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  1. PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App provides the players with a mobile portal that can be instantly used when AFK (away from keyboard). Through the PLANET9 App, players can follow all kinds of Tournaments, Clubs, Teams, and other PLANET9 player's activities.

    PLANET9 App recently released a major update, and this update brings brand new visual designs and many new functions.
    •    Brand new visual designs and operation: Incorporating more PLANET9's cyberpunk visual design styles, its operation is also rearranged for the vertical mobile phone screen, making the new interface design more fashionable and easier to use.
    •    Multiple kinds of SSO (Single Sign-on): Besides using personal email, also supports registering and signing in Planet9 via personal Apple, Discord, Facebook, Google or Twitch accounts.
    •    PLANET9 Battle Pass: Receive rewards and level up by completing the missions from the PLANET9 Battle Pass.
    •    New player card: Reward covers and frames can be chosen from the PLANET9 Battle Pass to decorate the player card, and according to personal preferences, you can replace the game picture on the player card to make your player card more personal and attractive.
    •    Explore: Integrating the exploration functions of Tournament, Player, Team, Club and Course on PLANET9 into a single screen, and various filters in the exploration function can also speed up the search efficiency.
    •    Quick post: Post articles instantly via the quick post button on the toolbar, share articles and video URLs, or conduct a survey.
    •    Connect Wall: Added or following Club, Team, friends and your own posts to the same wall, and can make various interactions.

    Open Apple App Store (iOS), Google Play Store(Android) or scan the QRcode below with your phone right now, download the newest version PLANET9 App. Reward frames can be collected via Planet9 Battle Pass by signing into the PLANET9 App successfully, making your PLANET9 player picture look cool!



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  2. PLANET 9 - Entrenamiento para gamers

    PLANET 9 - Entrenamiento para gamers

    No importa si vas comenzando o si ya eres pro, en Planet 9 encontrarás las herramientas necesarias para llevar tus habilidades en el gaming al siguiente nivel. 
    Conoce en este video todo lo que tiene por ofrecerte Planet 9.


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  3. PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App provides the players with a mobile portal that can be instantly used when AFK (away from keyboard). Through the PLANET9 App, players can follow all kinds of Tournaments, Clubs, Teams, and other PLANET9 player's activities.

    PLANET9 App recently released a major update, and this update brings brand new visual designs and many new functions.
    •    Brand new visual designs and operation: Incorporating more PLANET9's cyberpunk visual design styles, its operation is also rearranged for the vertical mobile phone screen, making the new interface design more fashionable and easier to use.
    •    Multiple kinds of SSO (Single Sign-on): Besides using personal email, also supports registering and signing in Planet9 via personal Apple, Discord, Facebook, Google or Twitch accounts.
    •    PLANET9 Battle Pass: Receive rewards and level up by completing the missions from the PLANET9 Battle Pass.
    •    New player card: Reward covers and frames can be chosen from the PLANET9 Battle Pass to decorate the player card, and according to personal preferences, you can replace the game picture on the player card to make your player card more personal and attractive.
    •    Explore: Integrating the exploration functions of Tournament, Player, Team, Club and Course on PLANET9 into a single screen, and various filters in the exploration function can also speed up the search efficiency.
    •    Quick post: Post articles instantly via the quick post button on the toolbar, share articles and video URLs, or conduct a survey.
    •    Connect Wall: Added or following Club, Team, friends and your own posts to the same wall, and can make various interactions.

    Open Apple App Store (iOS), Google Play Store(Android) or scan the QRcode below with your phone right now, download the newest version PLANET9 App. Reward frames can be collected via Planet9 Battle Pass by signing into the PLANET9 App successfully, making your PLANET9 player picture look cool!



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  4. PLANET 9 - Entrenamiento para gamers

    PLANET 9 - Entrenamiento para gamers

    No importa si vas comenzando o si ya eres pro, en Planet 9 encontrarás las herramientas necesarias para llevar tus habilidades en el gaming al siguiente nivel. 
    Conoce en este video todo lo que tiene por ofrecerte Planet 9.


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  5. PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App provides the players with a mobile portal that can be instantly used when AFK (away from keyboard). Through the PLANET9 App, players can follow all kinds of Tournaments, Clubs, Teams, and other PLANET9 player's activities.

    PLANET9 App recently released a major update, and this update brings brand new visual designs and many new functions.
    •    Brand new visual designs and operation: Incorporating more PLANET9's cyberpunk visual design styles, its operation is also rearranged for the vertical mobile phone screen, making the new interface design more fashionable and easier to use.
    •    Multiple kinds of SSO (Single Sign-on): Besides using personal email, also supports registering and signing in Planet9 via personal Apple, Discord, Facebook, Google or Twitch accounts.
    •    PLANET9 Battle Pass: Receive rewards and level up by completing the missions from the PLANET9 Battle Pass.
    •    New player card: Reward covers and frames can be chosen from the PLANET9 Battle Pass to decorate the player card, and according to personal preferences, you can replace the game picture on the player card to make your player card more personal and attractive.
    •    Explore: Integrating the exploration functions of Tournament, Player, Team, Club and Course on PLANET9 into a single screen, and various filters in the exploration function can also speed up the search efficiency.
    •    Quick post: Post articles instantly via the quick post button on the toolbar, share articles and video URLs, or conduct a survey.
    •    Connect Wall: Added or following Club, Team, friends and your own posts to the same wall, and can make various interactions.

    Open Apple App Store (iOS), Google Play Store(Android) or scan the QRcode below with your phone right now, download the newest version PLANET9 App. Reward frames can be collected via Planet9 Battle Pass by signing into the PLANET9 App successfully, making your PLANET9 player picture look cool!



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  6. PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App provides the players with a mobile portal that can be instantly used when AFK (away from keyboard). Through the PLANET9 App, players can follow all kinds of Tournaments, Clubs, Teams, and other PLANET9 player's activities.

    PLANET9 App recently released a major update, and this update brings brand new visual designs and many new functions.
    •    Brand new visual designs and operation: Incorporating more PLANET9's cyberpunk visual design styles, its operation is also rearranged for the vertical mobile phone screen, making the new interface design more fashionable and easier to use.
    •    Multiple kinds of SSO (Single Sign-on): Besides using personal email, also supports registering and signing in Planet9 via personal Apple, Discord, Facebook, Google or Twitch accounts.
    •    PLANET9 Battle Pass: Receive rewards and level up by completing the missions from the PLANET9 Battle Pass.
    •    New player card: Reward covers and frames can be chosen from the PLANET9 Battle Pass to decorate the player card, and according to personal preferences, you can replace the game picture on the player card to make your player card more personal and attractive.
    •    Explore: Integrating the exploration functions of Tournament, Player, Team, Club and Course on PLANET9 into a single screen, and various filters in the exploration function can also speed up the search efficiency.
    •    Quick post: Post articles instantly via the quick post button on the toolbar, share articles and video URLs, or conduct a survey.
    •    Connect Wall: Added or following Club, Team, friends and your own posts to the same wall, and can make various interactions.

    Open Apple App Store (iOS), Google Play Store(Android) or scan the QRcode below with your phone right now, download the newest version PLANET9 App. Reward frames can be collected via Planet9 Battle Pass by signing into the PLANET9 App successfully, making your PLANET9 player picture look cool!



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  7. PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App new version is out and evolved again! Make your own player card, enrich your gaming journey!

    PLANET9 App provides the players with a mobile portal that can be instantly used when AFK (away from keyboard). Through the PLANET9 App, players can follow all kinds of Tournaments, Clubs, Teams, and other PLANET9 player's activities.

    PLANET9 App recently released a major update, and this update brings brand new visual designs and many new functions.
    •    Brand new visual designs and operation: Incorporating more PLANET9's cyberpunk visual design styles, its operation is also rearranged for the vertical mobile phone screen, making the new interface design more fashionable and easier to use.
    •    Multiple kinds of SSO (Single Sign-on): Besides using personal email, also supports registering and signing in Planet9 via personal Apple, Discord, Facebook, Google or Twitch accounts.
    •    PLANET9 Battle Pass: Receive rewards and level up by completing the missions from the PLANET9 Battle Pass.
    •    New player card: Reward covers and frames can be chosen from the PLANET9 Battle Pass to decorate the player card, and according to personal preferences, you can replace the game picture on the player card to make your player card more personal and attractive.
    •    Explore: Integrating the exploration functions of Tournament, Player, Team, Club and Course on PLANET9 into a single screen, and various filters in the exploration function can also speed up the search efficiency.
    •    Quick post: Post articles instantly via the quick post button on the toolbar, share articles and video URLs, or conduct a survey.
    •    Connect Wall: Added or following Club, Team, friends and your own posts to the same wall, and can make various interactions.

    Open Apple App Store (iOS), Google Play Store(Android) or scan the QRcode below with your phone right now, download the newest version PLANET9 App. Reward frames can be collected via Planet9 Battle Pass by signing into the PLANET9 App successfully, making your PLANET9 player picture look cool!



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  8. PLANET9 ProClip,輕鬆開啟遊戲內容創作的起點

    PLANET9 ProClip,輕鬆開啟遊戲內容創作的起點

    在社群媒體展現自己在電腦競技遊戲中的高光表現總是令人興奮, 然而在長時間遊戲錄影中剪輯出高光時刻卻經常是耗時費工; 此外,昂貴且功能複雜的專業影片剪輯工具更是阻礙許多電腦遊戲玩家能輕鬆製作遊戲高光影片的主要原因之一。


    你是否也正在尋找一個簡單易用又能在遊戲中自動錄製高光片段的工具?不妨看看 PLANET9 ProClip,這可能是您一直在尋找立即可用的解決方案。

    PLANET9 ProClip 的設計以簡單易用為出發點。在您遊玩支援的PC遊戲時,它會無縫運行在背景中,自動捕捉您最精彩的遊戲高光時刻。這種用戶友好的設計使其適用於缺乏廣泛技術知識的休閒玩家。此外,PLANET9 ProClip 更進一步與PLANET9 遊戲社群平台整合,為初次踏入遊戲內容創作領域的玩家提供了額外能展現屬於自己高光時刻的機會。

    PLANET9 ProClip 對於渴望成為PC遊戲內容創作者的玩家來說是一個無痛上手的起始點:

    PLANET9 ProClip 簡單易用,且以不影響原本遊戲體驗為其最高設計原則。在你進入支援的PC遊戲冒險時,PLANET9 ProClip 會自動無縫運行在螢幕背景中,且自動捕捉遊戲中屬於玩家你的遊戲精彩時刻 (例如: 勝利、擊殺、擊倒..等等),此功能消除了手動錄製的需求,讓你能夠專注於遊戲,不受任何中斷。當你退出遊戲程式後,PLANET9 ProClip 將自動跳至螢幕前景並顯示已錄製的遊戲片段,PLANET9 ProClip 的自動化確保每個玩家都可輕鬆捕捉到最激動人心的時刻。

    PLANET9 ProClip 整合簡易的編輯工具,可讓你輕鬆裁減或合併捕捉到的片段長度。比賽時間軸和精華片段功能簡化了編輯過程,使你能夠創建引人入勝且精緻的內容,無需外部編輯軟體。

    從應用程式直接分享 ProClip 視頻到自己的 YouTube 頻道,這種無縫分享功能簡化了工作流程,使電腦休閒玩家容易向更廣泛的觀眾展示他們的遊戲精彩片段。 (將逐步整合更多影片分享平台)

    PLANET9 社群:
    通過應用程式直接在 PLANET9 上發布你的內容創作。成為 PLANET9 會員可以利用 PLANET9 平台上的社群和觀眾來提高能見度。這對於渴望與其他玩家互動的新手內容創作者尤其有益。

    立即體驗 PLANET9 ProClip


    延伸閱讀PLANET9 ProClip 全新功能「對戰集錦」登場,一場遊戲多重精彩!


    First published: 2023-11-21...
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  9. Découverte de la gamme SpatialLabs avec @RomainGrosjean8

    Découverte de la gamme SpatialLabs avec @RomainGrosjean8

    Unboxing du Predator Helios 300 et de l'écran Acer View, nos 2 produits ultra-innovants issus de la gamme SpatialLabs, qui permet un affichage 3D stéréoscopique sans lunettes...
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  10. 備受矚目的 Predator League 2024 亞太區總決賽將在馬尼拉舉行

    備受矚目的 Predator League 2024 亞太區總決賽將在馬尼拉舉行

    Predator League 2024 亞太區總決賽將於2024年1月13日至14日在馬尼拉的 SM 亞洲購物中心體育館舉行。來自整個亞太地區的26支隊伍將爭奪備受矚目的 Predator Shield,而參賽隊伍必須於知名電競遊戲《Dota 2》或《VALORANT》展現各自精湛技術與團隊合作來贏得這一崇高的獎項。

    此次比賽的總獎金為20萬美元。《Dota 2》和《VALORANT》的冠軍將各自獲得65,000美元。第二名將獲得20,000美元,而第三和第四名將分別獲得7,500美元。

    有關 Predator League 聯賽的更多訊息和更新,請前往 Predator Gaming Philippines 或官方網站 www.predator-league.com。...

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