  1. 《Sky 光.遇》聯動「姆明季」開始!迎接姆明家族並踏上自我接納之旅

    《Sky 光.遇》聯動「姆明季」開始!迎接姆明家族並踏上自我接納之旅

      社交冒險遊戲《Sky 光.遇》今日開啟全新季節「姆明季(Season of Moomin)」,與姆明中的角色們一同邀請全球玩家一起探索充滿魔法與冒險的奇幻世界。


      新季節聯動即日開始至 12 月 29 日止,姆明是芬蘭作家兼插畫家朵貝.楊笙(Tove Jansson)所創作的一系列小說、短篇故事、繪本及漫畫中的主要角色。

      這次的合作將《Sky 光.遇》與姆明兩個作品所要傳達的創造與探索精神結合,通過融合兩個世界,講述關於友情、療癒與堅韌的感人故事。聯動內容將《Sky 光.遇》中的任務玩法與故事場景,與姆明經典故事結合,提供玩家全新的體驗。

     在「姆明季」中,玩家將探索創傷、療癒與自我接納等主題,隨著「透明的孩子(The Invisible Child)」的故事展開。故事講述姆明角色妮妮(Ninny)如何面對自己的恐懼,克服障礙,並逐漸獲得自信與智慧。每週都會解鎖妮妮故事的新章節,挑戰玩家面對自己的過去陰影,並慶祝堅韌與自我成長的力量。

     《Sky 光.遇》在新季節中將呈現全新視覺風格,引導玩家化身為蝴蝶,指引妮妮從單色的世界中走向充滿色彩的旅程。隨著故事的展開,這個成長與重生的故事將為妮妮與寧靜的姆明谷恢復色彩。此次季節包含比往常多一倍的任務,以及姆明相關物品與裝扮,如姆明玩偶、耳朵與尾巴,以及妮妮的服裝等。


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  2. 沙盒約會模擬《Date Everything!》2025 年情人節推出,一百個擬人化角色等你攻略!

    沙盒約會模擬《Date Everything!》2025 年情人節推出,一百個擬人化角色等你攻略!

      遊戲發行商 Team17 近日宣布,由 Sassy Chap Games 所開發的戀愛模擬遊戲《Date Everything!》將於當地時間 2025 年 2 月 14 日(台灣因時差順延一天)在 PC(Steam)/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/Nintendo Switch 等平台上推出。

      在這款沙盒約會模擬遊戲中,玩家將扮演被 AI 搶走工作,客戶服務的專業技能沒了用武之地的主角,此時收到了一位神秘陌生人送來的禮物--名為「約會之旅」(Dateviator)的神奇眼鏡,讓房子「活」了起來,玩家多彩多姿的約會生活也就此展開。

      玩家可以約會的對象不只洗衣籃、冰箱、水槽、手機等有形物品,還包括空氣和其他不規則物體,甚至包括「假期」和「惡夢」等概念,都將化為人形並用於戀愛關係中,其數量多達 100 個,更搭載全程語音配音和分支對話劇情,每名可約會角色皆有至少三種結局,預計會有相當豐富的內容讓玩家盡情體驗。

      隨著遊戲發售日的公開,釋出的預告片中能看到遊戲首席設計師 Ray Chase 對本作的介紹,他同時是開發工作室 Sassy Chap Games 的創始人之一,他提到《Date Everything!》最初只是一個小型的趣味專案,利用團隊在配音、音效和劇本編寫方面的優勢推動著,現在工作室的人員已經成長到 50 人,正日以繼夜的開發著遊戲,若對這款與眾不同的約會模擬遊戲感興趣的話,不妨加入願望清單關注喔!


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  3. 《鬼太郎》恐怖遊戲《NOROI KAGO:the Grudged Domain》釋出免費試玩版

    《鬼太郎》恐怖遊戲《NOROI KAGO:the Grudged Domain》釋出免費試玩版

      由 Toydium 開發,並與東映動畫聯手發行,支援多人線上合作的恐怖遊戲《NOROI KAGO:the Grudged Domain》(ノロイカゴ ゲゲゲの夜),其免費體驗版現已於 PC Steam 上公開,並宣布將參加從 10 月 15 日開始的 Steam Next Fest 新品節活動。


      本次公開的限期免費體驗版將讓玩家們嘗試從一個武士宅邸中逃出來,在這裡恐怖的牛鬼四處徘徊,也能體驗到會讓玩家外貌改變的恐怖詛咒等等,若對《鬼太郎》或是遊戲內容感興趣的話,不妨在 11 月 3 日前下載 DEMO 版挑戰看看吧!


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  4. 《鬼太郎》恐怖遊戲《NOROI KAGO:the Grudged Domain》釋出免費試玩版

    《鬼太郎》恐怖遊戲《NOROI KAGO:the Grudged Domain》釋出免費試玩版

      由 Toydium 開發,並與東映動畫聯手發行,支援多人線上合作的恐怖遊戲《NOROI KAGO:the Grudged Domain》(ノロイカゴ ゲゲゲの夜),其免費體驗版現已於 PC Steam 上公開,並宣布將參加從 10 月 15 日開始的 Steam Next Fest 新品節活動。


      本次公開的限期免費體驗版將讓玩家們嘗試從一個武士宅邸中逃出來,在這裡恐怖的牛鬼四處徘徊,也能體驗到會讓玩家外貌改變的恐怖詛咒等等,若對《鬼太郎》或是遊戲內容感興趣的話,不妨在 11 月 3 日前下載 DEMO 版挑戰看看吧!


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  5. How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    In Throne and Liberty, enhancing your character’s abilities is crucial to your success. That’s where Skill Growth Books come into play. These books are vital for improving your skills, but they’re not just lying around; you need to know where to look. So, get ready to dive into the world of Throne and Liberty and learn how to farm these books effectively.

    First off, you’ll want to focus on completing quests. Many quests, especially those that are more challenging or at a higher level, reward you with Skill Growth Books upon completion. Keep an eye out for daily and weekly quests, as they often provide these books as a part of their rewards.

    Next, engage in battles. Regularly defeating monsters and bosses can drop these books, although it’s not a guarantee. The tougher the enemy, the higher the chance they’ll drop what you’re after. Make sure you’re well-equipped for these fights – the payoff can be huge.

    Trading and Crafting

    Don’t forget about trading with other players

    Farming Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty may require some effort and time, but it’s an essential part of strengthening your character. Remember to complete quests, battle tough enemies, trade and craft, participate in events, and join forces with a guild. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering your skills in the .

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  6. Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Reworks are an essential part of balancing champions in League of Legends, meant to improve or adapt a character’s playstyle to fit the current meta. These reworks can either tweak a champion's abilities or completely overhaul their gameplay, all with the same goal: to make the champion more viable and enjoyable for players. However, while most reworks succeed in refreshing old champions, some struggle to find their place. Ryze, the Rune Mage, stands out as a champion who has undergone numerous reworks but remains unbalanced and problematic. Despite Riot's many attempts, Ryze has never reached a stable state, often shifting between being too powerful and too weak, depending on the patch.

    Ryze's Troubled Rework History

    Ryze has become infamous for his constant reworks, more than any other champion in the game. Introduced in 2009, Ryze has seen his kit altered multiple times, with each rework attempting to fix the core issues of his design. However, these changes have only made his situati

    In conclusion, Ryze's troubled history of reworks highlights the challenge of balancing complex champions in a constantly changing game. While Riot has tried to modernize Ryze's kit and address his balance issues, the champion's fundamental design has made it difficult to find a stable version that works for both casual and competitive players. For now, Ryze remains a cautionary tale of how even the most reworked champions can still struggle to find their place in the .

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  7. How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    In Throne and Liberty, enhancing your character’s abilities is crucial to your success. That’s where Skill Growth Books come into play. These books are vital for improving your skills, but they’re not just lying around; you need to know where to look. So, get ready to dive into the world of Throne and Liberty and learn how to farm these books effectively.

    First off, you’ll want to focus on completing quests. Many quests, especially those that are more challenging or at a higher level, reward you with Skill Growth Books upon completion. Keep an eye out for daily and weekly quests, as they often provide these books as a part of their rewards.

    Next, engage in battles. Regularly defeating monsters and bosses can drop these books, although it’s not a guarantee. The tougher the enemy, the higher the chance they’ll drop what you’re after. Make sure you’re well-equipped for these fights – the payoff can be huge.

    Trading and Crafting

    Don’t forget about trading with other players

    Farming Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty may require some effort and time, but it’s an essential part of strengthening your character. Remember to complete quests, battle tough enemies, trade and craft, participate in events, and join forces with a guild. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering your skills in the .

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  8. How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    In Throne and Liberty, enhancing your character’s abilities is crucial to your success. That’s where Skill Growth Books come into play. These books are vital for improving your skills, but they’re not just lying around; you need to know where to look. So, get ready to dive into the world of Throne and Liberty and learn how to farm these books effectively.

    First off, you’ll want to focus on completing quests. Many quests, especially those that are more challenging or at a higher level, reward you with Skill Growth Books upon completion. Keep an eye out for daily and weekly quests, as they often provide these books as a part of their rewards.

    Next, engage in battles. Regularly defeating monsters and bosses can drop these books, although it’s not a guarantee. The tougher the enemy, the higher the chance they’ll drop what you’re after. Make sure you’re well-equipped for these fights – the payoff can be huge.

    Trading and Crafting

    Don’t forget about trading with other players

    Farming Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty may require some effort and time, but it’s an essential part of strengthening your character. Remember to complete quests, battle tough enemies, trade and craft, participate in events, and join forces with a guild. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering your skills in the .

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  9. Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Reworks are an essential part of balancing champions in League of Legends, meant to improve or adapt a character’s playstyle to fit the current meta. These reworks can either tweak a champion's abilities or completely overhaul their gameplay, all with the same goal: to make the champion more viable and enjoyable for players. However, while most reworks succeed in refreshing old champions, some struggle to find their place. Ryze, the Rune Mage, stands out as a champion who has undergone numerous reworks but remains unbalanced and problematic. Despite Riot's many attempts, Ryze has never reached a stable state, often shifting between being too powerful and too weak, depending on the patch.

    Ryze's Troubled Rework History

    Ryze has become infamous for his constant reworks, more than any other champion in the game. Introduced in 2009, Ryze has seen his kit altered multiple times, with each rework attempting to fix the core issues of his design. However, these changes have only made his situati

    In conclusion, Ryze's troubled history of reworks highlights the challenge of balancing complex champions in a constantly changing game. While Riot has tried to modernize Ryze's kit and address his balance issues, the champion's fundamental design has made it difficult to find a stable version that works for both casual and competitive players. For now, Ryze remains a cautionary tale of how even the most reworked champions can still struggle to find their place in the .

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  10. How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    In Throne and Liberty, enhancing your character’s abilities is crucial to your success. That’s where Skill Growth Books come into play. These books are vital for improving your skills, but they’re not just lying around; you need to know where to look. So, get ready to dive into the world of Throne and Liberty and learn how to farm these books effectively.

    First off, you’ll want to focus on completing quests. Many quests, especially those that are more challenging or at a higher level, reward you with Skill Growth Books upon completion. Keep an eye out for daily and weekly quests, as they often provide these books as a part of their rewards.

    Next, engage in battles. Regularly defeating monsters and bosses can drop these books, although it’s not a guarantee. The tougher the enemy, the higher the chance they’ll drop what you’re after. Make sure you’re well-equipped for these fights – the payoff can be huge.

    Trading and Crafting

    Don’t forget about trading with other players

    Farming Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty may require some effort and time, but it’s an essential part of strengthening your character. Remember to complete quests, battle tough enemies, trade and craft, participate in events, and join forces with a guild. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering your skills in the .

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