1. 電競平台 PLANET9 正式版上線 定期賽事打造電競生態圈

    電競平台 PLANET9 正式版上線 定期賽事打造電競生態圈

    憑藉優良設計,PLANET9 電競平台於 2021 年榮獲德國紅點設計大獎青睞

    次世代電競社群平台PLANET9 在2019年9月推出測試版後就不斷針對用戶體驗進行改善,歷經密集的測試與不斷優化服務體驗,於今(8)日正式上線營運,並同步歡慶生日慶活動,更推出全新Billboard功能,讓服務進化再升級。

    宏碁共同營運長高樹國對於 PLANET9 正式版上線表示相當期待,更進一步指出:「PLANET9在Open Beta公開測試期間,不斷透過功能的最佳化以及跨領域合作實現成長目標;在PLANET9正式版上線後,將會有更加快速的發展,進而實現PLANET9的願景『打造一個專屬玩家的電競社群平台,為建構電子競技生態圈帶來新的面向和氣象』。」

    PLANET9 全新的 Billboard 功能讓原先的 PLANET9 軟體服務更上一層樓,專屬於Windows 平台上的軟體工具,不僅使用遊戲輔助工具使遊戲體驗更加優秀外,現在透過 Billboard 功能更可以讓玩家方便又快速地取得各類遊戲與電競新聞的資訊,也不會漏掉PLANET9上的聯賽消息,錯過參賽時間。


    PLANET9 全新功能『Billboard』讓玩家跟上最新賽事活動與遊戲趨勢


    電競社群平台PLANET9 同時有著競技和社交的功能,幫助玩家通過組隊和建立俱樂部與他人建立聯繫;並透過數據分析和教練指導的方式對遊戲玩家技巧進行深度反饋,進而提高遊戲技巧。此外,除了協助2022年宏碁第四屆亞太區Predator League電競聯賽之外,PLANET9 也宣布將在本月底推出自有的長期賽事『PLANET9 Arena』,期望透過提供長期穩定的競賽環境,協助草根選手及隊伍成長並提高競技水準,打造電競生態圈的基礎。


    長期賽事『PLANET9 Arena』,將在未來成為塑造電競生態圈的重要推手

    PLANET9 正式版服務包含:

    • Tournament工具:讓參賽者與賽事主辦方透過各種賽制舉辦比賽,或提供選手報名欲參加的賽事。
    • Community功能:讓世界各地的玩家可以自由的上傳遊戲歷程,主辦俱樂部揪團一起打比賽,並提供平台上的電競玩家們分享自己的遊戲心得、聯繫情感交流。
    • Course平台:PLANET9致力於電競教育,各類線上電競課程提供玩家系統性地參與課程;優秀的玩家也可以透過課程系統成為導師、傳授技巧與知識。
    • Store電競商城:由  



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  2. Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9

    Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9


    This column was written by Michael LevanduskiAs, Web-hosting Industry Expert at Digital.com and originally posted on Digital.com

    We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from Digital.com

    You can find the original column here.

    As the gaming industry continues to grow, there's significant demand for private gaming server hosting. Small businesses that offer this type of hosting can meet this growing demand.

    For those who take gaming seriously, a private gaming server that hosts your favorite games is the way to get the best performance possible.

    Whether you want to directly offer this type of hosting or you want to serve as a hosting reseller for these servers, there are numerous opportunities.

    Key Takeaways

    • A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy of a game, this allows players from various locations to connect to the hosted server so that they can join the same virtual world and play together.
    • There are a variety of different benefits to playing games on a private server, including low ping times and the ability to run mods for the games.
    • The specific cost to set up a hosted gaming server varies based on what type of server you need, where you're located, and many other factors.

    What Is a Gaming Server Host?

    Source: DreamHost

    A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy o

    A growing number of the are starting to offer options for gaming servers. You can either have a full dedicated server setup or choose a (VPS), depending on your needs. Both of these options allow you to access your own private gaming server any time you want and enjoy your favorite games.

    Running a service has been a great way to make money for a long time, and this specific type of hosting offers many great opportunities.

    Given the fact that they're so affordable for an entry-level option, and even , this is a small investment when you consider all the advantages it provides.


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  3. How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends

    How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends


    This column was written by u/squeezy102 and originally posted on Reddit. We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from u/squeezy102You can find the original column here.

    Here's a few things you can do in Gold and below to become a better jungler in less than 5 minutes with almost zero effort. Follow these tips and you will instantly win more games and gain LP.


    Step 1: Quit spazzing out of bushes

    (Credit: leagueoflegends.fandom.com)

    Stop blowing your whole kit as soon as you walk into the lane. Stop using your gap closer to jump out of the bush. Stop using your CC ability to yell "SURPRISE MOTHERF*CKER" out of the bush. You will get WAY more value out of your gank if you simply just walk at the enemy menacingly and wait to see how they react. Just walk up to them like you're about some sh*t. Hit them with a few auto attacks to let them know you mean business. Then, when THEY flash -- you use your gap closer and


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  4. Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9

    Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9


    This column was written by Michael LevanduskiAs, Web-hosting Industry Expert at Digital.com and originally posted on Digital.com

    We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from Digital.com

    You can find the original column here.

    As the gaming industry continues to grow, there's significant demand for private gaming server hosting. Small businesses that offer this type of hosting can meet this growing demand.

    For those who take gaming seriously, a private gaming server that hosts your favorite games is the way to get the best performance possible.

    Whether you want to directly offer this type of hosting or you want to serve as a hosting reseller for these servers, there are numerous opportunities.

    Key Takeaways

    • A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy of a game, this allows players from various locations to connect to the hosted server so that they can join the same virtual world and play together.
    • There are a variety of different benefits to playing games on a private server, including low ping times and the ability to run mods for the games.
    • The specific cost to set up a hosted gaming server varies based on what type of server you need, where you're located, and many other factors.

    What Is a Gaming Server Host?

    Source: DreamHost

    A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy o

    A growing number of the are starting to offer options for gaming servers. You can either have a full dedicated server setup or choose a (VPS), depending on your needs. Both of these options allow you to access your own private gaming server any time you want and enjoy your favorite games.

    Running a service has been a great way to make money for a long time, and this specific type of hosting offers many great opportunities.

    Given the fact that they're so affordable for an entry-level option, and even , this is a small investment when you consider all the advantages it provides.


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  5. How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends

    How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends


    This column was written by u/squeezy102 and originally posted on Reddit. We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from u/squeezy102You can find the original column here.

    Here's a few things you can do in Gold and below to become a better jungler in less than 5 minutes with almost zero effort. Follow these tips and you will instantly win more games and gain LP.


    Step 1: Quit spazzing out of bushes

    (Credit: leagueoflegends.fandom.com)

    Stop blowing your whole kit as soon as you walk into the lane. Stop using your gap closer to jump out of the bush. Stop using your CC ability to yell "SURPRISE MOTHERF*CKER" out of the bush. You will get WAY more value out of your gank if you simply just walk at the enemy menacingly and wait to see how they react. Just walk up to them like you're about some sh*t. Hit them with a few auto attacks to let them know you mean business. Then, when THEY flash -- you use your gap closer and


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  6. Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9

    Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9


    This column was written by Michael LevanduskiAs, Web-hosting Industry Expert at Digital.com and originally posted on Digital.com

    We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from Digital.com

    You can find the original column here.

    As the gaming industry continues to grow, there's significant demand for private gaming server hosting. Small businesses that offer this type of hosting can meet this growing demand.

    For those who take gaming seriously, a private gaming server that hosts your favorite games is the way to get the best performance possible.

    Whether you want to directly offer this type of hosting or you want to serve as a hosting reseller for these servers, there are numerous opportunities.

    Key Takeaways

    • A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy of a game, this allows players from various locations to connect to the hosted server so that they can join the same virtual world and play together.
    • There are a variety of different benefits to playing games on a private server, including low ping times and the ability to run mods for the games.
    • The specific cost to set up a hosted gaming server varies based on what type of server you need, where you're located, and many other factors.

    What Is a Gaming Server Host?

    Source: DreamHost

    A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy o

    A growing number of the are starting to offer options for gaming servers. You can either have a full dedicated server setup or choose a (VPS), depending on your needs. Both of these options allow you to access your own private gaming server any time you want and enjoy your favorite games.

    Running a service has been a great way to make money for a long time, and this specific type of hosting offers many great opportunities.

    Given the fact that they're so affordable for an entry-level option, and even , this is a small investment when you consider all the advantages it provides.


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  7. How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends

    How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends


    This column was written by u/squeezy102 and originally posted on Reddit. We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from u/squeezy102You can find the original column here.

    Here's a few things you can do in Gold and below to become a better jungler in less than 5 minutes with almost zero effort. Follow these tips and you will instantly win more games and gain LP.


    Step 1: Quit spazzing out of bushes

    (Credit: leagueoflegends.fandom.com)

    Stop blowing your whole kit as soon as you walk into the lane. Stop using your gap closer to jump out of the bush. Stop using your CC ability to yell "SURPRISE MOTHERF*CKER" out of the bush. You will get WAY more value out of your gank if you simply just walk at the enemy menacingly and wait to see how they react. Just walk up to them like you're about some sh*t. Hit them with a few auto attacks to let them know you mean business. Then, when THEY flash -- you use your gap closer and


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  8. Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9

    Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9


    This column was written by Michael LevanduskiAs, Web-hosting Industry Expert at Digital.com and originally posted on Digital.com

    We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from Digital.com

    You can find the original column here.

    As the gaming industry continues to grow, there's significant demand for private gaming server hosting. Small businesses that offer this type of hosting can meet this growing demand.

    For those who take gaming seriously, a private gaming server that hosts your favorite games is the way to get the best performance possible.

    Whether you want to directly offer this type of hosting or you want to serve as a hosting reseller for these servers, there are numerous opportunities.

    Key Takeaways

    • A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy of a game, this allows players from various locations to connect to the hosted server so that they can join the same virtual world and play together.
    • There are a variety of different benefits to playing games on a private server, including low ping times and the ability to run mods for the games.
    • The specific cost to set up a hosted gaming server varies based on what type of server you need, where you're located, and many other factors.

    What Is a Gaming Server Host?

    Source: DreamHost

    A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy o

    A growing number of the are starting to offer options for gaming servers. You can either have a full dedicated server setup or choose a (VPS), depending on your needs. Both of these options allow you to access your own private gaming server any time you want and enjoy your favorite games.

    Running a service has been a great way to make money for a long time, and this specific type of hosting offers many great opportunities.

    Given the fact that they're so affordable for an entry-level option, and even , this is a small investment when you consider all the advantages it provides.


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  9. How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends

    How to Instantly Become a Better Jungler in League of Legends


    This column was written by u/squeezy102 and originally posted on Reddit. We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from u/squeezy102You can find the original column here.

    Here's a few things you can do in Gold and below to become a better jungler in less than 5 minutes with almost zero effort. Follow these tips and you will instantly win more games and gain LP.


    Step 1: Quit spazzing out of bushes

    (Credit: leagueoflegends.fandom.com)

    Stop blowing your whole kit as soon as you walk into the lane. Stop using your gap closer to jump out of the bush. Stop using your CC ability to yell "SURPRISE MOTHERF*CKER" out of the bush. You will get WAY more value out of your gank if you simply just walk at the enemy menacingly and wait to see how they react. Just walk up to them like you're about some sh*t. Hit them with a few auto attacks to let them know you mean business. Then, when THEY flash -- you use your gap closer and


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  10. Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9

    Introduction to Gaming Server Hosting | PLANET9


    This column was written by Michael LevanduskiAs, Web-hosting Industry Expert at Digital.com and originally posted on Digital.com

    We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from Digital.com

    You can find the original column here.

    As the gaming industry continues to grow, there's significant demand for private gaming server hosting. Small businesses that offer this type of hosting can meet this growing demand.

    For those who take gaming seriously, a private gaming server that hosts your favorite games is the way to get the best performance possible.

    Whether you want to directly offer this type of hosting or you want to serve as a hosting reseller for these servers, there are numerous opportunities.

    Key Takeaways

    • A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy of a game, this allows players from various locations to connect to the hosted server so that they can join the same virtual world and play together.
    • There are a variety of different benefits to playing games on a private server, including low ping times and the ability to run mods for the games.
    • The specific cost to set up a hosted gaming server varies based on what type of server you need, where you're located, and many other factors.

    What Is a Gaming Server Host?

    Source: DreamHost

    A gaming server host is a physical or virtual server that hosts the server-side copy o

    A growing number of the are starting to offer options for gaming servers. You can either have a full dedicated server setup or choose a (VPS), depending on your needs. Both of these options allow you to access your own private gaming server any time you want and enjoy your favorite games.

    Running a service has been a great way to make money for a long time, and this specific type of hosting offers many great opportunities.

    Given the fact that they're so affordable for an entry-level option, and even , this is a small investment when you consider all the advantages it provides.


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