This Ivy Build Should Be Illegal in Deadlock

Ivy, known for her supportive abilities in Deadlock, received some key changes in the recent patch that have pushed her into the spotlight with a new, powerful build. These changes have transformed her into an even more disruptive force, especially in team fights. The patch adjustments included making Ivy's Stone Form work against airborne targets, which gives her extra survivability in chaotic fights. The increased radius of her Kudzu Bomb with improved spirit power scaling and other bug fixes have made her much more reliable. These tweaks have given rise to a build that maximizes her control over the battlefield, making it feel like playing Ivy this way should be illegal.

The Ultimate Ivy Build

The build that has made Ivy such a menace in Deadlock in this patch revolves around several key items: Soul Rebirth for extra cooldown reduction, Mystic Reach and Myster Reverb for extending the radius of her abilities and adding delayed damage, Escalating Exposure for increased spirit damage per tick, Refresher to refresh her charges and further reduce cooldowns, and finally, Rapid Recharge, which grants her four charges on her Kudzu Bomb (S1). These items work together to give Ivy a massive area of effect and insane utility in fights, making her a terror to deal with.

With this build, Ivy's Kudzu Bomb can cover large sections of the battlefield, forcing enemies to think twice before engaging in that area. The slow from her bomb, combined with the high DPS, puts Ivy in a position where she can control zones with ease. Enemies caught in her Kudzu Bomb will find themselves at a significant disadvantage, often backing off instead of trying to fight in the area affected. The combination of slow, damage, and her charges makes Ivy one of the most oppressive heroes in terms of area control, making it nearly impossible for opponents to mount a successful offensive when she’s around.

Air Drop and Massive Control

Ivy's ultimate, Air Drop, becomes even more dangerous with this build. The increased radius from the Mystic Reach and Myster Reverb items allows her to silence enemies in a massive area for four seconds. What makes this even scarier is the fact that with Refresher, Ivy can use her ultimate twice, leading to an eight-second silence. This leaves enemies unable to use their abilities, effectively rendering them useless for a significant portion of the fight. In competitive matches, this kind of control is invaluable, as it can completely turn the tide of battle in favor of her team.

Even though Ivy's Kudzu Bomb doesn't stack its slow and damage effects, having four charges allows her to cover more ground in a fight. She can throw bombs in different areas, making it harder for enemies to avoid getting hit. This gives her team ample time to secure objectives or position themselves better during engagements. Ivy's ultimate combined with the slow and damage from her Kudzu Bomb makes her a nightmare to deal with in close-quarter fights, especially when she's able to repeatedly cast her abilities thanks to the cooldown reduction and refreshed charges from this build.

Ivy's Role in Solo Queue

Historically, Ivy has been more of a niche pick in Deadlock, especially in solo queue. Her playstyle revolved around providing support and disrupting enemies from a distance, which required a lot of coordination to be effective. In competitive play, she was valued for her safety and her ability to assist teammates from afar, but she didn't see as much use in solo queue due to the difficulty of maximizing her impact without a coordinated team. However, this new build has changed that. Now, even solo players are picking up Ivy, as her ability to control fights and farm resources has become much easier.

A Fun and Powerful Addition to the Game

This patch has brought more variety to Ivy's playstyle, making her not only more fun to play but also more impactful in both solo queue and competitive play. The changes to her kit and the emergence of this build give players the opportunity to use Ivy in new and exciting ways. No longer just a supportive character, Ivy has become a hero who can control large sections of the map and single-handedly disrupt enemy teams. This has given her a new level of relevance in the meta, especially for players looking to be more aggressive and assertive in fights.


If you've ever wanted to dominate the battlefield while keeping your enemies guessing, this Ivy build is perfect for you. Her ability to control fights with her massive area-of-effect abilities, combined with her insane crowd control, makes her a top-tier pick in the current meta. Whether you're playing in solo queue or competitive matches, this build turns Ivy into a disruptive force that's hard to deal with. Don't miss out on trying this overpowered build—it's a game-changer that can carry you to victory.

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