  1. Snaptap Is Cheating? Really?

    Snaptap Is Cheating? Really?

    The recent controversy surrounding the Snaptap feature on Razer’s Huntsman V3 keyboard has sent shockwaves through the CS2 esports community. Designed to automate the input process for smoother strafing, this feature has officially claimed its first victim in professional play, raising eyebrows and stirring debates about fairness in competitive gaming. But what exactly happened?

    Snaptap: A Brief Overview

    Snaptap is an automation feature that allows players to achieve near-perfect strafing by prioritizing their most recent keystroke. In a game like CS2, this means players can potentially overcome the natural inaccuracies that come with movement-based shooting, gaining an unfair edge. The feature enables players to execute movements more efficiently, switching directions seamlessly without lifting their fingers.

    This capability can significantly enhance counter-strafing, a skill crucial for movement precision in games like Counter-Strike. However, Valve and other authorities deemed this fe

    The conversations sparked by this incident will likely shape the future of esports, as players, developers, and organizers strive for a fair and competitive landscape. The ongoing dialogue about the balance between skill and technology will be crucial in defining what competitive gaming truly .

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  2. Acer EI1 Series 49” Ultrawide Gaming Monitor – Affordable and Immersive

    Acer EI1 Series 49” Ultrawide Gaming Monitor – Affordable and Immersive

    Are you on a quest to locate the best ultrawide gaming monitor? Or perhaps you're simply looking for an ultra widescreen display for cinematic immersivity, or improved workflow, without the cluttering effect of having multiple monitors on your desk? When it comes to displays, there are times when broader is simply better. Meet theAcer EI1 Series Ultrawide curved monitor.

    This immense 49-inch ultrawide gaming monitor is a DFHD canvas ready to transport you to the furthest reaches of your chosen gaming galaxy. Whether you're planning a journey across the akashic plane, or simply want to watch the NFL Super Bowl, why settle for less when the best ultrawide monitor could be eternally yours for just over $1000? Read on to discover what an ultrawide screen can do for you, and get the lowdown on the Acer EI1 Series Ultrawide curved monitor.

    Why go ultra widescreen?

    There's a whole world of wide and ultrawide screen displays on the market today, so you may be wondering why you might require such a beast of a monitor. We'll deal with the benefits for gaming in a minute, but first let's cover a few of the factors that make equipping yourself with an ultra widescreen display a no-brainer. The first thing that strikes you when you sit or stand in front of an ultrawide monitor is immersivity. For movies, TV shows and anything t

    Now that we've covered the basics of the ultrawide universe, let's take the plunge and get up close and personal with the Acer EI1. There are currently two models in the 49-inch EI1 family, today we'll focus on the which can be yours for a sweet $1,099.99. Let's have a gander at the tech-specs:

      Forget the likes of lag: with an overclock up to 144Hz, you'll be awash in smoother than smooth gameplay with radically rapid frame rendering for jaw-dropping image fluidity. With this monitor in your gaming flock you can let your mind rest easily, for the Acer EI1 Series 49” Ultrawide gaming monitor is. This means that luminance, color gamut, bit depth, and rise time, as well as color accuracy, black levels and contrast all meet industry standards. While we're on the topic of colors, the 90% DCI-P3 provides smooth transitions, subtle shades and overall color uniformity, as well as sharp reds and greens, thanks to the Quantum Dot display.

      EI1 49

      Predator Z57

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    • 釣魚模擬《戶外釣魚:夏日時光》中文版確定 10/31 上市!公開預售相關資訊

      釣魚模擬《戶外釣魚:夏日時光》中文版確定 10/31 上市!公開預售相關資訊

        Arc System Works 亞克系統亞洲分店宣布,Natsume 所開發的釣魚遊戲《Reel Fishing》系列最新作《戶外釣魚:夏日時光》中文版,確定於 10 月 31 日(四)在 PS4、PS5、Nintendo Switch、Steam 上市,並公開了中文實體盒裝版(PS5、Switch)預購特典相關資訊。


        《戶外釣魚:夏日時光》是《Reel Fishing》系列以登陸於 PS 平臺以來,20 多年來備受喜愛的暢銷釣魚冒險遊戲。也是繼 2020 年 6 月亞克系統亞洲分店推出的《戶外釣魚:公路旅行冒險》中文實體盒裝版及數位下載版後的第 16 部系列作品。

        玩家可以在 14 處不同風格的釣場捕獲到高達 40 多種魚類,並製作 50 多種漁具(釣魚工具)來挑戰捕獲最稀有的魚類。另外,也能培養三個性格和能力不同的主角,除了能遊玩像是將捕獲的魚放入魚缸觀察等單純的釣魚模擬體驗,還具備了冒險、RPG 元素,與以往清一色機台遊戲類型的釣魚遊戲不同,可以感受到全新的樂趣。




      .從山谷到海洋,14 個多樣化的釣魚場所:從美麗的溪流到神祕的大海,可以在 14 處不同風格的釣場,捕獲超過 40 種的魚類!

      .製作多達 50 種以上的漁具,來瞄準大魚並捕獲它:可製作和升級包括釣竿、路亞、捲線器等 50 種以上漁具,通過釣魚獲取的新素材製作更好的釣魚工具,挑戰釣到最稀有的魚!

      .培養具有不同專長及個性的主角三人幫,一起體驗夏季釣魚的樂趣:三位主角各有釣魚、手工藝、烹飪等不同的專長。透過進行日常、任務、故事等多種內容來提高能力,學習強化專長的技能等。不僅可以體驗模擬釣魚的樂趣,更兼具冒險和 RPG 的要素。



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    • 「Launch Everywhere with Epic」即將登場,跨平台開發者享 Unreal Engine 優惠價格

      「Launch Everywhere with Epic」即將登場,跨平台開發者享 Unreal Engine 優惠價格

        Epic Games 於今(2)日舉辦了遊戲引擎 Unreal Engine 最新消息活動「Unreal Fest Seattle 2024」。在此活動中官方發表了名為「Launch Everywhere with Epic」的新計劃。該計劃是在特定條件下,降低 Unreal Engine 的使用費用,預計 2025 年 1 月開始實施。

        目前 Unreal Engine 採用的是基於版稅的授權模式,當作品的總收入未達 100 萬美元時,使用該引擎是免費的,一旦超過 100 萬美元,開發者需要支付 5%的版稅給 Epic Games(在 EGS 銷售的收入則免版稅)。在此次的發表中 Epic Games 提到,當前的遊戲業務正面臨巨大壓力,為了給開發者提供更好的條件,並讓更多用戶使用,他們正在改善遊戲引擎和商店體驗,作為這項計畫的一部分,他們推出了「Launch Everywhere with Epic」。

        「Launch Everywhere with Epic」計劃將 Unreal Engine 的版稅費率從 5%降至 3.5%,條件是該作品需要在 EGS 發佈。只要作品在 EGS 銷售,無論是 Steam 等其他 PC 平台,還是主機版和移動版的其他商店銷售收入,均可享受 3.5%的版稅,如果將作品從 EGS 下架,那麼其他商店的版稅將恢復至 5%。

        EGS 還提供了一個名為「EPIC First Run」的計劃,讓開發人員在作品於 EGS 以獨家形式發行後的六個月內,可以獲得 100%的收入,該計畫的參與者也適用於「Launch Everywhere with Epic」服務。

        值得一提的是,EGS 的 Android 版本已在包括日本在內的全球上架,而 iPhone 版本則在歐盟地區推出。因此,本次發表的「Launch Everywhere with Epic」也適用於手機專用遊戲。在「Unreal Fest Seattle 2024」活動中,還宣布了恐龍生存遊戲《ARK:Ultimate Mobile Edition》將在 EGS 上架的消息。

        一直以來,Epic Games 都在推出優待 EGS 開發者的政策,此次新增的優惠機制,對於跨平台的作品,在 Unreal Engine 使用費用上也提供了更多優惠。這可能是 E


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    • 《波拉西亞戰記》Episode.2「命運之地」正式登場!「太陽監視者」閃耀降臨




        此外,再加上全新跨服副本「交叉領域:時空縫隙」及第 12 個新世界(伺服器)「賽爾頓」同步開啟,經驗值加成與全套強化裝備快速養成角色,堪稱新手玩家加入、老玩家回歸守護者行列的最佳時機,一同享受極致的遊戲體驗!








        即日起至 10 月 16 日,可於商店中透過職業轉換,將既有職業轉換為太陽監視者,原有裝備道具將平行轉移,讓玩家輕鬆體驗這位砂之刺客的無窮魅力!

      全新跨服副本「交叉領域:時空縫隙」開啟終極對決,跨服 PVP 震撼登場!

        今日起,跨服副本「交叉領域:時空縫隙」正式上線,揭開全新跨伺服器 PVP 玩法!這片強者交錯的戰場將成為最具挑戰性的決戰舞台。首張地圖「石牙象之脊」僅限 Lv.57 以上玩家進入,挑戰高難度的四大新狩獵場首領,與副本專屬首領「時空守門將」。

        該區域擁有 Lv.59~Lv.76 的無屬性狩獵場,提供更高掉寶率及大量經驗值,讓玩家獲得更多元的練功及裝備獲取機會。四大狩獵場首領將固定於每周日 21:00 及 21:30 出沒,各大旅團必須迅速集結隊伍挑戰,將其擊殺後有機會獲


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    • 《黑色契約 CABAL Online》歡慶週年!每日登入禮、全天候加倍福利,多項生日慶祝活動熱鬧開跑

      《黑色契約 CABAL Online》歡慶週年!每日登入禮、全天候加倍福利,多項生日慶祝活動熱鬧開跑

        ESTgames Corp. 開發、掘夢網代理的 MMORPG《黑色契約 CABAL Online》,宣布週年慶於今日熱鬧開跑!



        黑恆星伺服器也將開放「神話等級」以及全新副本「黃昏花園」,更多內容等你來體驗。官方粉絲專頁同步預告在 10 月 25 日晚間進行歡慶週年直播活動,直播過程中將不間斷送出多項虛寶與實體好禮,千萬別錯過這次與同好們一同歡慶週年的機會!




        此外,挑戰「遠古獵場」不僅能獲得虛寶道具,還可以額外參加抽獎,贏得限量實體獎勵!累積進入遠古獵場越多次,中獎機會就越高!獎勵包含以卡佩爾拉、彼洛奇昂國徽為造型的金屬「國家徽章組」;詳細呈現地圖場景、副本設計、裝備造型等各種美術細節的「原畫設定集」,還有全新製作的「發仔造型抱枕」,50 公分的大小加上柔軟的材質,觸感令人愛不釋手!快來挑戰「遠古獵場」,更多驚喜好禮等你帶回家!


        週年慶的活動還不只這樣!「獵祭嘉年華」同步開跑,活動期間擊殺 65 級以上的野外或副本怪物,就有機率掉落「斷裂的箭矢」和「探勘鏡」等道具。只要蒐集到指定數量的道具,就能向 NPC 兌換各式獎勵如「強化的寶箱(VIP)」,有機會從中獲得各種等


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    • 體驗絕望宇宙求生,科幻恐怖冒險《Mouthwashing 緘默禍運》獲壓倒性好評

      體驗絕望宇宙求生,科幻恐怖冒險《Mouthwashing 緘默禍運》獲壓倒性好評

        由瑞典 Wrong Organ 開發、CRITICAL REFLEX 負責發行,支援繁體中文在內等多種語言的宇宙恐怖冒險《Mouthwashing 緘默禍運》現已於 PC Steam 上推出,上市不到一週就獲得就獲得玩家「壓倒性好評」。


        隨著時間的流逝 Tulpar 號將耗盡動力,食物供應也將面臨枯竭的狀況,由於公司嚴禁打開貨艙,但若能取得裡面的物資就能讓船上的人存活更長的時間,在船長四肢無力、無法說話的情況下,玩家所做出的選擇將會是個嚴峻的考驗。

        遊戲於今年 2 月推出 DEMO 版讓玩家試玩,並在 9/27 正式發售,推出後即廣受好評,Steam 頁面中顯示超過一千篇評論中,有 97%給予遊戲好評,像是遊戲的虛實結合和故事中展現的絕望感都獲得了不錯的評價,也有部分玩家認為遊戲的容量(只需幾個小時就能完成)和宛如電影般的呈現,讓它成為一部像「優質 B 級恐怖片」讓玩家享受的作品,其中也有意見表示遊戲中存在怪誕的描寫購買前需注意。

        開發團隊 Wrong Organ 過去曾推出免費恐怖遊戲《How Fish Is Made》,因其富含哲理的故事和低面數藝術風格廣受好評,作為該開發商首款付費遊戲,上市不到一週就有這樣的成績值得讚賞;支援繁體中文的《Mouthwashing 緘默禍運》現正舉辦新品特惠活動,若對故事內容感興趣的話,可以把握機會入手喔!


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    • 《足球經理 2025》11/27 上市!歡迎來到足球經營新時代

      《足球經理 2025》11/27 上市!歡迎來到足球經營新時代

        SEGA 世雅宣布,Sports Interactive 的足球經營遊戲系列最新作《足球經理(Football Manager)2025》將於 11 月 27 日全球同步發售。


        《足球經理(Football Manager)2024》剛剛迎來破紀錄的一年,跨平台擁有超過 1,400 萬名玩家。Sports Interactive 和 SEGA 具指標性系列的最新版本將讓玩家置身於深刻並真實的足球世界中心,一個只有自己能夠決定命運的世界。

        《足球經理 2025》改用了最新一代的 Unity 引擎,有著系列作品中最強的視覺與技術提升。本作的遊戲介面已經過了全新的優化。與此同時,開發者觀察了不同類型玩家的遊玩方式,並在不影響細節的情況下,提供了更流暢、更智能化的體驗。栩栩如生的球員建模與動畫和增強的圖像保真度將大幅提升比賽日的體驗。

        玩家們期待已久的女子足球系列賽首次於本作亮相,與男子足球比賽無縫接軌。同一個世界,同一個系統。由於 SI 與英超聯賽新創立的多年合作夥伴關係,玩家們可選擇在女子足球系列賽開闢新天地,或是比以往更深入地沉浸在本作精彩的遊戲中。


        Sports Interactive 工作室的邁爾斯.雅各布森表示:


      「正如我在採訪和開發更新中所提到的,《足球經理 2025》的製作過程對整個 SI 團隊來說都是一項挑戰。」

      「《足球經理 2025》對本工作室來說只是未來二、三十年的起點,它也是個讓全世界可以看到我們兩個時長多年的計畫得以實現的機會,那就是改採用 Unity 引擎和引入女子足球聯賽。能夠與各位分享我們辛勤工作的成果讓我們非常有成就感,我們很期待在遊戲發布前幾週向各位展示更多的遊戲內容。」


      《足球經理 2025》家機版

        除了 PC 和 Mac 版本的釋出外,Xbox 和 PS5 上的《足球經理 2025》家機版也將於 11 月 27 日上市。此外,《足球經理 2025》家機版(Xbox)和《足球經理 2025》(PC/Mac)也將上線 Xbox Game Pas


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    • How to Use Party Share in Pokemon GO

      How to Use Party Share in Pokemon GO

      Hey there, Trainers! Get ready to team up and boost your gameplay because the Party Share feature in Pokemon GO is here to enhance your experience. If you’re a fan of playing alongside your friends, this feature will add a new layer of strategy and fun to your adventures.

      Setting Up Party Share

      To dive into Party Share in Pokemon GO, you’ll need to team up with a buddy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

      1. Open the Party tab and invite your friend by having them scan your QR code.
      2. Select a task from the three available choices.
      3. Return to the Party tab and hit the Share button.
      4. Pick from an Incense, Star Piece, or Lucky Egg. You can use multiple items simultaneously for a stacked effect.

      Understanding the Shared Item Effects

      Once you share an item, all party members enjoy its benefits, but at half the usual potency. Don’t worry, though; the 30-minute duration remains the same for everyone. It’s a game-changer during special events when item effects are boosted, as your Party Share wi

        Party Share in Pokemon GO isn’t just a way to enhance your own gameplay; it’s about building a community and working together. Whether you’re out to catch them all or aiming for the top in raids, sharing is now a part of your strategy. Grab your friends, plan your outings, and let the power of teamwork lead you to victory in the world of Pokemon GO. Happy hunting, and remember – the more, the !

        • ...
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      • What Is Virtual Memory and How Can You Adjust It on Windows PCs?

        What Is Virtual Memory and How Can You Adjust It on Windows PCs?

        The typical amount of random access memory (RAM) on most PCs isn't always enough to handle multiple programs running at once. Whenever you're multitasking on your computer, there's a behind-the-scenes process that makes it possible: virtual memory. This vital feature manages your computer's memory, extending it beyond the physical limits of your RAM and enabling you to multitask without fuss. Read on for a summary of what virtual memory is, why it's important, and how to check and increase virtual memory on Windows PCs like the recently launched Acer Swift 14 AI Copilot+ PC

        What is Virtual Memory? 

        Virtual memory is a feature that enables modern PCs to handle more tasks than their physical memory, or RAM, can support. Think of it as a clever trick wherein your computer uses a portion of your hard drive as if it were additional memory. When you run multiple applications simultaneously, your computer might run out of RAM. Virtual memory steps in by temporarily transferring less-used data from the RAM to the hard drive. It frees up physical RAM for more critical tasks and for the programs you actively use, allowing the system to continue functioning smoothly. This process happens seamlessly and lets you continue working without interruption. 

        One of the ways virtual memory works is through a technique called “paging.” When your computer needs more memory, it moves data from RAM to a specific file on your hard drive known as the “paging file” or “page file,” typically located on the system drive. This allows your system to create the


        • By providing an additional layer of memory, it helps prevent the system from running out of memory, which can lead to crashes and data loss. 
        • It allows the system to handle more applications and processes simultaneously, enhancing overall system responsiveness and performance. 
        • In the event of a system crash, a sufficiently large paging file is necessary to create a complete memory dump, which is crucial for diagnosing and fixing the issue. 







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