Esports Stories
  1. 電腦桌推薦 : IKEA電腦桌 vs 專業品牌電競桌 - 5款高CP值電競/電腦桌比較

    電腦桌推薦 :  IKEA電腦桌 vs 專業品牌電競桌 - 5款高CP值電競/電腦桌比較

    Hi 大家好呀,

    Miya最近想把房間的書桌換成電腦桌,我爸就帶我去IKEA逛,但我就很好奇啦,到底IKEA或是宜得利這種大眾化家具品牌的電腦桌或電競椅,跟我們PLANET9商城琳瑯滿目的專業品牌電競桌椅究竟差別在哪呢?  (點我直接看比較表)

    為什麼 Miya想換桌子呢? 其實最大的原因是,我買了一個新的32吋電競螢幕,加上原本的27吋螢幕,我原本的桌子放兩個螢幕實在是太擠了,而且那張書桌也沒辦法裝螢幕支架,所以只好來找一張新的桌子囉。也就是這個原因,我挑選的重點有幾個

    1. 可以承受兩個螢幕跟我的主機還有電競喇叭的重量 、2. 外型要簡約、酷炫,不需要太花俏但也不能沒有設計感、3. 穩定而且堅固耐用,接下來說說我挑選時遇到的一些問題。


    1. 性價比高: IKEA和宜得利的產品通常價格較為親民,特別適合預算有限的消費者。例如,IKEA的UTESPELARE和HUVUDSPELARE電競桌提供多種功能和穩定性,但價格相比專業品牌要低很多​。

    2. 設計靈活: 這些品牌的桌子設計簡單,組合靈活,消費者可以根據個人需求進行DIY設置。例如,IKEA的桌面可以配合不同的桌腳和抽屜組合,允許用戶自定義設置​ 。

    3. 易於組裝和調整: IKEA和宜得利的電競桌通常設計成易於組裝,附帶詳細的說明書,使得消費者可以輕鬆自行組裝並調整高度、角度等​ 。


    1. 材質和做工: 專業電競桌通常使用更高級的材料和更嚴格的製造工藝,以確保耐用性和穩定性。例如,ArticWolf和Raymii的桌子採用碳纖維等高品質材料,甚至還具備RGB燈光這類的酷炫功能​。

    2. 專業功能: 專業電競桌通常配備更先進的功能,如電動升降、專業的線材管理系統和加強的承重能力,以滿足重度遊戲玩家和多顯示器設置的需求​ ​。

    3. 用戶體驗和設計: 專業品牌的電競桌在設計上更注重細節和用戶體驗,提供更多配件選擇和更舒適的使用體驗。例如,MARSRHINO(火星犀牛)的桌子設計精美,具備優秀的線材管理系統和多種配件,能夠為用戶提供更整潔和高效的遊戲環境,具有電動升降功能的產品還有到府安裝​。


    1. 耐用性和品質保證: 專業品牌通常提供更長的保修期和更高的產品質量保證,以MARSRHINO(火星犀牛)的這款天行者電動升降桌為例,它提供了5年的原廠保固,這使得消費者在購買時更有信心​。

    2. 設計和功能: 專業電競桌的設計規格,考慮玩家的日常需求,會特別增強承重能力和內建的線材管理系統,這些都是一般家具品牌難以匹敵的​​。

    3. 整體使用體驗: 專業電競桌在設計上更加符合人體工學,並且配備了多種配件,能夠提供更舒適和高效的使用體驗,這對於長時間遊戲的玩家尤為重要​ ​。


    Raymii VD4 發光電競電腦桌120 x 60 cm配備RGB發光功能,碳纖維桌面,現代感十足美觀時尚,RGB燈光效果佳,承重可達80公斤。桌面較小,雙螢幕使用時建議搭配螢幕支架。4.5
    ArcticWolf Cheetah獵豹K型碳纖維電競桌120 x 60 cm碳纖維桌面,K型設計,堅固耐用專業電競桌椅品牌,高品質材料,穩定性強,外觀炫酷,設計堅固耐用。裝配件較多,組裝較為繁瑣4.7

    140 x 80 cm

    高度可調 (75 ~ 123 cm)



    IKEA HUVUDSPELARE140 x 80 cm極簡設計,配有網狀架和電纜管理功能便於組裝,穩定性好,價格親民承重僅有50公斤,多螢幕、多設備的使用者要考慮一下。4.5
    宜得利電競桌多種尺寸可選 (常見 120 x 60 cm)多樣化設計,可選配不同配件  經濟實惠,多功能配件選擇根據網路上的評價,感覺品質有點參差不齊,最好是到實體店看一下。4.0

    那回到Miya自己的書桌,最後我還是想在 PLANET9商城挑一張適合我的,但選擇困難的我在這兩張電競桌之間無法下定決心。



    • : 140x70 cm
    • : MDF桌面,金屬支架
    • : 黑色
    • : 防潑水碳纖維桌面,易於清潔;桌面前沿內凹流線設計;K型金屬桌架提供穩固支撐,中間橫桿加強結構穩定性,高低可微調腳墊適應各式地形​ 。
    • :K型設計和中間橫桿增加了桌子的穩定性,即使在激烈的遊戲過程中也能保持穩固。
    • :防潑水碳纖維桌面和內凹流線設計提供了現代且美觀的外觀。
    • :附有耳機支架和飲料架,便於使用者在遊戲過程中存放物品​。
    • :這款電競桌價格相對較高,預算有限的Miya可能不是最佳選擇, 不過 , 限時特價 ,這個就不是問題了。
    • :需要一定的組裝時間和技巧,網路上有反映組裝過程較為繁瑣 (這個對Miya來說其實還好,我看過同事組裝過,沒那麼難)。

    • : 120x60 cm
    • : 框體與桌腿由高硬度SPCC冷軋碳素鋼板打造,桌面採用防潑水碳纖維材料。
    • : RGB發光功能提供多種燈光效果,增添遊戲氛圍。內建線材管理系統,幫助保持桌面整潔​​。
    • :RGB燈光效果使桌子看起來非常現代且具有科技感,適合現代遊戲設置。
    • :高硬度碳素鋼和碳纖維桌面提供了優異的穩定性和耐用性,能夠承受多顯示器和重型遊戲設備。
    • :內建線材管理系統,有效幫助用戶整理電纜,使桌面保持整潔。
    • :相比一般電競桌,Raymii VD4 桌面空間比較小,對於雙螢幕用戶或許要才會是最佳選擇。

    對了,PLANET9商城的618 六一波活動,從 2024/6/6 開始,大家別忘了上去瘋買溜一波喔 ~~~   


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  2. Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Some of the most popular gaming laptops fall under the Acer Nitro and Acer Predator brands, with several different monitors, desktops, and peripheral devices also being sold under these brands. The Nitro series is known for offering good performance for its price range, whereas the Predator series offers superior technology.

    Most people struggle to pick between the two brands because several of the laptops from both series share similar price tags and specs. With some of the models containing very high-end components, it's important that you pick the right machine. So in this article, we're going to explore these two popular gaming laptop series.

    Acer Nitro

    The Acer Nitro is a series of budget gaming computers that first launched in 2017 and that is marketed to gamers looking for high-performance machines at a reasonable price point. The Nitro series includes desktops, laptops, monitors, and other accessories and competes with other midrange computers. The series was introduced with the Nitro 5 laptop, which featured a 2.50-GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ, a 4-GB NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, and 8 GB of DDR4 SDRAM. Since 2017, Acer has released several iterations of the Nitro gaming laptop series, including the Nitro 7, 16, and 17. Acer also has a wide range of gaming monitors and a desktop machine under the Nitro brand.

    Best options for Acer Nitro (for budget gamers):

    • Acer Nitro 5 

    • Acer Nitro 7

    • Acer Nitro 17

    Acer Predator

    The Acer Predator series offers high-performance gaming laptops and monitors designed to deliver exceptional gaming experiences, with powerful hardware and advanced features. Acer Predator has a strong presence at a number of major international gaming tournaments and hosts the annual Predator League, which is an international event held by Acer every year to reinforce the commitment of Predator in supporting the gaming industry, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. Predator's "It Lies Within" website even won the prestigious Webby awards in 2023 for its impressive design.

    There are currently two laptop families under Predator: Triton and Helios. Triton is lightweight, slim, and sleek, designed for gamers and prosumers who are always on the go, whereas the Helios series consists of midrange and premium laptops with stellar specs that can replace desktop computers. Predator also covers a series of monitors that deliver exceptional visual fidelity and can support games with the most demanding conditions, with refresh rates of up to 360 Hz. Predator is an excellent choice for serious gamers who demand the best possible visuals.

    The Predator range also includes mice, headsets, keyboards, routers, desks and even a backpack.

    Best options for Acer Predator (for hardcore gamers):

    • Acer Predator Helios 300 

    • Acer Predator Triton 500 SE 

    • A

    For a little bit extra, you can go with the Helios 16, a powerhouse gaming machine of the Predator series. The Helios 16 laptop provides excellent value for money, with a medium-sized display, superior chassis design for excellent cooling performance, and a latest-gen Intel i9 CPU. This machine can deliver excellent performance even with the heaviest games, thanks to the inclusion of the Nvidia RTX™ 4080 graphics card. Notably, any 4080 or above can run games in 4K, meaning this machine will be capable of playing modern games well into the future. If you want to experience the stunning graphics of in 1080p at 60 fps or if you want to play , , or at the highest settings, this top-level is the one to get.

    • I


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  3. Discover the ProClip App!

    Discover the ProClip App!

    Looking for an easy-to-use tool to quickly create highlights from your PC gaming? Check out PLANET9 ProClip. It could be the solution you need.

    About the App

    PLANET9 ProClip is designed with simplicity in mind. It runs seamlessly in the background while you play supported PC games, automatically capturing your best gaming moments. This user-friendly approach makes it accessible for casual gamers who may not have extensive technical knowledge.



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  4. Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Some of the most popular gaming laptops fall under the Acer Nitro and Acer Predator brands, with several different monitors, desktops, and peripheral devices also being sold under these brands. The Nitro series is known for offering good performance for its price range, whereas the Predator series offers superior technology.

    Most people struggle to pick between the two brands because several of the laptops from both series share similar price tags and specs. With some of the models containing very high-end components, it's important that you pick the right machine. So in this article, we're going to explore these two popular gaming laptop series.

    Acer Nitro

    The Acer Nitro is a series of budget gaming computers that first launched in 2017 and that is marketed to gamers looking for high-performance machines at a reasonable price point. The Nitro series includes desktops, laptops, monitors, and other accessories and competes with other midrange computers. The series was introduced with the Nitro 5 laptop, which featured a 2.50-GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ, a 4-GB NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, and 8 GB of DDR4 SDRAM. Since 2017, Acer has released several iterations of the Nitro gaming laptop series, including the Nitro 7, 16, and 17. Acer also has a wide range of gaming monitors and a desktop machine under the Nitro brand.

    Best options for Acer Nitro (for budget gamers):

    • Acer Nitro 5 

    • Acer Nitro 7

    • Acer Nitro 17

    Acer Predator

    The Acer Predator series offers high-performance gaming laptops and monitors designed to deliver exceptional gaming experiences, with powerful hardware and advanced features. Acer Predator has a strong presence at a number of major international gaming tournaments and hosts the annual Predator League, which is an international event held by Acer every year to reinforce the commitment of Predator in supporting the gaming industry, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. Predator's "It Lies Within" website even won the prestigious Webby awards in 2023 for its impressive design.

    There are currently two laptop families under Predator: Triton and Helios. Triton is lightweight, slim, and sleek, designed for gamers and prosumers who are always on the go, whereas the Helios series consists of midrange and premium laptops with stellar specs that can replace desktop computers. Predator also covers a series of monitors that deliver exceptional visual fidelity and can support games with the most demanding conditions, with refresh rates of up to 360 Hz. Predator is an excellent choice for serious gamers who demand the best possible visuals.

    The Predator range also includes mice, headsets, keyboards, routers, desks and even a backpack.

    Best options for Acer Predator (for hardcore gamers):

    • Acer Predator Helios 300 

    • Acer Predator Triton 500 SE 

    • A

    For a little bit extra, you can go with the Helios 16, a powerhouse gaming machine of the Predator series. The Helios 16 laptop provides excellent value for money, with a medium-sized display, superior chassis design for excellent cooling performance, and a latest-gen Intel i9 CPU. This machine can deliver excellent performance even with the heaviest games, thanks to the inclusion of the Nvidia RTX™ 4080 graphics card. Notably, any 4080 or above can run games in 4K, meaning this machine will be capable of playing modern games well into the future. If you want to experience the stunning graphics of in 1080p at 60 fps or if you want to play , , or at the highest settings, this top-level is the one to get.

    • I


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  5. Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Some of the most popular gaming laptops fall under the Acer Nitro and Acer Predator brands, with several different monitors, desktops, and peripheral devices also being sold under these brands. The Nitro series is known for offering good performance for its price range, whereas the Predator series offers superior technology.

    Most people struggle to pick between the two brands because several of the laptops from both series share similar price tags and specs. With some of the models containing very high-end components, it's important that you pick the right machine. So in this article, we're going to explore these two popular gaming laptop series.

    Acer Nitro

    The Acer Nitro is a series of budget gaming computers that first launched in 2017 and that is marketed to gamers looking for high-performance machines at a reasonable price point. The Nitro series includes desktops, laptops, monitors, and other accessories and competes with other midrange computers. The series was introduced with the Nitro 5 laptop, which featured a 2.50-GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ, a 4-GB NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, and 8 GB of DDR4 SDRAM. Since 2017, Acer has released several iterations of the Nitro gaming laptop series, including the Nitro 7, 16, and 17. Acer also has a wide range of gaming monitors and a desktop machine under the Nitro brand.

    Best options for Acer Nitro (for budget gamers):

    • Acer Nitro 5 

    • Acer Nitro 7

    • Acer Nitro 17

    Acer Predator

    The Acer Predator series offers high-performance gaming laptops and monitors designed to deliver exceptional gaming experiences, with powerful hardware and advanced features. Acer Predator has a strong presence at a number of major international gaming tournaments and hosts the annual Predator League, which is an international event held by Acer every year to reinforce the commitment of Predator in supporting the gaming industry, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. Predator's "It Lies Within" website even won the prestigious Webby awards in 2023 for its impressive design.

    There are currently two laptop families under Predator: Triton and Helios. Triton is lightweight, slim, and sleek, designed for gamers and prosumers who are always on the go, whereas the Helios series consists of midrange and premium laptops with stellar specs that can replace desktop computers. Predator also covers a series of monitors that deliver exceptional visual fidelity and can support games with the most demanding conditions, with refresh rates of up to 360 Hz. Predator is an excellent choice for serious gamers who demand the best possible visuals.

    The Predator range also includes mice, headsets, keyboards, routers, desks and even a backpack.

    Best options for Acer Predator (for hardcore gamers):

    • Acer Predator Helios 300 

    • Acer Predator Triton 500 SE 

    • A

    For a little bit extra, you can go with the Helios 16, a powerhouse gaming machine of the Predator series. The Helios 16 laptop provides excellent value for money, with a medium-sized display, superior chassis design for excellent cooling performance, and a latest-gen Intel i9 CPU. This machine can deliver excellent performance even with the heaviest games, thanks to the inclusion of the Nvidia RTX™ 4080 graphics card. Notably, any 4080 or above can run games in 4K, meaning this machine will be capable of playing modern games well into the future. If you want to experience the stunning graphics of in 1080p at 60 fps or if you want to play , , or at the highest settings, this top-level is the one to get.

    • I


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  6. Discover the ProClip App!

    Discover the ProClip App!

    Looking for an easy-to-use tool to quickly create highlights from your PC gaming? Check out PLANET9 ProClip. It could be the solution you need.

    About the App

    PLANET9 ProClip is designed with simplicity in mind. It runs seamlessly in the background while you play supported PC games, automatically capturing your best gaming moments. This user-friendly approach makes it accessible for casual gamers who may not have extensive technical knowledge.



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  7. Discover the ProClip App!

    Discover the ProClip App!

    Looking for an easy-to-use tool to quickly create highlights from your PC gaming? Check out PLANET9 ProClip. It could be the solution you need.

    About the App

    PLANET9 ProClip is designed with simplicity in mind. It runs seamlessly in the background while you play supported PC games, automatically capturing your best gaming moments. This user-friendly approach makes it accessible for casual gamers who may not have extensive technical knowledge.



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  8. "Diablo IV" officially launches the testing server: But not every season has one

    "Diablo IV" officially launches the testing server: But not every season has one

    In the latest live broadcast, Blizzard announced that the upcoming season of "Diablo IV" will bring updates surpassing those of last year's second season, and players will have the opportunity to experience these new features early through the testing server.

    Since the launch of the first season of the game, players have been urging Blizzard to add a PTR (Public Test Realm/Testing Server) similar to "Diablo III" and "Diablo II: Resurrected". The significant issues that arose after the release of the third season once again demonstrated the importance of a testing server, and Blizzard appears to acknowledge this.

    However, Blizzard explained during the live broadcast that not every season will have a testing server. Community Deputy Director Adam Flecher stated, "This depends on the scale of the changes we make, but for the fourth season, we absolutely plan to open the PTR." Subsequently, developers mentioned that the testing server launch date and the content of the fourth season will be announced in another live broadcast "several weeks later".

    Blizzard has not yet disclosed the specific content of the fourth season, but it promises to make significant and fundamental changes to the equipment drop mechanism. Currently, only a small amount of equipment dropped is worth keeping, and most will be converted into materials, requiring players to spend a considerable amount of time reviewing equipment values.

    In a previous broadcast, Blizzard stated that the goal of the fourth season is to make dropped equipment more valuable, regardless of whether it is better than the player's current equipment. This is likely to be a transformation system similar to other ARPGs like "Path of Exile".

    The new broadcast also revealed significant changes to the summoning creatures of the necromancer in the fourth season, with summoned skeletons and other minions possibly becoming stronger as the character levels up, similar to the mechanical spider minions in the third season. Adam Jackson, Chief Designer of Real-Time Services, stated, "Making minions feel better is one of our top priorities. In addition to the patch in the middle of next week's season, we also plan to introduce a lot of content in the fourth season."...

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  9. Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Acer Nitro vs. Predator: What is the Difference?

    Some of the most popular gaming laptops fall under the Acer Nitro and Acer Predator brands, with several different monitors, desktops, and peripheral devices also being sold under these brands. The Nitro series is known for offering good performance for its price range, whereas the Predator series offers superior technology.

    Most people struggle to pick between the two brands because several of the laptops from both series share similar price tags and specs. With some of the models containing very high-end components, it's important that you pick the right machine. So in this article, we're going to explore these two popular gaming laptop series.

    Acer Nitro

    The Acer Nitro is a series of budget gaming computers that first launched in 2017 and that is marketed to gamers looking for high-performance machines at a reasonable price point. The Nitro series includes desktops, laptops, monitors, and other accessories and competes with other midrange computers. The series was introduced with the Nitro 5 laptop, which featured a 2.50-GHz Intel Core i5-7300HQ, a 4-GB NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, and 8 GB of DDR4 SDRAM. Since 2017, Acer has released several iterations of the Nitro gaming laptop series, including the Nitro 7, 16, and 17. Acer also has a wide range of gaming monitors and a desktop machine under the Nitro brand.

    Best options for Acer Nitro (for budget gamers):

    • Acer Nitro 5 

    • Acer Nitro 7

    • Acer Nitro 17

    Acer Predator

    The Acer Predator series offers high-performance gaming laptops and monitors designed to deliver exceptional gaming experiences, with powerful hardware and advanced features. Acer Predator has a strong presence at a number of major international gaming tournaments and hosts the annual Predator League, which is an international event held by Acer every year to reinforce the commitment of Predator in supporting the gaming industry, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. Predator's "It Lies Within" website even won the prestigious Webby awards in 2023 for its impressive design.

    There are currently two laptop families under Predator: Triton and Helios. Triton is lightweight, slim, and sleek, designed for gamers and prosumers who are always on the go, whereas the Helios series consists of midrange and premium laptops with stellar specs that can replace desktop computers. Predator also covers a series of monitors that deliver exceptional visual fidelity and can support games with the most demanding conditions, with refresh rates of up to 360 Hz. Predator is an excellent choice for serious gamers who demand the best possible visuals.

    The Predator range also includes mice, headsets, keyboards, routers, desks and even a backpack.

    Best options for Acer Predator (for hardcore gamers):

    • Acer Predator Helios 300 

    • Acer Predator Triton 500 SE 

    • A

    For a little bit extra, you can go with the Helios 16, a powerhouse gaming machine of the Predator series. The Helios 16 laptop provides excellent value for money, with a medium-sized display, superior chassis design for excellent cooling performance, and a latest-gen Intel i9 CPU. This machine can deliver excellent performance even with the heaviest games, thanks to the inclusion of the Nvidia RTX™ 4080 graphics card. Notably, any 4080 or above can run games in 4K, meaning this machine will be capable of playing modern games well into the future. If you want to experience the stunning graphics of in 1080p at 60 fps or if you want to play , , or at the highest settings, this top-level is the one to get.

    • I


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  10. Discover the ProClip App!

    Discover the ProClip App!

    Looking for an easy-to-use tool to quickly create highlights from your PC gaming? Check out PLANET9 ProClip. It could be the solution you need.

    About the App

    PLANET9 ProClip is designed with simplicity in mind. It runs seamlessly in the background while you play supported PC games, automatically capturing your best gaming moments. This user-friendly approach makes it accessible for casual gamers who may not have extensive technical knowledge.



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