Let’s dive into what the level cap means for you and how to reach it.

    The Journey to Max Level

    The Level Cap in Throne and Liberty for the global release is set at 50, a milestone the developers estimate will take the average player around 3–4 weeks to reach. For the most dedicated players, this could be just a matter of days. Hitting level 50 unlocks the best gear and challenges the game has to offer, allowing you to fully engage with the endgame content.

    Strategies to Reach the Level Cap

    To efficiently work your way up to the level cap, you have several strategies at your disposal. Here’s a list of the most effective ways to level up:

    • Main Storyline Contracts: These are your bread and butter for leveling. Prioritize these contracts to gain substantial experience.
    • Mob Grinding: A classic MMORPG strategy, taking down mobs is a solid way to accumulate experience.
    • Exploration: Discovering new areas and points of interest rewards you with experience.
    • Daily Contracts: Completing these regular tasks ensures a steady progression.
    • Resistance Event: Participate in this event for additional experience gains.

    Will the Level Cap Inc

    •  Equip your character with the strongest armor and weapons.
    •  Test your skills against the toughest dungeons and bosses.
    •  Start collecting materials that are exclusive to high-level content.

    The level cap in Throne and Liberty serves as a goalpost for your journey, but it’s also where the game truly opens up. By focusing on the main storyline contracts and engaging with the world around you, you’ll climb the levels and be ready to tackle everything the endgame has to offer. Keep an eye out for future updates, as the adventure doesn’t stop at level 50. Get ready to level up, gear up, and step up to the challenges that await in the world of Throne and Liberty. Happy leveling, !

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  6. This Ivy Build Should Be Illegal in Deadlock

    This Ivy Build Should Be Illegal in Deadlock

    Ivy, known for her supportive abilities in Deadlock, received some key changes in the recent patch that have pushed her into the spotlight with a new, powerful build. These changes have transformed her into an even more disruptive force, especially in team fights. The patch adjustments included making Ivy's Stone Form work against airborne targets, which gives her extra survivability in chaotic fights. The increased radius of her Kudzu Bomb with improved spirit power scaling and other bug fixes have made her much more reliable. These tweaks have given rise to a build that maximizes her control over the battlefield, making it feel like playing Ivy this way should be illegal.

    The Ultimate Ivy Build

    The build that has made Ivy such a menace in Deadlock in this patch revolves around several key items: Soul Rebirth for extra cooldown reduction, Mystic Reach and Myster Reverb for extending the radius of her abilities and adding delayed damage, Escalating Exposure for increased spirit damage pe

    Ivy's ultimate, Air Drop, becomes even more dangerous with this build. The increased radius from the Mystic Reach and Myster Reverb items allows her to silence enemies in a massive area for four seconds. What makes this even scarier is the fact that with Refresher, Ivy can use her ultimate twice, leading to an eight-second silence. This leaves enemies unable to use their abilities, effectively rendering them useless for a significant portion of the fight. In competitive matches, this kind of control is invaluable, as it can completely turn the tide of battle in favor of her team.

    If you've ever wanted to dominate the battlefield while keeping your enemies guessing, this Ivy build is perfect for you. Her ability to control fights with her massive area-of-effect abilities, combined with her insane crowd control, makes her a top-tier pick in the current meta. Whether you're playing in solo queue or competitive matches, this build turns Ivy into a disruptive force that's hard to deal with. Don't miss out on trying this overpowered build—it's a game-changer that can carry you to .

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  7. How did CNed Become a Valorant Legend?

    How did CNed Become a Valorant Legend?

    Mehmet Yağız “CNed” İpek has become a household name in the world of Valorant, known for his sharp mechanics and game-changing plays. From his humble beginnings in the competitive scene to becoming a world champion with Acend, CNed’s rise to stardom has been nothing short of phenomenal. His aggressive playstyle, especially with Jett, has left an indelible mark on the Valorant esports world. This article delves into his journey from a lesser-known player to one of the most feared duelists in the game.

    Early Beginnings in Competitive Gaming

    Before making his mark in Valorant, CNed built his foundation in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS) and Zula, a Turkish first-person shooter. Competing in Zula, a game with similarities to both CS and Call of Duty, gave him his first taste of competitive gaming. His early success in Zula in 2019 allowed him to sharpen his skills, but it wasn't until Valorant’s release in 2020 that CNed found his true calling.

    The Valorant beta opened doors for CNed, a

    CNed’s journey from an unknown player in Turkey to a world champion in Valorant is a testament to his skill, dedication, and passion for the . His rise to the top has not only earned him respect within the community but also left a lasting impact on Valorant. As Valorant continues to grow, CNed's contributions to the competitive scene will be remembered as some of the most influential in the history of the game.

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  8. How to Safely Remove Bugs and Insects from Your PC or Laptop Monitor

    How to Safely Remove Bugs and Insects from Your PC or Laptop Monitor

    If you're looking for a way to fix a bug or glitch in your monitor, or perhaps remove a bugging device from your display, then I'm afraid you're in the wrong place. Today we're talking bugs and insects, specifically the ones that may one day colonize your laptop or PC monitor. Alas, with bugs in your computer, a debugger will be no help at all!

    Depending on who you ask, insects may inspire fear and disgust, or curiosity and compassion. Either way, insects are important. A key part of the food web, they also pollinate three fourths of our crops and till the soil. Accounting for 80% of animal life, this diverse bunch of bugs is struggling amid pesticide use, light pollution and other threats.

    The insect apocalypse is not, incidentally, a video game, but is happening right now. Saving the flies is a gargantuan task for another day, for today we're going to help you effectively deal with any unfortunate critters that make the mistake of inhabiting your PC or laptop monitor. Read on and disco

    Perhaps the previous paragraphs have inspired you to humanely remove the insectoid invader in your monitor? If not, bear in mind that if you kill it with bug spray or other methods while it's still inside the screen, then there it will lie, entombed for eternity like. 

    1. The oldest trick in the book, the old turn off and wait. There's a high chance your new pet was attracted by the monitor's light and warmth. So leave it off overnight and see if you're bug-free by morning. 
    2. If you're feeling ambitious, you could try tapping and shaking the monitor to scare the fiend off. Be careful not to hit the screen though, as this could do more harm than good, potentially squishing the bug and damaging your display. 
    3. Follow the step in option 1, but this time we're going to attempt to lure the insect out with a flashlight or other light source. You could also turn off all the lights in the room except for a single, bright light source.  
    4. Like fishing with chum or burley, this option employs a tasty treat as bait to draw out the demon in the display. Ideally identify your bug species first, check what their preferred treat is, then introduce a sugary soda, or some ripening-fruit near to the suspected entry point. 
    5. Be careful with this approach, as air introduced at too high a pressure can damage the delicate workings of your display. If you can identify the route that the bug may have taken to enter your monitor, try using compressed air to blow it back to where it came from. 
    6. For a direct approach to insect removal, advanced users who know their way around the screen may choose to disassemble the monitor. 
    7. When it comes to computer care, sometimes it's best to ask the experts. Acer users can sign up for, an extended service plan that covers accidental damage protection and other unexpected issues such as insect invasion.   
    8. Insects don't have any desire to damage your monitor. As we said before, they are simply attracted by the light, heat and moisture. Remember, to clean up your cookie crumbs and spills, as food also attracts insects and even rodents. You don't want to be the first person to discover a mouse or even a land crab in your monitor.  

    Aspire C22

    Swift 14 AI

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  9. How to Change Servers in Throne and Liberty

    How to Change Servers in Throne and Liberty

    If you’re stepping into the expansive world of Throne and Liberty, you might want to team up with friends or dive into PVP battles. Doing so requires you to be on the same server. With a variety of servers available, you may be wondering how to switch servers to join your comrades. Here's your guide to navigating the servers in Throne and Liberty.

    Understanding Server Regions

    Servers in Throne and Liberty are divided by regions, and once you create a character in one region, you’re bound to the servers within it. Unfortunately, as of now, you cannot switch between regions, so choose wisely when you first create your character.

    How to Change Servers

    To hop between servers in the same region, you’ll need a Server Transfer Ticket. You can purchase this ticket from the shop in the main menu for 750 Lucent. Remember, you can only buy two tickets per day. Once you have your ticket, you can change servers by following these steps:

    1. Ensure you meet all the transfer requirements:
      • Level 1 or higher
      • In a safe zone
      • Not in a party or guild
      • No pending gu

    Switching servers in Throne and Liberty is a straightforward process once you know the steps. Keep the transfer requirements in mind and plan your moves carefully to ensure your transition is . Whether you’re joining friends or seeking new adventures, understanding servers is key to your experience in the game. Happy gaming, and see you in your new server!

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  10. How to Change Servers in Throne and Liberty

    How to Change Servers in Throne and Liberty

    If you’re stepping into the expansive world of Throne and Liberty, you might want to team up with friends or dive into PVP battles. Doing so requires you to be on the same server. With a variety of servers available, you may be wondering how to switch servers to join your comrades. Here's your guide to navigating the servers in Throne and Liberty.

    Understanding Server Regions

    Servers in Throne and Liberty are divided by regions, and once you create a character in one region, you’re bound to the servers within it. Unfortunately, as of now, you cannot switch between regions, so choose wisely when you first create your character.

    How to Change Servers

    To hop between servers in the same region, you’ll need a Server Transfer Ticket. You can purchase this ticket from the shop in the main menu for 750 Lucent. Remember, you can only buy two tickets per day. Once you have your ticket, you can change servers by following these steps:

    1. Ensure you meet all the transfer requirements:
      • Level 1 or higher
      • In a safe zone
      • Not in a party or guild
      • No pending gu

    Switching servers in Throne and Liberty is a straightforward process once you know the steps. Keep the transfer requirements in mind and plan your moves carefully to ensure your transition is . Whether you’re joining friends or seeking new adventures, understanding servers is key to your experience in the game. Happy gaming, and see you in your new server!

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