  1. Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Reworks are an essential part of balancing champions in League of Legends, meant to improve or adapt a character’s playstyle to fit the current meta. These reworks can either tweak a champion's abilities or completely overhaul their gameplay, all with the same goal: to make the champion more viable and enjoyable for players. However, while most reworks succeed in refreshing old champions, some struggle to find their place. Ryze, the Rune Mage, stands out as a champion who has undergone numerous reworks but remains unbalanced and problematic. Despite Riot's many attempts, Ryze has never reached a stable state, often shifting between being too powerful and too weak, depending on the patch.

    Ryze's Troubled Rework History

    Ryze has become infamous for his constant reworks, more than any other champion in the game. Introduced in 2009, Ryze has seen his kit altered multiple times, with each rework attempting to fix the core issues of his design. However, these changes have only made his situati

    In conclusion, Ryze's troubled history of reworks highlights the challenge of balancing complex champions in a constantly changing game. While Riot has tried to modernize Ryze's kit and address his balance issues, the champion's fundamental design has made it difficult to find a stable version that works for both casual and competitive players. For now, Ryze remains a cautionary tale of how even the most reworked champions can still struggle to find their place in the .

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  2. How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    How to Farm Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty

    In Throne and Liberty, enhancing your character’s abilities is crucial to your success. That’s where Skill Growth Books come into play. These books are vital for improving your skills, but they’re not just lying around; you need to know where to look. So, get ready to dive into the world of Throne and Liberty and learn how to farm these books effectively.

    First off, you’ll want to focus on completing quests. Many quests, especially those that are more challenging or at a higher level, reward you with Skill Growth Books upon completion. Keep an eye out for daily and weekly quests, as they often provide these books as a part of their rewards.

    Next, engage in battles. Regularly defeating monsters and bosses can drop these books, although it’s not a guarantee. The tougher the enemy, the higher the chance they’ll drop what you’re after. Make sure you’re well-equipped for these fights – the payoff can be huge.

    Trading and Crafting

    Don’t forget about trading with other players

    Farming Skill Growth Books in Throne and Liberty may require some effort and time, but it’s an essential part of strengthening your character. Remember to complete quests, battle tough enemies, trade and craft, participate in events, and join forces with a guild. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering your skills in the .

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  3. Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Ryze Has Been Forgotten by Riot

    Reworks are an essential part of balancing champions in League of Legends, meant to improve or adapt a character’s playstyle to fit the current meta. These reworks can either tweak a champion's abilities or completely overhaul their gameplay, all with the same goal: to make the champion more viable and enjoyable for players. However, while most reworks succeed in refreshing old champions, some struggle to find their place. Ryze, the Rune Mage, stands out as a champion who has undergone numerous reworks but remains unbalanced and problematic. Despite Riot's many attempts, Ryze has never reached a stable state, often shifting between being too powerful and too weak, depending on the patch.

    Ryze's Troubled Rework History

    Ryze has become infamous for his constant reworks, more than any other champion in the game. Introduced in 2009, Ryze has seen his kit altered multiple times, with each rework attempting to fix the core issues of his design. However, these changes have only made his situati

    In conclusion, Ryze's troubled history of reworks highlights the challenge of balancing complex champions in a constantly changing game. While Riot has tried to modernize Ryze's kit and address his balance issues, the champion's fundamental design has made it difficult to find a stable version that works for both casual and competitive players. For now, Ryze remains a cautionary tale of how even the most reworked champions can still struggle to find their place in the .

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  4. Steam 更改購物說明與用戶協議,強調玩家買的只是「授權」

    Steam 更改購物說明與用戶協議,強調玩家買的只是「授權」

      近期據國外多家媒體報導,有用戶發現在遊戲發行平台 Steam 上購買數位產品時,系統會顯示一條訊息,告知用戶實際購買的是「授權」而非遊戲本體,這項改動似乎是受到美國加州新法案「AB 2426」的影響,Steam 訂戶協議也對此進行更新,其中包含用戶與 Valve 之間關於爭議和索賠解決方式的變更。

      在 Steam 的規範中說明內容與服務是「授權而非銷售」,意指即使授權給使用者,也不會「賦予所有權或擁有權」,也就是說即使用戶在 Steam 上購買了遊戲,也可能因為遊戲發行商或 Steam 營運方 Valve 的各種狀況而無法玩到,因此 Steam 現已於購物車上對於用戶所購買的數位產品進行說明。

      這次變動的原因可能與美國加州在今年 9 月頒布、預定從 2025 年起生效的「AB 2426」州法有關。AB 2426 是一個與保護消費者相關的法案,要求在購買數位內容(如電子書、音樂)時,若這些內容並非永續的所有權,則不能使用「購買」(buy)和「購入」(purchase)等字眼,除非明確說明這是以授權的形式並得到消費者的確認。

      該法案通過的背景源於數位媒體銷售中產生的問題,例如 2021 年 Apple 因其 App Store 的「購買」標註引發集體訴訟,因為 Apple 擁有隨時終止用戶訪問的權利,這被指控為誤導性陳述,而 AB 2426 法案明確規定此類聲明構成虛假廣告,並將其納入民事處罰範圍。

      今年 3 月底終止服務的遊戲《飆酷車神》(The Crew)讓不少玩家對此事仍記憶猶新,許多購買該遊戲的玩家發現無法遊玩後表達了憤怒和不滿,聲稱這是「剝奪他們的所有權」,儘管 Ubisoft 的使用許可協議聲明只授予使用權,但其官方網站上仍使用「購買」一詞,這意味著類似 Steam 的調整可能也會發生在其他平台上。

      此外 強調其遊戲的「DRM-Free」特色,用戶可以在無需線上認證的情況下離線遊玩,因此在 上不需像 Steam 一樣發出此類授權聲明。 官方 X(原推特)帳號貼文更開玩笑表示或許應該在其商店頁面上新增一條說明「GOG 購買提供離線安裝程式,不會搶您的東西」,至於未來是否會有其他平台跟進變更購買說明仍需持續關注。

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  5. 卡通風休閒小品《WEBFISHING》正式推出,支援多人線上釣魚互動


      遊戲團隊 lamedeveloper 宣布,由他們開發兼發行的休閒釣魚遊戲《WEBFISHING》現已正式在 PC Steam 上推出,售價為新台幣 102 圓。

      本作顧名思義就是一款讓玩家輕鬆釣魚的遊戲,最大的特徵是支援線上多人遊戲,在遊戲中玩家會化身成不同動物的模樣來捕捉各種生物,從小型軟體生物到巨型鯊魚,有近 100 種不同的生物可供捕捉,玩家可以利用釣魚賺來的錢購買新的釣竿或服飾,也能在水族箱中繁殖稀有魚類。


      風格可愛又繽紛的《WEBFISHING》在 10/12 發售後迅速獲得玩家好評,開發團隊也在收到玩家反饋後迅速推出更新 Patch 改善遊戲問題,想要一人獨享釣魚樂趣或想與親朋好友一起度過垂釣時光的話不妨試試看這款遊戲喔!


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  6. 無怪物追趕的探索之旅,第一人稱恐怖冒險《Void Path》10 月底登陸 PC

    無怪物追趕的探索之旅,第一人稱恐怖冒險《Void Path》10 月底登陸 PC

      獨立遊戲開發者 Kuma-hacker(くまハッカー)宣布,由他製作兼發行的冒險遊戲新作《Void Path》(不可視の帰路)將於 10 月 30 日在 PC Steam 上推出,支援包含繁體中文在內等多種語言。

      《Void Path》是一款以日本住宅區為背景的第一人稱恐怖遊戲,在遊戲中玩家將獨自一人探索虛擬空間「Void Path」,目標是到達這個空間的出口,要注意的是在這個空間中,玩家的身高只有 140 公分高宛如孩子一般,但不用擔心,這條街上沒有可怕的怪物會追趕或突然出現在面前攻擊你。

      探索途中可能會遇到一點恐怖的景象,但這並不會產生嚴重的影響,玩家要切記的是虛擬空間是個不穩定的地方,不要偏離常規路線,否則系統可能會崩潰,想與可疑物體進行互動是不可能的。DEMO 版現正於 Steam 商店公開的《Void Path》即將在十月底推出,對這個探索之旅感興趣的話不妨先下載 DEMO 版挑戰看看吧。


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  7. 3D 動作敘事冒險《Europa》正式推出,用噴射裝置探索美麗衛星世界

    3D 動作敘事冒險《Europa》正式推出,用噴射裝置探索美麗衛星世界

      由四人獨立團隊 Helder Pinto 開發、Future Friends Games 負責發行的動作冒險遊戲《Europa》,現已於 PC Steam 和 Nintendo Switch 等平台上發售,為慶祝遊戲上市,Steam 版在 10 月 26 日前推出新品優惠折扣活動。

      《Europa》為一款以廣闊自然為舞台的 3D 動作冒險遊戲。玩家將在這個過去曾經是人類能居住的樂園,但如今文明卻已崩壞、人類消失無蹤的木星衛星「Europa」中,操作身為人造人的「Zee」來展開冒險,使用背上的噴射裝置展開奔跑、滑翔、飛行等各種動作並探索這個美麗世界,解開人類殞落之謎與這顆星球不為人知的過往,據商店資訊遊戲時間約 3~4 小時。

      除了遊戲本體以外,Steam 版還同步上架兩張遊戲原聲帶與數位美術集等 DLC,並以組合包的形式販售,對這款有著美麗風景和流暢動作的敘事冒險感興趣的話不妨趁優惠期間來《Europa》展開探索之旅吧!


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  8. How to Get Angelbreath in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

    How to Get Angelbreath in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

    As you delve into the dark and daunting world of Diablo 4, you’ll quickly realize the importance of upgrading your character with the best gear and potions. Among the myriad of crafting materials scattered throughout Diablo 4, Angelbreath stands out as a crucial component for those looking to enhance their gameplay experience.

    Whether it’s to boost your stats temporarily with elixirs or to ensure your healing potions remain effective as your health pool grows, Angel Breath emerges as a necessity. So, how do you get your hands on this coveted material? Let’s dive in.

    Farming Angel Breath through Helltides

    One of the primary ways to farm Angelbreath in Diablo 4 is by braving the Helltides. Here, the objective is to find Tortured Chests which can yield this rare material. However, it’s not just about luck; you can increase your chances by gathering Aberrant Cinders.

    Consider using Profane Mindcages to up the drop rate of these cinders. Moreover, targeting the Blood Maiden during Helltide ev

      Gathering Angelbreath in Diablo 4 might seem daunting at first, but with the right strategy, it becomes much more manageable. From tackling Helltides to navigating Nightmare Dungeons and taking on campaign bosses, there are several pathways to amass this valuable material. As you unlock higher difficulties, your capacity to collect Angel Breath increases, paving the way for significant character enhancements. Keep these tips in mind, brave adventurer, and may your quest for Angelbreath lead to triumph over the forces of .

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    • EDG and their Star Player Won their First Major Tournament

      EDG and their Star Player Won their First Major Tournament

      Valorant has experienced rapid growth globally, and China is no exception. At the heart of this rise is Edward Gaming (EDG) and their star player, ZmjjKK, whose spectacular plays have captivated audiences worldwide. In 2024, ZmjjKK cemented his legacy by leading EDG to their first-ever major Valorant international win at Valorant Champions in Seoul, South Korea.

      This historic victory was more than just a triumph for EDG; it was a breakthrough for China's Valorant scene on the world stage. With ZmjjKK's incredible talent and their team's dedication, EDG's story is one of perseverance, dominance, and hard-earned success.

      The Path to Valorant Champions 2024

      Edward Gaming's rise to the top of the Valorant scene wasn't overnight. In previous international tournaments, they often came close but always fell just short of the big win. ZmjjKK was instrumental in their journey, constantly refining his skills and strategies. His flashy plays, often involving the Operator, became iconic, earning him

      ZmjjKK and Edward Gaming's win at Valorant Champions 2024 is a defining moment in Valorant history. It represents not just the rise of a star player and his team but also the growing prominence of China in the global esports scene. With ZmjjKK's incredible skills and EDG's relentless drive, they've earned their place as the best Valorant team in the world. As Valorant continues to grow, EDG's story will inspire countless players and fans across the globe, proving that with talent and dedication, any region can rise to the .

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    • How to Get Angelbreath in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

      How to Get Angelbreath in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

      As you delve into the dark and daunting world of Diablo 4, you’ll quickly realize the importance of upgrading your character with the best gear and potions. Among the myriad of crafting materials scattered throughout Diablo 4, Angelbreath stands out as a crucial component for those looking to enhance their gameplay experience.

      Whether it’s to boost your stats temporarily with elixirs or to ensure your healing potions remain effective as your health pool grows, Angel Breath emerges as a necessity. So, how do you get your hands on this coveted material? Let’s dive in.

      Farming Angel Breath through Helltides

      One of the primary ways to farm Angelbreath in Diablo 4 is by braving the Helltides. Here, the objective is to find Tortured Chests which can yield this rare material. However, it’s not just about luck; you can increase your chances by gathering Aberrant Cinders.

      Consider using Profane Mindcages to up the drop rate of these cinders. Moreover, targeting the Blood Maiden during Helltide ev

        Gathering Angelbreath in Diablo 4 might seem daunting at first, but with the right strategy, it becomes much more manageable. From tackling Helltides to navigating Nightmare Dungeons and taking on campaign bosses, there are several pathways to amass this valuable material. As you unlock higher difficulties, your capacity to collect Angel Breath increases, paving the way for significant character enhancements. Keep these tips in mind, brave adventurer, and may your quest for Angelbreath lead to triumph over the forces of .

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