阿財WiseWidy .
  1. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  2. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  3. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  4. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  5. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  6. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  7. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  8. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  9. Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    Apex Legends Beginner's Guide: Top 5 Most Important Settings | PLANET9

    This guide was written by our Apex Legends partner WiseWidy and translated by Elisha Liu.

    Hello everyone, my name is WiseWidy. When people download a new game, they usually start playing it without figuring out the settings and feel that the controls and gameplay are anti-ergonomics, thus ruining the game experience. Only after going through the settings players realize how it could be adjusted to elevate the game experience. Therefore, I'll be sharing 5 common settings Apex players should optimize in this article.

    No. 1: Turn Off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu"

    You must turn this setting off to swap body shields without being interrupted during fights. Once the swap is done you basically gain a second life, and it'll grant you the chance to come back from dire situations with a broken shield to winning encounters. A perfect example of this would be Roieee clutching and winning the ALGS APAC South Playoffs for his team DreamFire using this technique. See video below:



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  10. 【阿財 APEX】Flowstate Aim Trainer 功能介紹

    【阿財 APEX】Flowstate Aim Trainer 功能介紹

    哈咯,大家好,我是阿財。Apex游戲本身一直都很欠缺的其中一個項目就是練槍模式。自帶的靶場頂多只能讓玩家更熟悉得理解角色和武器而已,并不能很高效的去練習槍法。但是,國外社群高手就利用R5 Reloaded自製了一款最真實貼切還原Apex槍支屬性的練槍模組 - Flowstate Aim Trainer,而且還免費下載!不過下載和安裝過程不是一鍵就有,所以整個安裝流程我有做成影片,可以在我的YT找到 (下面有鏈接)。那接下來,我就直接介紹這款練槍模組的各個模式和功能。

    登入Flowstate Aim Trainer后,畫面的左邊就會有各式各樣的練槍模式。在模式上面第二個選項是練槍的歷史數據記錄,第三個則是調整練槍模式的設定。




    ▶ Strafing Dummy (掃射假人) - 實用性 - 高


    ▶ Target Switching (目標切換) - 實用性 - 高


    ▶ Floating Target (浮動目標) - 實用性 - 低


    ▶ Popcorn Targets (跳墊目標) - 實用性 - 高


    ▶ Tile Frenzy (瓷磚狂潮) - /

    ▶ Close Fast Strafes (近距掃射) -

    ▶ Smoothbot (絲滑跟搶) -

    ▶ Fast Jump Strafes (跳動掃射) -

    ▶ Arc Star Practice (電弧星練習) -

    ▶ Grenades Practice (手雷練習) -

    ▶ Shooting Valk's Ult (瓦爾大招起飛射擊練習) -

    ▶ Shooting from Lift (天際綫上升射擊練習) -

    ▶ Skydiving Targets (跳傘飛行降落練習) -

    ▶ Running Targets (跑動目標) -


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