Gaming Trends
  1. 《闇龍紀元:紗障守護者》新遊戲攻略:技能樹系統完全解析和50級等級總管


    作為Game Informer雜誌封面故事的一環,遊戲發行商BioWare將《闇龍紀元:紗障守護者》的各種技術細節公諸於世。Corinne Busche,遊戲總監,對其獨到的技能樹系統和細緻的玩法風格有了詳細的概述。





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  2. 《艾爾登法環》開發者宮崎英高表示將進一步精進戰鬥玩法









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  3. 遊戲新聞:索尼於2024年將缺席科隆遊戲展Gamescom


    繼續維持往年的決策,索尼將不會出席科隆遊戲展Gamescom。索尼日前接受德國專業雜誌 Gameswirtschaft 訪談透露,他們“現階段”並未考慮進行 2024 年的 Gamescom 展覽。

    這樣的情形對於眾多遊戲迷來說不算驚訝。該公司上次參與第三方的年度展覽會是在2019年的情況下。在疫情蔓延及其後防疫期間,該公司一貫選擇以 State of Plays 或者 PlayStation Showcases 來提前拷貝並展示未來的作品。此外,即使索尼不參與,也不代表其自家遊戲無法在Gamescom 的開幕式夜晚上進行展示。

    《Concord》預定在 8月 23日上市,而《宇宙機器人》則計畫於 9月 6日推出,科隆遊戲展本來是極佳的宣傳機會。然而這兩款遊戲是否最終在展會揭露,仍有待觀察。

    其他早先確認將摒棄 Gamescom 的包括任天堂,而THQ Nordic 和育碧已確認將會出席。關於Xbox 是否將會出席的資訊仍未曝光,儘管去年 Xbox 確實已參加,同時也傳出將在今年的展會上帶來更多的遊戲。

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  4. 遊戲開發商Bluepoint跨出重製範疇 投入原創新作的開發

    遊戲開發商Bluepoint跨出重製範疇 投入原創新作的開發

    根據Bluepoint Games的最新消息,該開發商正在為其母公司索尼互動娱樂SIE塑造全新的原創遊戲。

    2021年9月,PlayStation正式收購了Bluepoint Games,進一步鞏固了與這個駐紮於美國德州奧斯丁的遊戲工作室之間的合作關係。此時距離該工作室上一次推出《惡魔之魂》的重製版(為PS5的首款遊戲)已經快一年了。

    Bluepoint 一直以來都是以改編和翻新經典遊戲聞名,像是《戰神合集》、《汪達與巨像合集》、《神秘海域:內森·德雷克合集》、《重力異想世界重製版》還有《汪達與巨像重製版》等。

    但是在索尼收購的消息公布後,Bluepoint的總裁Marco Thrush就已表明,他們的目標將會轉向原創內容的開發。

    “我們正在探索全新的原創內容,”他在與IGN的訪談中表示補充。 “我們不能透露更多的細節,但這就是我們的下一個步驟。”

    現在離收購已經近三年,尋問Bluepoint是否仍在進行原創開發的問題也被一位Twitter用戶向該工作室的技術主管Peter Dalton提問。


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  5. 【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    With each passing week, Steam's leaderboard offers a fresh look at which games are dominating the market. The second week of May is no exception, showcasing a dynamic mix of genres and innovative gameplay experiences that have captured the interest of the gaming community. Let's delve into the current top 10 chart-toppers and why they're a hit.

    Follow me for a quick review of last week's global Steam bestseller Top 10, and PLANET9also recommends this week's must-play games from the list!

    Last week - Steam


    1. Counter-Strike 2

    Securing the top spot, this latest installment of the legendary shooter series continues to draw in crowds with its refined gameplay and strategic depth, appealing to both competitive gamers and newcomers alike.

    2. Hades II

    Hades II enhances its predecessor's rich, mythological lore with even more captivating dungeon-crawling adventures, proving itself as a worthy succe

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    For more gaming information, you can visit to explore more esports and gaming content....

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  6. 【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    With each passing week, Steam's leaderboard offers a fresh look at which games are dominating the market. The second week of May is no exception, showcasing a dynamic mix of genres and innovative gameplay experiences that have captured the interest of the gaming community. Let's delve into the current top 10 chart-toppers and why they're a hit.

    Follow me for a quick review of last week's global Steam bestseller Top 10, and PLANET9also recommends this week's must-play games from the list!

    Last week - Steam


    1. Counter-Strike 2

    Securing the top spot, this latest installment of the legendary shooter series continues to draw in crowds with its refined gameplay and strategic depth, appealing to both competitive gamers and newcomers alike.

    2. Hades II

    Hades II enhances its predecessor's rich, mythological lore with even more captivating dungeon-crawling adventures, proving itself as a worthy succe

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    For more gaming information, you can visit to explore more esports and gaming content....

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  7. 【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    With each passing week, Steam's leaderboard offers a fresh look at which games are dominating the market. The second week of May is no exception, showcasing a dynamic mix of genres and innovative gameplay experiences that have captured the interest of the gaming community. Let's delve into the current top 10 chart-toppers and why they're a hit.

    Follow me for a quick review of last week's global Steam bestseller Top 10, and PLANET9also recommends this week's must-play games from the list!

    Last week - Steam


    1. Counter-Strike 2

    Securing the top spot, this latest installment of the legendary shooter series continues to draw in crowds with its refined gameplay and strategic depth, appealing to both competitive gamers and newcomers alike.

    2. Hades II

    Hades II enhances its predecessor's rich, mythological lore with even more captivating dungeon-crawling adventures, proving itself as a worthy succe

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    For more gaming information, you can visit to explore more esports and gaming content....

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  8. 【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    With each passing week, Steam's leaderboard offers a fresh look at which games are dominating the market. The second week of May is no exception, showcasing a dynamic mix of genres and innovative gameplay experiences that have captured the interest of the gaming community. Let's delve into the current top 10 chart-toppers and why they're a hit.

    Follow me for a quick review of last week's global Steam bestseller Top 10, and PLANET9also recommends this week's must-play games from the list!

    Last week - Steam


    1. Counter-Strike 2

    Securing the top spot, this latest installment of the legendary shooter series continues to draw in crowds with its refined gameplay and strategic depth, appealing to both competitive gamers and newcomers alike.

    2. Hades II

    Hades II enhances its predecessor's rich, mythological lore with even more captivating dungeon-crawling adventures, proving itself as a worthy succe

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    For more gaming information, you can visit to explore more esports and gaming content....

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  9. 【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    With each passing week, Steam's leaderboard offers a fresh look at which games are dominating the market. The second week of May is no exception, showcasing a dynamic mix of genres and innovative gameplay experiences that have captured the interest of the gaming community. Let's delve into the current top 10 chart-toppers and why they're a hit.

    Follow me for a quick review of last week's global Steam bestseller Top 10, and PLANET9also recommends this week's must-play games from the list!

    Last week - Steam


    1. Counter-Strike 2

    Securing the top spot, this latest installment of the legendary shooter series continues to draw in crowds with its refined gameplay and strategic depth, appealing to both competitive gamers and newcomers alike.

    2. Hades II

    Hades II enhances its predecessor's rich, mythological lore with even more captivating dungeon-crawling adventures, proving itself as a worthy succe

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    • Buy at Green Man Gaming:

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    For more gaming information, you can visit to explore more esports and gaming content....

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  10. 【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    【Must-See Gaming Guide】Top 10 Bestselling Steam Games Revealed for the Second Week of May!

    With each passing week, Steam's leaderboard offers a fresh look at which games are dominating the market. The second week of May is no exception, showcasing a dynamic mix of genres and innovative gameplay experiences that have captured the interest of the gaming community. Let's delve into the current top 10 chart-toppers and why they're a hit.

    Follow me for a quick review of last week's global Steam bestseller Top 10, and PLANET9also recommends this week's must-play games from the list!

    Last week - Steam


    1. Counter-Strike 2

    Securing the top spot, this latest installment of the legendary shooter series continues to draw in crowds with its refined gameplay and strategic depth, appealing to both competitive gamers and newcomers alike.

    2. Hades II

    Hades II enhances its predecessor's rich, mythological lore with even more captivating dungeon-crawling adventures, proving itself as a worthy succe

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    • Buy at Green Man Gaming:

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    For more gaming information, you can visit to explore more esports and gaming content....

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