  1. 「Xbox Partner Preview」10/18 公開!《人中之龍8 外傳 Pirates in Hawaii》等多款新作最新情報畫面即將公開

    「Xbox Partner Preview」10/18 公開!《人中之龍8 外傳 Pirates in Hawaii》等多款新作最新情報畫面即將公開

      Microsoft 微軟宣佈,將自台灣時間 10 月 18 日 01:00 起,公開最新 Xbox 新作遊戲情報節目「Xbox Partner Preview」,為玩家們帶來多款 Xbox 遊戲第一手情報畫面讓玩家確認。

      「Xbox Partner Preview」為微軟針對 Xbox 第三方廠商遊戲所推出的情報介紹節目。在這次的節目中,目前預定時間全部共 25 分鐘,總計展出遊戲多達 12 款以上,預定公開情報包括《Alan Wake 心靈殺手2》(PC/PS5/Xbox Series X|S)資料片「The Lake House」、《人中之龍8 外傳 Pirates in Hawaii》(PC/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PS4/Xbox One)最新影片等等,玩家們屆時可別錯過欣賞。


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  2. 沉浸非洲自然之美!休閒攝影沙盒遊戲《Seclusa》DEMO 版開放試玩

    沉浸非洲自然之美!休閒攝影沙盒遊戲《Seclusa》DEMO 版開放試玩

      獨立遊戲工作室 Studio Niente 宣布,預定 2025 年第一季在 PC Steam 上發行一款新作遊戲《Seclusa》,並配合 Steam Next Fest 新品節活動推出 DEMO 版讓玩家試玩。


      一開始玩家無法接觸到太多東西,等級會隨著拍照和長時間待在觀察地點而提升,就能解鎖更多動物和新地點,玩家的相機也能夠升級,大幅改善照片的氛圍讓名為「攝影沙盒」(Photography Sandbox)的能力增強,可自訂作為拍攝對象的動物、時間和天氣狀況等,每種生物都還有稀有的變種存在。

      在 DEMO 版中玩家即便什麼都不做,只要待在觀察地點等待動物經過、欣賞大自然或聽收音機,經驗值就會慢慢增加,還能造訪小屋點選各種東西體驗澆花和撫摸貓咪的樂趣等等,還提供一個拼圖小遊戲讓玩家放鬆,如果對非洲大自然感興趣的話,不妨下載《Seclusa》DEMO 版嘗鮮吧!


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  3. 《夢幻戰士收藏合輯》Steam 版近期推出!DLC 數位美術書/數位原聲音樂集同步開放收藏

    《夢幻戰士收藏合輯》Steam 版近期推出!DLC 數位美術書/數位原聲音樂集同步開放收藏

      日本 Edia 目前正在 Nintendo Switch 等平台發行中的人氣動作遊戲《夢幻戰士》系列復刻同梱版《夢幻戰士收藏合輯》(夢幻戦士ヴァリスCOLLECTION,中文名暫稱),宣布也將於近期移植到 Steam 上,並以《Valis:The Fantasm Soldier Collection Launcher》形式推出登場。

      《夢幻戰士》系列為 1986 年 Telenet Japan 所發售的橫向卷軸類型動作遊戲三部曲系列。在遊戲中,將以劍與魔法的「夢幻界」作為舞台,玩家操縱被指名為女神戰士的女高中生「麻生優子」來進行關卡挑戰。爽快的動作戰鬥,加上獨特的女高中生比基尼戰士造型等要素,讓本系列自推出以來就廣受好評喜愛。

      至於《夢幻戰士收藏合輯》,為 Edia 於 2021 年 12 月起在 Switch 等平台推出,所推出,將這款經典 JK 美少女戰士 2D 橫向卷軸類型動作遊戲《夢幻戰士》系列多款作品重製並同梱在一起,除了畫面優化,並保留原作演出特色與氣氛外,並追加音效模式、視覺美術模式與倒轉功能等新要素的復刻同梱版。

      而在這次的 Steam 版方面,玩家可以先安裝免費的遊戲入口《Valis:The Fantasm Soldier Collection Launcher》,之後就能將一到三代(《夢幻戰士Valis》、《Valis II》、《Valis III》)以 DLC 形式個別購買收藏。同時 Steam 版還將會提供本作數位美術書與數位原聲音樂集以 DLC 形式推出讓玩家收藏,有興趣的玩家們可以趁這次機會來趕快入手。


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  4. Roguelite 新作《Karate Survivor 武林求生》發售日公開,DEMO 版新品節開放試玩

    Roguelite 新作《Karate Survivor 武林求生》發售日公開,DEMO 版新品節開放試玩

      獨立遊戲團隊 Alawar 宣布,由他們開發兼發行的新作 Roguelite 動作遊戲《武林求生》(Karate Survivor),將於當地時間 10 月 30 日(台灣因時差順延一天)在 PC Steam 上推出同步,將支援包含繁體中文在內等多種語言。

      本作為一款深受 80 年代經典動作電影啟發,結合《吸血鬼倖存者》類型玩法的 Roguelite 動作遊戲。玩家在遊戲中將化身為武術大師,利用環境和臨時武器,掌握全新技藝臨場發揮,把不知疲倦的無賴和混混全都打退!


      充滿爽快武打動作,讓人彷彿身在經典動作電影般的《武林求生》即將推出,DEMO 版現已於 Steam 公開,感興趣的玩家們不妨趁新品節活動期間下載來試試身手吧!


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  5. 《七龍珠 電光炸裂!ZERO》發售 24 小時全球累積銷量突破 300 萬套

    《七龍珠 電光炸裂!ZERO》發售 24 小時全球累積銷量突破 300 萬套

      萬代南夢宮娛樂宣布,於上週五 10 月 11 日發售的《七龍珠Z 電光炸裂!》系列最新家用主機遊戲作品《七龍珠 電光炸裂!ZERO》,於發售後僅 24 小時,全球累積銷量已突破 300 萬套(包含數位版&Steam 版)。


      本作為以在全球擁有極大人氣的《七龍珠》為主題的 3D 對戰動作遊戲《七龍珠Z 電光炸裂!》系列,睽違 17 年的最新作品。

    玩家將可充分發揮系列作中最多,多達 182 名角色各自個性鮮明的能力及特色,變身為超級賽亞人,或是將氣保留至最後一刻再放出強力的必殺技,一口氣逆轉劣勢等,盡情享受宛如《七龍珠》一般,沉浸在最戲劇化的戰鬥體驗當中。

      本作由萬代南夢宮集團超過 30 個海外據點攜手合作,除了以北美的巡迴展覽為首,陸續於歐洲、南美洲及亞洲地區的遊戲活動中展出外,更針對各個區域的市場特性進行推廣,才得以吸引超越至今人數的廣大玩家遊玩體驗,帶來本作耀眼的銷售成績。萬代南夢宮娛樂今後將會持續以「可長久、深入遊玩的優質內容」以及「多樣化的娛樂」超越全球粉絲的期待。

    《七龍珠Z 電光炸裂!》系列簡介

      《七龍珠Z 電光炸裂!》系列的第一部作品為 2005 年 10 月發售的《七龍珠Z Sparking!》,是《七龍珠》遊戲中首個挑戰 3D 對戰動作遊戲的系列。除了可以運用舞空術、龜派氣功等《七龍珠》中獨有的技能,在立體空間中享受如同《七龍珠》一般熱血刺激的戰鬥,系列前作《七龍珠 Z Sparking!Meteor》中更收錄了超過 160 位可遊玩角色,成功於推出當時打造了《七龍珠》遊戲中的全新類別,更是深受全球玩家喜愛的作品。...

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  6. 《無限機兵》Steam 新品節開放免費試玩版,可挑戰神秘關卡「機兵狩獵者」

    《無限機兵》Steam 新品節開放免費試玩版,可挑戰神秘關卡「機兵狩獵者」

      中電博亞 CE-Asia 發行,Sense Games 開發的廢土科幻 ARPG《無限機兵》(AI LIMIT),現正參與 Steam 新品節。玩家可在 SteamPS5 平台下載免費試玩版進行體驗。



      在宣傳片中可以看到遊戲的第一個完整關卡「地城水道西南」。在攻略這一關卡的過程中,玩家可能遭遇不同類型的敵人,包括難纏的精英怪物和 Boss。玩家既可以充分利用角色的動作特性、神秘術式和能力,在恰當的時機給予敵人致命一擊,也可以尋找那些隱藏道具與武器裝備,通過合理運用達到事半功倍的效果。

      在通關 demo 過後,玩家還可遊玩開發團隊準備的神秘關卡,挑戰強大「機兵狩獵者」。該關卡中玩家可以使用更多武器、術式與機兵能力,一窺遊戲中期的戰鬥與裝備搭配玩法。

      《無限機兵》試玩版現已在 Steam 和 PS5 雙平台推出,體驗過後還可以在遊戲內填寫官方調查問卷,為遊戲提出意見建議。對試玩體驗滿意的玩家也可將遊戲加入願望單,以便瞭解遊戲的最新消息。


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  7. 10 Most Popular Esports Games of 2024

    10 Most Popular Esports Games of 2024

    Esports in 2024 is hitting new heights, with a wide range of games keeping fans locked in. While PC and console titles have traditionally dominated the competitive gaming scene, mobile games have surged in popularity, establishing themselves as key players in esports. With massive viewership numbers and high-stakes tournaments, mobile games like Mobile Legends: Bang Bang and PUBG Mobile are now rivaling, and in some cases surpassing, their PC and console counterparts. This shift marks a significant evolution in the esports ecosystem, where accessibility and mobile-first gaming are becoming increasingly influential. The following list highlights the 10 most popular esports games of 2024, based on their highest viewership numbers. 

    1. League of Legends

    League of Legends (LoL) is one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games, developed by Riot Games. Released in 2009, it has grown into a global esports phenomenon with a thriving competitive scene. Players control champions with unique abilities, working in teams to destroy the opposing team's Nexus. LoL's strategic depth, fast-paced gameplay, and constant updates have maintained its strong player base and relevance. 

    The League of Legends World Championship, often referred to as Worlds, is among the biggest esports events globally, attracting millions of viewers each year. Professional leagues, like the LCS in North America and the LCK in Korea, further amplify its esports popularity, with teams competing for prestigious titles and significant prize pools. LoL's accessibility, free-to-play model, and strategic gameplay have made it a staple in the esports industry. 

    • 2024 Peak Viewership: 2,829,728 (Mid-Season Invitational) 
    • Total prize money in 2024: $5,586,606.18 
    • Release date: October 27, 2009 
    • Famous tournaments: Worlds, Mid-Season Invitational (MSI), League Championship Series (LCS) 

    2. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (Mobile)

    Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a mobile MOBA developed by Moonton, released in 2016. It features fast-paced, 5v5 battles that are similar to traditional MOBAs but optimized for shorter matches on mobile devices. Its ease of play and low hardware requirements have made it one of the most popular mobile games, especially in Southeast Asia. 

    In terms of esports, Mobile Legends has gained immense traction, with tournaments like the Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) and the annual Mobile Legends World Championship (M2) drawing massive viewership. The game's success in regions like Indonesia and the Philippines has helped cement it as a major player in the mobile esports scene. 

    • 2024 Peak Viewership: 2,382,990 (M4 World Championship) 
    • Total prize money in 2024: $4,817,758.60 
    • Release date: July 11, 2016 
    • Famous tournaments: M4 World Championship

    started as a mod for and has since evolved into one of the most iconic first-person shooters (FPS) in gaming history. Its latest iteration, , was released in 2023, updating the beloved franchise with improved graphics, new gameplay mechanics, and updated maps, while retaining the tactical, team-based gameplay that has made the series a staple of the esports industry. Players take on roles as terrorists or counter-terrorists, battling across various maps in fast-paced, high-stakes rounds. 

    is a fixture in global esports tournaments, such as ESL Pro League and Intel Extreme Masters. The Major Championships, sponsored by Valve, remain one of the most prestigious and anticipated events in competitive gaming. With deep roots in the gaming community and constant competitive evolution, continues to thrive as one of the most beloved esports titles worldwide. 

    • Release date: March 22, 2023 () 

    , developed by Riot Games, is a tactical FPS with hero-based mechanics. Released in 2020, it combines elements of classic shooters like with character abilities reminiscent of games like . This mix of strategy, precision, and unique character skills has made it highly popular among competitive gamers. 

    Riot Games has invested heavily in esports ecosystem, with the Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) being its flagship tournament series. growing player base and the game's focus on competitive integrity have helped it carve a significant place in the esports world, making it a staple of the FPS competitive scene. 

      , developed by Valve, is a MOBA that serves as the spiritual successor to the original mod for . Known for its steep learning curve and complex strategy, features 5v5 team battles where players aim to destroy the enemy team's Ancient. The game's deep mechanics and diverse hero pool make it one of the most challenging yet rewarding esports titles. 

      is best known for its annual esports event, The International (TI), which consistently boasts the largest prize pools in esports history, sometimes exceeding $40 million. The combination of high-stakes competition and a dedicated player base ensures that remains a major force in the global esports landscape. 

        , developed by Epic Games, revolutionized the battle royale genre with its mix of building mechanics and shooter gameplay. Released in 2017, it quickly gained massive popularity for its colorful art style, unique gameplay, and frequent content updates. Its free-to-play model, cross-platform play, and in-game events have contributed to its enormous global player base. 

        The game's esports scene took off with the Fortnite World Cup, where players competed for multi-million dollar prize pools. While esports scene is less structured compared to other competitive titles, it still draws in large audiences for its major events, making it a cornerstone of the battle royale genre in esports. 

          (AoV) is a mobile MOBA developed by Tencent Games, optimized for fast 5v5 matches. It features a vast roster of heroes and quick, strategic gameplay. AoV is especially popular in Asia, with a strong following in countries like China, Thailand, and Vietnam. 

            Developed by Respawn Entertainment, is a free-to-play battle royale game that emphasizes hero-based gameplay, where players choose from a roster of characters with unique abilities. Released in 2019, the game quickly gained a reputation for its fast-paced action, innovative ping system, and team-based dynamics. 

            The game's esports scene is growing, with the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) being the primary competitive circuit. has carved out a unique space in the battle royale genre, thanks to its fluid movement system and the strategic layer added by character abilities, making it a rising star in competitive gaming. 

              , the mobile adaptation of , is one of the most popular mobile battle royale games globally. Players parachute onto an island, scavenge for weapons, and fight to be the last person or team standing. Its realistic graphics and tactical gameplay distinguish it from other titles in the genre. 

                , developed by Ubisoft, is a tactical shooter that emphasizes teamwork, strategy, and destructible environments. Teams of attackers and defenders compete in close-quarters combat, utilizing unique operators with specialized gadgets. Since its release in 2015, the game has garnered a dedicated competitive following due to its high skill ceiling and strategic depth. 

                esports scene, highlighted by events like the Six Invitational and the Pro League, continues to grow in popularity. The game's focus on tactical execution and deep team strategies has made it a mainstay in the competitive shooter genre, consistently drawing large crowds and professional teams worldwide. 

                  Esports in 2024 is bigger than ever, with PC, console, and mobile games dominating the scene. As mobile titles rise to rival the classics, the competitive gaming landscape continues to expand. These top games have proven their staying power with massive viewership and packed tournaments. To perform at your best, having the right gear is essential. Acer's Predator and Nitro lines offer the tools to give you a competitive edge. The and deliver top-tier performance with high refresh rates and powerful GPUs to keep you ahead. For more budget-friendly options, the and provide excellent performance without breaking the bank. Gear up with Acer's Predator and Nitro products to take your gaming to the next level.

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                • Complete List of Synthesis Abilities in Metaphor: ReFantazio

                  Complete List of Synthesis Abilities in Metaphor: ReFantazio

                  In the intricate world of Metaphor: ReFantazio, leveraging Synthesis abilities is vital for your team’s success. These powerful moves can only be executed through specific Archetype combinations. This creates a dynamic synergy that unleashes devastating effects on your enemies. Here’s a comprehensive list of Synthesis abilities to help you strategize and dominate in combat.

                  Seeker Synthesis Combinations

                  As a Seeker, your versatility in combat allows you to adapt and combine forces with various allies. Here are the Seeker’s Synthesis abilities:

                  LineageSynthesis AbilityEffectSecond Ally
                  SeekerRider of the BladeHeavy physical Light damage (single-target)Knight, Healer, Commander
                  SeekerHorse-Drawn CarnageHeavy Strike damage (single-target)Warrior, Brawler, Berserker
                  SeekerGacycWeak magic Wind damage (all foes)Seeker, Mage, Healer
                  SeekerMatarukajaRaises party's attack for three turnsSeeker, Knight, Commander
                  SeekerAdventurer's CuriosityRaises party's crit rate for three turnsGunner, Masked Dancer,
                  Knight, Healer, CommanderRequires Meda skill

                  So choose your allies wisely and experiment with different setups to find the most powerful synergy. These Synthesis abilities not only offer a tactical advantage but also bring a thrilling dynamic to each battle. Harness their , and you’ll be an unstoppable force in the realm of Metaphor: ReFantazio.

                  • ...
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                • Complete List of Synthesis Abilities in Metaphor: ReFantazio

                  Complete List of Synthesis Abilities in Metaphor: ReFantazio

                  In the intricate world of Metaphor: ReFantazio, leveraging Synthesis abilities is vital for your team’s success. These powerful moves can only be executed through specific Archetype combinations. This creates a dynamic synergy that unleashes devastating effects on your enemies. Here’s a comprehensive list of Synthesis abilities to help you strategize and dominate in combat.

                  Seeker Synthesis Combinations

                  As a Seeker, your versatility in combat allows you to adapt and combine forces with various allies. Here are the Seeker’s Synthesis abilities:

                  LineageSynthesis AbilityEffectSecond Ally
                  SeekerRider of the BladeHeavy physical Light damage (single-target)Knight, Healer, Commander
                  SeekerHorse-Drawn CarnageHeavy Strike damage (single-target)Warrior, Brawler, Berserker
                  SeekerGacycWeak magic Wind damage (all foes)Seeker, Mage, Healer
                  SeekerMatarukajaRaises party's attack for three turnsSeeker, Knight, Commander
                  SeekerAdventurer's CuriosityRaises party's crit rate for three turnsGunner, Masked Dancer,
                  Knight, Healer, CommanderRequires Meda skill

                  So choose your allies wisely and experiment with different setups to find the most powerful synergy. These Synthesis abilities not only offer a tactical advantage but also bring a thrilling dynamic to each battle. Harness their , and you’ll be an unstoppable force in the realm of Metaphor: ReFantazio.

                  • ...
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                • The Famous Hook of Dendi and His Legacy

                  The Famous Hook of Dendi and His Legacy

                  Daniel “Dendi” Ishutin is a name synonymous with Dota 2. His journey from a young gamer in Ukraine to a global esports icon captures the heart of what competitive gaming represents. Dendi not only showcased incredible skill and creativity on the battlefield but also became a symbol of hope and inspiration for countless aspiring players.

                  Central to his legacy is the unforgettable “fountain hook” against TongFu during The International 2013, a moment that defined a generation and demonstrated how one player’s unique approach could change the game. This article delves into Dendi's life, career, and the legendary plays that earned him a place in esports history.

                  Early Life and Passion for Gaming

                  Dendi was born in Lviv, Ukraine, on December 30, 1989, in a family that cherished music and art. Despite financial struggles, his grandmother’s support enabled the family to purchase a computer in 1997. This marked the beginning of Dendi’s love for gaming. He spent countless hours playing Counter-Str

                  While the landscape of esports continues to evolve, Dendi’s legacy as Dota’s hook that drew players into the game remains firmly established. His story serves as a reminder that in the world of gaming, innovation and passion can lead to unforgettable moments that resonate for .

                  • ...
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