  1. 輕鬆可愛益智新作《KoroNeko》上架 Steam,幫助滾動小貓逃出草莓魔女的掌心!

    輕鬆可愛益智新作《KoroNeko》上架 Steam,幫助滾動小貓逃出草莓魔女的掌心!

      由 Nomadroid 開發兼發行的休閒可愛益智遊戲《KoroNeko》(コロネコ),現已於 PC Steam 上推出,支援包含簡體中文在內共十種語言。

      本作是一款擁有可愛世界觀的益智遊戲,玩家要控制被魔女「草莓」困在瓶子裡的小貓「Koro」,挑戰 5 個不同區域共超過 100 個以上謎題,每道謎題只要讓小貓滾動到指定方格即可破關,既沒有時間限制也沒有移動次數限制,讓玩家可以在輕鬆的狀態下毫無壓力的進行遊戲,對明亮可愛的遊戲風格感興趣的話,一起進入《KoroNeko》的遊戲世界挑戰解謎吧!


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  2. 懸疑推理 ADV《魔法少女的魔女裁判》募資活動結束,2025 年在 Steam/Switch 上推出

    懸疑推理 ADV《魔法少女的魔女裁判》募資活動結束,2025 年在 Steam/Switch 上推出

      日本 Acacia 目前正在開發中,預定 2025 年內發行的懸疑推理 ADV《魔法少女的魔女裁判》(魔法少女ノ魔女裁判),於 6 月 30 日宣布 CAMPFIRE 募資活動結束,共募集到日幣 6,684 萬 9,444 元,遠遠超過最初的兩百萬元目標。

      《魔法少女的魔女裁判》是一款由 Re,AER 旗下創作者品牌 Acacia 負責開發、插畫家「梅まろ」擔任角色設定、Vocaloid P「SLAVE.V-V-R」操刀主題曲,以圍繞在魔法少女之間的魔女裁判和互相殘殺為主題的魔法論戰推理 ADV。主角櫻羽艾瑪(桜羽エマ)與其他被懷疑是魔女的少女們在茫茫大海上一座孤島的監獄裡一起展開共同生活,直到某天發生了謀殺案...

      官方於今年 4/19 在 CAMPFIRE 平台上發起募資活動,開始後一小時半就突破了目標金額 200 萬日圓,官方隨後又增加了「劇照簡易動畫化」、「Nintendo Switch 移植」和「全語音」等延伸目標,皆隨著募資金額不斷上升而達成,突破三千萬大關時,官方將便不再追加新目標並改成「無目標(∞)」,而是集中精力在開發和回報品製作上。

      在官方宣布 CF 募資活動結束時的 X(原推特)貼文中表示對於這麼多人的支持與幫助由衷感謝,並在最新的 Q&A 環節中說「現在才要慢慢開始」;《魔法少女的魔女裁判》預定 2025 年內在 PC(Steam)/Nintendo Switch 等平台上推出,對開發進度感興趣的話別忘了關注官方 X 帳號喔。

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  3. 直面來自深淵的挑戰!《幽暗洞穴》7/16 正式發售

    直面來自深淵的挑戰!《幽暗洞穴》7/16 正式發售

      Leaves Games 開發、2P Games 發行的像素卡牌構築遊戲《幽暗洞穴》,宣布將於 7 月 16 日正式上架 SteamItch 數位商店。








      在遊戲中設計有三位各具特色的角色職業,每一名角色都有多達 20+可選技能,並且通過戰鬥還能不斷獲得強化。遊戲中更有 40+遺物以及 20+藥物可供玩家選擇搭配,在不斷戰鬥的過程中創造出屬於自己的戰鬥風格及流派。無論是近戰猛攻還是遠端策略,讓你在每一次的冒險中都能夠開啟一場全新的遊戲體驗。




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  4. Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

    Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

    If you’re on the hunt for exclusive items and cosmetics in Palworld, then tracking down the elusive Medal Merchant should be at the top of your to-do list. Recently introduced in the Sakurajima update, the Medal Merchant in Palworld trades in Dog Coins for a variety of goods that can enhance both your survival capabilities and your personal style. Locating this wandering trader might seem daunting, but with a few tips, you’ll be trading in no time.

    Locating the Medal Merchant

    The Medal Merchant in Palworld doesn’t have a fixed location, which adds an element of adventure to your quest. While these merchants are known to spawn randomly, they seem to favor the somber ambiance of ruined churches scattered across the map.

    When you’re searching, keep in mind that the Medal Merchant could be almost anywhere. Here are some strategies to ensure you’re checking the right places:

    • Keep an eye out for the distinctive silhouette of ruined churches as you explore.
    • Move methodically from one potential loc

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    • How to Get Crude Oil in Palworld

      How to Get Crude Oil in Palworld

      In the expansive world of Palworld, harnessing resources is key to supremacy, and with the latest Sakurajima update, Crude Oil in Palworld has become a hot commodity. As a resource pivotal for crafting high-tier materials, it’s essential for giving you the edge in your late-game endeavors.

      However, where do you find this black gold? Let’s dive into the specifics of unlocking and gathering Crude Oil to fuel your adventure.

      Unlocking the Crude Oil Extractor

      If you’re aiming to get Crude Oil in Palworld, your first step is to unlock the Crude Oil Extractor once you’ve reached level 50. Here are the details for getting started:

      • Unlock at level: 50
      • Technology Points needed: 4
      • Crafting requirements: 250 Pal Metal Ingot, 50 Circuit Boards

      With the extractor blueprint in hand, you’re ready to start the extraction process to secure your own stash of Crude Oil in Palworld.

      Extracting Crude Oil on the Map

      To extract Crude Oil in Palworld, you must locate the dark globs known as Oil on the map. These depo

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      • How to Get Crude Oil in Palworld

        How to Get Crude Oil in Palworld

        In the expansive world of Palworld, harnessing resources is key to supremacy, and with the latest Sakurajima update, Crude Oil in Palworld has become a hot commodity. As a resource pivotal for crafting high-tier materials, it’s essential for giving you the edge in your late-game endeavors.

        However, where do you find this black gold? Let’s dive into the specifics of unlocking and gathering Crude Oil to fuel your adventure.

        Unlocking the Crude Oil Extractor

        If you’re aiming to get Crude Oil in Palworld, your first step is to unlock the Crude Oil Extractor once you’ve reached level 50. Here are the details for getting started:

        • Unlock at level: 50
        • Technology Points needed: 4
        • Crafting requirements: 250 Pal Metal Ingot, 50 Circuit Boards

        With the extractor blueprint in hand, you’re ready to start the extraction process to secure your own stash of Crude Oil in Palworld.

        Extracting Crude Oil on the Map

        To extract Crude Oil in Palworld, you must locate the dark globs known as Oil on the map. These depo

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        • Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

          Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

          If you’re on the hunt for exclusive items and cosmetics in Palworld, then tracking down the elusive Medal Merchant should be at the top of your to-do list. Recently introduced in the Sakurajima update, the Medal Merchant in Palworld trades in Dog Coins for a variety of goods that can enhance both your survival capabilities and your personal style. Locating this wandering trader might seem daunting, but with a few tips, you’ll be trading in no time.

          Locating the Medal Merchant

          The Medal Merchant in Palworld doesn’t have a fixed location, which adds an element of adventure to your quest. While these merchants are known to spawn randomly, they seem to favor the somber ambiance of ruined churches scattered across the map.

          When you’re searching, keep in mind that the Medal Merchant could be almost anywhere. Here are some strategies to ensure you’re checking the right places:

          • Keep an eye out for the distinctive silhouette of ruined churches as you explore.
          • Move methodically from one potential loc

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          • How to Get Crude Oil in Palworld

            How to Get Crude Oil in Palworld

            In the expansive world of Palworld, harnessing resources is key to supremacy, and with the latest Sakurajima update, Crude Oil in Palworld has become a hot commodity. As a resource pivotal for crafting high-tier materials, it’s essential for giving you the edge in your late-game endeavors.

            However, where do you find this black gold? Let’s dive into the specifics of unlocking and gathering Crude Oil to fuel your adventure.

            Unlocking the Crude Oil Extractor

            If you’re aiming to get Crude Oil in Palworld, your first step is to unlock the Crude Oil Extractor once you’ve reached level 50. Here are the details for getting started:

            • Unlock at level: 50
            • Technology Points needed: 4
            • Crafting requirements: 250 Pal Metal Ingot, 50 Circuit Boards

            With the extractor blueprint in hand, you’re ready to start the extraction process to secure your own stash of Crude Oil in Palworld.

            Extracting Crude Oil on the Map

            To extract Crude Oil in Palworld, you must locate the dark globs known as Oil on the map. These depo

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            • Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

              Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

              If you’re on the hunt for exclusive items and cosmetics in Palworld, then tracking down the elusive Medal Merchant should be at the top of your to-do list. Recently introduced in the Sakurajima update, the Medal Merchant in Palworld trades in Dog Coins for a variety of goods that can enhance both your survival capabilities and your personal style. Locating this wandering trader might seem daunting, but with a few tips, you’ll be trading in no time.

              Locating the Medal Merchant

              The Medal Merchant in Palworld doesn’t have a fixed location, which adds an element of adventure to your quest. While these merchants are known to spawn randomly, they seem to favor the somber ambiance of ruined churches scattered across the map.

              When you’re searching, keep in mind that the Medal Merchant could be almost anywhere. Here are some strategies to ensure you’re checking the right places:

              • Keep an eye out for the distinctive silhouette of ruined churches as you explore.
              • Move methodically from one potential loc

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              • Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

                Where to Find Medal Merchants in Palworld

                If you’re on the hunt for exclusive items and cosmetics in Palworld, then tracking down the elusive Medal Merchant should be at the top of your to-do list. Recently introduced in the Sakurajima update, the Medal Merchant in Palworld trades in Dog Coins for a variety of goods that can enhance both your survival capabilities and your personal style. Locating this wandering trader might seem daunting, but with a few tips, you’ll be trading in no time.

                Locating the Medal Merchant

                The Medal Merchant in Palworld doesn’t have a fixed location, which adds an element of adventure to your quest. While these merchants are known to spawn randomly, they seem to favor the somber ambiance of ruined churches scattered across the map.

                When you’re searching, keep in mind that the Medal Merchant could be almost anywhere. Here are some strategies to ensure you’re checking the right places:

                • Keep an eye out for the distinctive silhouette of ruined churches as you explore.
                • Move methodically from one potential loc

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