  1. 《精靈樂章 ORIGIN》全球版公佈與台式經典品牌炸雞大獅展開期間限定合作

    《精靈樂章 ORIGIN》全球版公佈與台式經典品牌炸雞大獅展開期間限定合作

      傳奇網路遊戲研發的大型線上幻想風格 MMORPG 遊戲《精靈樂章 ORIGIN》全球版,宣布與本土知名炸雞品牌炸雞大獅展開期間限定合作。活動從今日展開,整個十月份到炸雞大獅的各分店都能夠買到期間限定的「精靈套餐」;同時在遊戲也也會推出炸雞大獅的活動,完成任務將可獲得炸雞大獅的外觀獎勵喔!




      活動時間從 10/2~10/30 期間限定展開,等級 15 以上的玩家可以在加斯洛找到 NPC「<炸雞界王者>炸雞大獅」對話後承接任務。合作任務共有兩個,分別是單次的「炊金饌玉不如這金黃炸雞」,完成任務後就可以接取重複任務「美味相送不道遠」。最後收集足夠的物品「炸雞大獅集點票券」,可與 NPC「<炸雞界王者>炸雞大獅」,兌換炸雞大獅外觀商品與各式支援道具喔!


      讓人難以抗拒的美味「精靈套餐」將於 10/1~10/31 於炸雞大獅各店期間限定販售,活動期間內只要購買「精靈套餐」,可獲得虛寶卡乙張;成功兌換虛寶序號,再加碼抽「3 級精靈族長的製作禱告」×1,想獲得好禮就趁現在!


    .S 獎:大師強化銘文之三×1

    .A 獎:大師強化銘文之二×1

    .B 獎:四葉的強化幸運草×2

    .C 獎:巫毒替身×2

    .D 獎:強化幸運草×2


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  2. 生存恐怖冒險《Vampire Huntress》發表!操縱性感女獵人對抗邪惡吸血鬼

    生存恐怖冒險《Vampire Huntress》發表!操縱性感女獵人對抗邪惡吸血鬼

      獨立開發者「Lord Borealis」宣布,將在 Steam 上推出一款生存恐怖遊戲《Vampire Huntress - Lament of the Sun》(吸血鬼女獵人~太陽哀歌,中文名暫稱)與玩家們見面,目前遊戲僅預定支援英文與日文兩種語系。

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  3. 3D 恐怖冒險《殘業》11/1 發售決定!一邊加班一邊處理深夜校園各種異常現象

    3D 恐怖冒險《殘業》11/1 發售決定!一邊加班一邊處理深夜校園各種異常現象

      日本獨立遊戲製作集團 SheepHouse Create 預定在 PC Steam 上推出、自家開發製作的恐怖遊戲《After Tasks 殘業》,宣布將決定於 11 月 1 日起正式推出上市,遊戲目前僅支援英文與日文兩種語系。

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  4. 《hololive 寶藏山》首部 DLC 即將推出,兔田佩克拉化身實況人員攜 EN/ID 成員加入

    《hololive 寶藏山》首部 DLC 即將推出,兔田佩克拉化身實況人員攜 EN/ID 成員加入

      由 BeXide 開發、holo Indie 發行,支援繁體中文在內的 3D 益智遊戲《hololive 寶藏山》(ホロライブお宝マウンテン),近日宣布將於十月上旬推出本作第一個 DLC「こんぺこDLC」以及追加 hololive EN/ID 寶藏。

      《hololive 寶藏山》為一款以 hololive 三期生「寶鐘瑪琳」為主題,BeXide 作為新獨立遊戲企劃「B-SiD」第一款作品進行開發,並獲得 hololive production「遊戲創作者支持計劃」衍生的二次創作獨立遊戲品牌「holo Indie」授權參與推出的可愛風 3D 益智遊戲。

      遊戲中,hololive 的成員們將變身成可愛的寶藏,玩家需將這些 3D 化的成員們堆疊起來,並小心不讓他們溢出,通過堆疊來創建屬於你自己的寶山;當玩家將相同寶藏結合在一起後,他們將會變化成更加巨大的寶藏。玩家可藉此來不斷達成連鎖,挑戰自己的極限高分,合成出最大的寶藏時,還將會有令人驚喜的意外發生,同時也要注意,一旦寶藏從島上掉落遊戲就會結束。

      預定推出的「こんぺこDLC」能讓玩家將遊戲中的實況角色從寶鐘瑪琳換成兔田佩克拉,就連開場影片和 BGM 也會換成族長專屬,為遊戲增添新的對話風味,在該 DLC 上線同時,也會同步推出讓船長變成寶藏的更新內容,該更新即便沒有購買 DLC,只要滿足特定條件就能使用。

      與此同時,官方也宣布在 10 月中旬的更新中追加 hololive EN/ID 的寶藏,目前已知 EN 神話組和 ID 一期生會率先加入,至於確定的更新日期以及與 DLC 有關的資訊可以到 Steam 頁面確認。


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  5. Predator Series Backpacks & Suitcase: Secure Your Gear with Confidence

    Predator Series Backpacks & Suitcase: Secure Your Gear with Confidence

    Safely transporting laptops from home to the office or other locations can be tricky. Many laptop bags only offer cosmetic protection and do not safeguard against accidental bumps or falls. This problem is particularly troublesome for gamers, who spend large amounts of money on gaming laptops and accessories. As such, backpacks for gaming laptops are ideal for gamers who want to transport their devices to gaming sessions, conventions, or other locations. They provide a secure pocket and extra padding to keep devices safe while users are on the move. When packing devices into gaming laptop backpacks, users should be careful not to place the mouse or other accessories in the same pocket to avoid damage. Switching off the laptop before inserting it into a laptop backpack also prevents the risk of overheating, which can harm the device.

    Here are some tips on how to choose the best laptop backpack.  

    • Padded compartments: Laptop backpacks should include adequate padding to keep devices safe while traveling. If padding is lacking, laptops could suffer from bumps or being placed awkwardly on hard surfaces. Users should skip backpacks with little or no padding and adopt the general rule that more padding is better.  
    • Water-resistant material: Transporting expensive devices during heavy downpours can be worrying. Water-damaged laptops can be difficult to fix as exposure to water can cause significant harm to devices. As such, selecting a laptop backpack made from water-resistant material is imperative to keep devices safe in all weather. Furthermore, backpacks with separate water bottle pockets are a great way to avoid leaks or spillages from leaky bottles.  
    • Correct size: Laptop backpacks range from 14 to 17 inches (35.56 cm 43.18 cm). To offer the convenience of portability, users must choose the right size to accommodate their device and avoid unintentional damage. Pockets that are too large may not offer snug protection and cause unnecessary bouncing, whereas pockets that are too small may be restrictive and not close properly.  

    Acer Predator series backpacks and sui

    The in black and teal is ideal for storing and transporting the Acer Predator Notebook. At 17 inches deep (43.18 cm) and with a length of 20.5 inches (52.07 cm), the Predator gaming utility backpack fits most gaming laptops. It comes with a handy shoulder strap for easy portability or a chest strap to lighten the load. At just 3.44 lbs (1.56 kg), the Predator gaming utility backpack can be carried via its additional handle. It also includes extra pockets so users can store accessories separately from the laptop and avoid scratches or damage. 

    The comfortably fits 17 inch (43.28 cm) laptops and features a shoulder strap, a carrying handle, a useful waistline buckle, and a padded back to ensure maximum comfort. It is water-resistant and suitable for all weather conditions, with waterproof pockets so users can rest assured their device is safe from unexpected spillages or leaks. The durable Predator M-utility backpack is made from 1680D Ballistic Polyester, so it can withstand wear and tear while traveling. It also includes an additional organizational box so users can keep their accessories tidy and separate from the laptop device.  

    Gamers heading to their next gaming event or dream vacation may benefit from the . The hard exterior shell offers enhanced protection from bumps, while the wheels make it easy to roll to the next party or through an airport. Users can also enjoy additional security with the combination lock, boosting security for expensive gaming laptops and equipment. Alongside the 22 inch (55.88 cm) length, which can snugly fit a 17 inch (43.28 cm) laptop, the Predator G1 aluminum frame suitcase also includes molded foam to fit the desktop, keyboard, mouse, and AC adapter, avoiding scratches and scrapes. 

    The three aforementioned products come with up to a one-year guarantee for additional peace of mind. Acer are also available to purchase online, offering users options even when their original standard warranty is running out.  

    Predator Gaming Utility Backpack

    Predator M-Utility Backpack

    Predator G1 Aluminum Frame Suitcase

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  6. Best Ways to Earn Lucre in Visions of Mana

    Best Ways to Earn Lucre in Visions of Mana

    If you’re venturing through the mystical world of Visions of Mana and aiming to gear up with the finest weapons and armor, you’ll need plenty of Lucre, the game’s primary currency. Don’t worry; we’ve got the scoop on how to fill your wallets to the brim.

    Farming Lucre with Incense

    First off, let’s talk about the most efficient way to farm Lucre in Visions of Mana. Incense is your best friend here. These items give you a significant boost to Lucre earned in battle, making every encounter much more lucrative. There are three types of Incense you should know about:

    1. Ample Incense – Boosts Lucre by 10%
    2. Rich Incense – Boosts Lucre by 15%
    3. Opulent Incense – Boosts Lucre by 20%

    You can snag these at Grizzly Exchange Stores, but keep in mind the purchase limits which increase as you progress through the chapters.

    Incense Details

    Here’s a quick breakdown of where to get these items and what they’ll cost you:

    Item NameDescriptionWhere to ObtainPrice
    Ample Incense+10% Lucre from battlesGrizzly Exchange20 Lucre, 1 Grizzly Syrup
    Rich Incense+15% Lucre from battlesGrizzly Exch
    •  A 40% increase in Lucre after battles.
    •  A 30% chance to triple the Lucre you earn.

    Earning Lucre in Visions of Mana is all about strategy and making the most of the resources available to you. Use Incense before big battles, keep those abilities equipped, and be thorough in your exploration. With these tips, you’ll have all the Lucre you need to conquer any challenge that Visions of Mana throws your way. Happy gaming, and may your coffers never run !

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  7. Now is a Good Time to Use Vindicta in Deadlock

    Now is a Good Time to Use Vindicta in Deadlock

    With the recent September 12 patch, Vindicta has emerged as a must pick hero in Deadlock. Players have noticed significant buffs that enhance her gameplay and make her a great choice in matches. As Vindicta gains traction, it’s essential to understand her updated abilities and the advantages she offers in the current meta. This article delves into the details of her buffs, her gameplay strengths, and why now is the perfect time to give her a try.

    The Impact of Recent Buffs 

    Vindicta received several important changes in the latest patch that boosted her performance in Deadlock. One of the most significant buffs is the ability to use movement keys while flying, allowing her to accelerate quickly. This change makes her much faster in the air, transforming her from a vulnerable character into a dynamic threat. Additionally, her “Assassinate” ability now deals 20% more damage on headshots, rewarding skilled players who can aim accurately. 

    Considering that many characters in Deadlock rely on

    In conclusion, Vindicta stands out as one of the strongest characters in Deadlock right now. With her recent buffs, impressive crowd control abilities, and effective snowball potential, she offers players a unique opportunity to dominate in matches. Her agility and strong damage output make her a valuable asset in casual play, and she can easily become a favorite among those looking for victories. Now is undoubtedly a great time to pick up Vindicta and experience her full .

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  8. Adapting to a New World: Major Updates in Frostpunk 2 

    Adapting to a New World: Major Updates in Frostpunk 2 

    Frostpunk 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the acclaimed city-building survival game Frostpunk, is set to expand upon its predecessor in numerous ways. Developed by 11 Bit Studios and scheduled for release on September 20, 2024, the game promises to deliver a richer narrative, enhanced gameplay mechanics, and a broader scope of city management.  

    Frostpunk 2 platforms include PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, and a Frostpunk 2 Gamepass on PC and Xbox has also been announced. For PC users, a high-quality machine like the Nitro 17 Gaming Laptop is an excellent choice, as it exceeds the game's recommended system requirements. 

    New London's Growth and Development 

    Frostpunk 2 takes place 30 years after the events of the first game, where players again face the challenges of survival in a world gripped by a relentless ice age. This time, players assume the role of the Steward, the leader of New London, a city struggling not just for survival, but also for stability and growth amidst societal upheaval. The narrative shifts from mere survival to navigating complex political landscapes, as various factions within the city vie for power and influence over its future. The game emphasizes the need for players to balance the competing interests of these factions while managing the city's resources and infrastructure. 

    Changes in Resource Management 

    One of the most significant updates in Frostpunk 2 is the overhaul of the resource management system. While the original game focused heavily on coal as the primary energy source, the sequel introduces oil and nuclear power, adding layers of co





    Frostpunk 2 leverages the power of , promising stunning visuals and immersive environments. The engine's capabilities allow for enhanced graphics, improved lighting, and more detailed animations, creating a visually striking experience that captures the harsh beauty of the frozen world. The transition to this new engine also enables more complex simulations of city life, making the world feel more alive and responsive to player actions. 

    Finally, Frostpunk 2 will launch with a new modding tool called , enabling players to create custom maps, models, and scenarios. Developed in collaboration with, FrostKit leverages the capabilities of Unreal Engine, allowing for deeper customization compared to the original game. The tool will be iteratively upgraded based on community feedback, fostering creativity and expanding gameplay possibilities from day one. This addition addresses long-standing player requests for mod support, promising to enhance the game's longevity and engagement within the community. 

    Nitro 17 Gaming Laptop

    Predator XB3 Gaming Monitor

    Predator Helios 18 Gaming Laptop


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  9. Predator Series Backpacks & Suitcase: Secure Your Gear with Confidence

    Predator Series Backpacks & Suitcase: Secure Your Gear with Confidence

    Safely transporting laptops from home to the office or other locations can be tricky. Many laptop bags only offer cosmetic protection and do not safeguard against accidental bumps or falls. This problem is particularly troublesome for gamers, who spend large amounts of money on gaming laptops and accessories. As such, backpacks for gaming laptops are ideal for gamers who want to transport their devices to gaming sessions, conventions, or other locations. They provide a secure pocket and extra padding to keep devices safe while users are on the move. When packing devices into gaming laptop backpacks, users should be careful not to place the mouse or other accessories in the same pocket to avoid damage. Switching off the laptop before inserting it into a laptop backpack also prevents the risk of overheating, which can harm the device.

    Here are some tips on how to choose the best laptop backpack.  

    • Padded compartments: Laptop backpacks should include adequate padding to keep devices safe while traveling. If padding is lacking, laptops could suffer from bumps or being placed awkwardly on hard surfaces. Users should skip backpacks with little or no padding and adopt the general rule that more padding is better.  
    • Water-resistant material: Transporting expensive devices during heavy downpours can be worrying. Water-damaged laptops can be difficult to fix as exposure to water can cause significant harm to devices. As such, selecting a laptop backpack made from water-resistant material is imperative to keep devices safe in all weather. Furthermore, backpacks with separate water bottle pockets are a great way to avoid leaks or spillages from leaky bottles.  
    • Correct size: Laptop backpacks range from 14 to 17 inches (35.56 cm 43.18 cm). To offer the convenience of portability, users must choose the right size to accommodate their device and avoid unintentional damage. Pockets that are too large may not offer snug protection and cause unnecessary bouncing, whereas pockets that are too small may be restrictive and not close properly.  

    Acer Predator series backpacks and sui

    The in black and teal is ideal for storing and transporting the Acer Predator Notebook. At 17 inches deep (43.18 cm) and with a length of 20.5 inches (52.07 cm), the Predator gaming utility backpack fits most gaming laptops. It comes with a handy shoulder strap for easy portability or a chest strap to lighten the load. At just 3.44 lbs (1.56 kg), the Predator gaming utility backpack can be carried via its additional handle. It also includes extra pockets so users can store accessories separately from the laptop and avoid scratches or damage. 

    The comfortably fits 17 inch (43.28 cm) laptops and features a shoulder strap, a carrying handle, a useful waistline buckle, and a padded back to ensure maximum comfort. It is water-resistant and suitable for all weather conditions, with waterproof pockets so users can rest assured their device is safe from unexpected spillages or leaks. The durable Predator M-utility backpack is made from 1680D Ballistic Polyester, so it can withstand wear and tear while traveling. It also includes an additional organizational box so users can keep their accessories tidy and separate from the laptop device.  

    Gamers heading to their next gaming event or dream vacation may benefit from the . The hard exterior shell offers enhanced protection from bumps, while the wheels make it easy to roll to the next party or through an airport. Users can also enjoy additional security with the combination lock, boosting security for expensive gaming laptops and equipment. Alongside the 22 inch (55.88 cm) length, which can snugly fit a 17 inch (43.28 cm) laptop, the Predator G1 aluminum frame suitcase also includes molded foam to fit the desktop, keyboard, mouse, and AC adapter, avoiding scratches and scrapes. 

    The three aforementioned products come with up to a one-year guarantee for additional peace of mind. Acer are also available to purchase online, offering users options even when their original standard warranty is running out.  

    Predator Gaming Utility Backpack

    Predator M-Utility Backpack

    Predator G1 Aluminum Frame Suitcase

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  10. Best Ways to Earn Lucre in Visions of Mana

    Best Ways to Earn Lucre in Visions of Mana

    If you’re venturing through the mystical world of Visions of Mana and aiming to gear up with the finest weapons and armor, you’ll need plenty of Lucre, the game’s primary currency. Don’t worry; we’ve got the scoop on how to fill your wallets to the brim.

    Farming Lucre with Incense

    First off, let’s talk about the most efficient way to farm Lucre in Visions of Mana. Incense is your best friend here. These items give you a significant boost to Lucre earned in battle, making every encounter much more lucrative. There are three types of Incense you should know about:

    1. Ample Incense – Boosts Lucre by 10%
    2. Rich Incense – Boosts Lucre by 15%
    3. Opulent Incense – Boosts Lucre by 20%

    You can snag these at Grizzly Exchange Stores, but keep in mind the purchase limits which increase as you progress through the chapters.

    Incense Details

    Here’s a quick breakdown of where to get these items and what they’ll cost you:

    Item NameDescriptionWhere to ObtainPrice
    Ample Incense+10% Lucre from battlesGrizzly Exchange20 Lucre, 1 Grizzly Syrup
    Rich Incense+15% Lucre from battlesGrizzly Exch
    •  A 40% increase in Lucre after battles.
    •  A 30% chance to triple the Lucre you earn.

    Earning Lucre in Visions of Mana is all about strategy and making the most of the resources available to you. Use Incense before big battles, keep those abilities equipped, and be thorough in your exploration. With these tips, you’ll have all the Lucre you need to conquer any challenge that Visions of Mana throws your way. Happy gaming, and may your coffers never run !

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