Esports Stories
  1. Is the Olympic Esports Series Worth Watching?

    Is the Olympic Esports Series Worth Watching?

    The Olympic Esports Series (abbreviated as OES) is the second installment of the International Olympic Committee's (abbreviated as IOC) virtual sports competitions. With all its online qualifiers completed, the offline finals are set to take place in Singapore from June 22 to 25. However, when the IOC announced the 9 competing game titles at the Olympic Esports Series back in March this year, they were promptly hit with backlash from the gaming communities due to the insignificance of several selected games and the overall lacking representation of "esports".

    So why exactly was the IOC mocked by gamers? Is the OES even worth watching? What games are more recognized as esports by the gaming audience? I'm here to provide the answers from an avid gamer/esports follower's perspective. Without further ado, let's take a deeper dive into what the fuss is all about. 


    First off, I think we can all agree whether it's trad


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  2. Predator BiFrost Intel Arc A770 OC GPU | Supercharged Gaming Lies Within

    Predator BiFrost Intel Arc A770 OC GPU | Supercharged Gaming Lies Within



    Deck out your PC with the latest graphics with the Predator BiFrost Intel® Arc™ A770 OC. Infused with custom-engineered Predator cooling and built with the AI-enhanced XeSS upscaling technology.


    With new Xe-cores featuring built-in Intel® XMX AI capabilities and advanced 3D acceleration hardware, Xe HPG microarchitecture is optimized for high-performance gaming.

    THE ULTIMATE VISUALS ARE HERE: Microsoft's industry-standard API takes games to a new level of realism with the latest graphics technologies, including DirectX Raytracing, variable rate shading, mesh shading, and sampler feedback.

    ADVANCED Xe CORES: Dedicated XMX AI engines are at the backbone of each Xe-core, providing machine learning hardware resources to accelerate AI-enhanced gaming and content creation experiences.

    XeSS SUPER SAMPLING: Enjoy the next level of visuals and performance with Intel's AI-enhanced upscaling technology, enabling high resolutions, high fram

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  3. Hands-on with the New 2023 Predator Gadgets

    Hands-on with the New 2023 Predator Gadgets


    Predator Aethon 700 RGB Gaming Keyboard

    Different game, different set of skills, and most likely, a different keypress. With the Predator Aethon 700 RGB mechanical gaming keyboard, you have twice the power in a single total package.

    • Adjustable Switch Toggle for Tactile / Linear Press
    • Rough-textured Volume Roller, Red/Blue Light Ring
    • Full N-Key Rollover, 60M Keystroke Rated
    • Per-key RGB Backlight, Predator QuarterMaster App

    TACTILE? LINEAR? BOTH: Quickly toggle between a tactile, clicky keypress or go all-out with optical for a press that's linear, smooth, and a tad more silent. With the precise tracking of the optical sensor, the Aethon 700 registers and tracks actuation with complete precision.

    SPIN TO WIN: Rotate the roller to immediately change volume without having to alt-tab or sift through pesky menus. The rough-textured roller spins into action with ease so you can stay focused while the always familiar, ever-helpful function keys make managing media an afterthought.

    NEVER MISS A PRESS: In the heat of the moment, a single missed keypress can spell defeat. With full N-key rollover (and being 60 million keystroke rated), press as many keys (simultaneously if needed) for as long you like.

    LIGHT IT UP—YOUR WAY: Take total control over lighting to the tune of 16.8 million colors with the option of customizing the backlight of each key. Afterwards, experiment with 7 preset lighting modes and alter them to your liking.

    ELEGANCE WITH AN EDGE: Relish in the metallic touch of the anodized aluminum faceplate and the comfort of the detachable magnetic wrist rest.

    SPEAK TO THE QUARTERMASTER: The Predator Aethon 700 is a programmable keyboard – so you can customize settings, such as lighting, macros and more via Predator Quartermaster.

    Predator Cestus 325 Ultra-Lightweight Gaming Mouse

    Predator Galea 550 Wireless Gaming Headset


    Click the image below to explore more possibilities on PLANET9!


    Watch More

    Meet the Predator Connect W6 Wi-Fi 6E Tri-Band Gaming Router

    Predator BiFrost Intel Arc A770 OC GPU | Supercharged Gaming Lies Within

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  4. Updraft 2023 Successfully Closes with Great Results

    Updraft 2023 Successfully Closes with Great Results

    Updraft 2023 comes to a successful close with astonishing results over three months. The tournament powered by PLANET9 showcases the skills of Valorant players from the Southeast Asia region.

    The Updraft consisted of four weeks of tournaments spanning three months. With PLANET9's system, players had a seamless registration. Slots were instantly full once every Week was open for registrations. The various teams working behind the scenes and the players are what made Updraft successful, to say the least.

    The players loved the ease of communication from their experience. They also loved the direct messages that helped them get information faster. If you plan to participate in the Updraft, you can expect more tournaments in the future.

    Updraft 2023 Winners

    Let's have a little recap of what the Updraft 2023 is before we dive into the winners. It is a tournament powered by PLANET9 that covers the SEA region. KJC eSports planned, organized, and produced the tournament. You should also note that i


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  5. Is the Olympic Esports Series Worth Watching?

    Is the Olympic Esports Series Worth Watching?

    The Olympic Esports Series (abbreviated as OES) is the second installment of the International Olympic Committee's (abbreviated as IOC) virtual sports competitions. With all its online qualifiers completed, the offline finals are set to take place in Singapore from June 22 to 25. However, when the IOC announced the 9 competing game titles at the Olympic Esports Series back in March this year, they were promptly hit with backlash from the gaming communities due to the insignificance of several selected games and the overall lacking representation of "esports".

    So why exactly was the IOC mocked by gamers? Is the OES even worth watching? What games are more recognized as esports by the gaming audience? I'm here to provide the answers from an avid gamer/esports follower's perspective. Without further ado, let's take a deeper dive into what the fuss is all about. 


    First off, I think we can all agree whether it's trad


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  6. Why Arena should join League of Legends as a Permanent Game Mode

    Why Arena should join League of Legends as a Permanent Game Mode


    This column was written by Hawkoon and originally posted on Reddit

    We've gained permission to re-post it here. Please do not re-post this blog without inquiring permission from u/Hawkoon01

    You can find the original column here.

    Back in 2021, there was a /dev post about the State of Game Modes. It was about the current new game mode, Ultimate Spellbook, as well as some other older game modes and why they aren't coming back. But the ending of that post mentions this:

    A unique game mode where champions will be amplified!


    Now nobody probably paid attention to that, I myself found out about it only about a year later, but it got me SO excited. I love TFT's augments, and a way to amplify a champion? Yes please!

    It's very clear that Arena started its development as early as October 2021, so it's been under wraps for almost 2 years before it came live. That's a lot.

    When they finally revealed the Arena, I got BEYOND excited. Just seeing the footage I instantly knew this is gonna be a game mode I will spam every chance I get to play League. And I do, it did not disappoint me.

    Sure Arena has problems, like the constant spam of champions who are arguably too br

    The game mode itself could feature limited different versions of it instead of the actual Arena being a limited game mode. We could get limited-time 1v1v1v1 or 3v3v3v3 options, there could be a Normal vs Ranked modes for less try-harding on normals. Also, since the game mode is often criticized due to the spam of champs like Heimer/Shaco, it could feature a Random Champion pick. about Arena, and he suggested having an iteration where one champion is randomly selected, and the other person picks their champ. It would add an interesting variety to the game and how well two players can coordinate with what they've got.


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  7. 【STARSIGN / 15】我成就我自己 ─ LoL 專業賽評 ZOD 專訪 | PLANET9

    【STARSIGN / 15】我成就我自己 ─ LoL 專業賽評 ZOD 專訪 | PLANET9







    PLANET9 白夏電玩節,白色限定電競周邊無情下殺 79 折起!
    選用 Logitech G413 銀白機械式背光鍵盤,讓你帥出新高度。


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  8. WirForce 2023:科技與文化的電競盛宴

    WirForce 2023:科技與文化的電競盛宴



    圖片取自 Wireforce2023 官方網站。

    TOYOTA作為今年的冠名贊助商,帶來了令人矚目的新車款YARIS CROSS和PRIUS PHEV,還有精彩的四驅車活動,讓車迷們大飽眼福。Intel也不甘示弱,展出了他們的14代Core處理器,並設有「極限競速區」,在這裡,玩家可以體驗到最新的電腦處理能力,並挑戰各種遊戲,如《英雄聯盟》、《快打旋風 6》等,感受科技的力量。

    而今年的亮點之一,無疑是高橋洋子的表演。這位以《新世紀福音戰士》主題曲《殘酷天使的行動綱領》聞名的歌手,將於11月24日登台演出,為WirForce 2023的開幕增添了非凡的文化色彩​​。這不僅是一場音樂會,更是動漫愛好者的盛事,將帶來一場跨文化的音樂盛宴。



    除了這些精彩的科技展示和文化表演,WirForce 2023還有更多元的活動等著玩家們去探索。從電子競技比賽到最新遊戲的試玩,從科技論壇到動漫角色扮演,這場嘉年華匯聚了各方精英,展示了電競文化的多樣性和包容性。

    這四天的活動不僅是一場盛會,更是一次體驗電競和科技融合的難得機會。每個角落都充滿了創新和激情,從專業遊戲設備到最新的科技產品,從知名歌手的現場表演到精彩的比賽對抗,WirForce 2023是一場真正的科技和文化盛宴。


    圖片取自 Wireforce2023官方網站


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  9. 2024遊戲焦點:《碧藍幻想》與《女神異聞錄3》的重生




    首先,我們有《微軟模擬飛行2020》的新版本、《地獄之刃:賽奴雅的獻祭》的續作、Rocksteady Studios推出的《自殺突擊隊:戰勝正義聯盟》、以《碧藍幻想》為主題的《碧藍幻想Relink》,以及《女神異聞錄 3》的全面翻新重製版呢!此外,還有《天命2》的擴充內容,講述守護者對抗終極對手—見證者的故事。《百英雄傳》由《幻想水滸傳》原團隊新組成的Rabbit & Bear Studio開發,這款遊戲將提供超過一百位可遊玩角色喔。《人中之龍 8》採取春日一番與桐生一馬的「雙主角」形式,保留RPG玩法,喜歡人中之龍系列的朋友請持續關注它的最新消息吧。《沉默之丘 2》重製版,採用 Unreal Engine 製作,將能重新體驗經典遊戲、再次溫習毛骨悚然的感覺。另外使用 Unreal Engine 5,提供更震撼的視覺效果的《鐵拳 8》和有史以來第一款開放世界的星戰遊戲《星際大戰亡命之徒》也會在2024年跟我們見面。這些遊戲每一款都有其獨特的魅力,絕對值得我們期待!

    地獄之刃2:賽奴雅的傳奇  (取自網路)


    首先是《碧藍幻想 Relink》,這款由Cygames開發的動作角色扮演遊戲,基於同公司推出的熱門智慧型手機遊戲《碧藍幻想》,預計在2024年2月1日發售。遊戲將原有的角色和故事線,轉化為一個全新的3D體驗,這對於原遊戲的粉絲來說無疑是個巨大的吸引力。

    《碧藍幻想 Relink》在玩家間引起極大的期待,除了來自於2019年公開後就一延再延的發售日期外,主要是因為它忠實地保留了原作中角色的特點和風格。遊戲中的每一位角色都有自己獨特的動作和招式,這不僅讓角色更加生動,也為玩家帶來了更加豐富和多元的遊戲體驗。從戰鬥的流暢性到角色間的互動,每一個細節都被精心設計,旨在為玩家提供一個既熟悉又全新的冒險體驗。




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  10. 遊戲界的奧斯卡:The Game Awards 2023 深度解析

    遊戲界的奧斯卡:The Game Awards 2023 深度解析


    讓我們一起深入了解今年的The Game Awards (TGA) 2023,這可是遊戲界的重要盛事呢!今年的TGA預定於12月7日在洛杉磯孔雀劇院隆重舉行,會有全球超過120家媒體與意見領袖組成的評審團參與評選,真是讓人興奮不已!

    首先,來看看大家最關注的「年度最佳遊戲」獎項。今年的入圍作品有《Alan Wake 2》、《Baldur's Gate 3》、《Marvel's Spider-Man 2》、《Resident Evil 4》、《Super Mario Bros. Wonder》,以及《The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom》。每款遊戲都有自己獨特的魅力,讓人好奇最後的勝出者會是誰!

    《Baldur's Gate 3》和《Marvel's Spider-Man 2》這兩款遊戲在多個類別中都被提名,顯示出它們在遊戲界的影響力。《Baldur's Gate 3》以其深度的角色扮演體驗和豐富的故事情節受到讚譽,而《Marvel's Spider-Man 2》則以其精彩的動作場景和引人入勝的故事吸引著玩家。

    《Marvel's Spider-Man 2》(漫威蜘蛛人2) 

    另一方面,《Alan Wake 2》、《Resident Evil 4》、《Super Mario Bros. Wonder》,以及《The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom》各有特色,從驚悚的恐怖遊戲到充滿創意的冒險遊戲,這些作品都極具吸引力。

    TGA 2023年度大獎入圍名單中,除了我們已經提到的年度最佳遊戲外,還有許多其他引人注目的類別和遊戲。比如說,在「最佳遊戲指導」類別中,《Alan Wake 2》、《Baldur's Gate 3》、《Marvel's Spider-Man 2》、《Super Mario Bros. Wonder》和《The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom》均獲提名。這些遊戲不僅在遊戲設計上有出色的表現,還在如何引導玩家體驗故事和世界觀方面做得很好。

    在「最佳劇情」類別中,《Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty》和《Final Fantasy XVI》的提名顯示了它們在敘事方面的強大



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