  1. 心理驚悚恐怖冒險《業力:黑暗世界》DEMO 版 10 月 Steam 新品節推出

    心理驚悚恐怖冒險《業力:黑暗世界》DEMO 版 10 月 Steam 新品節推出

      由 POLLARD STUDIO 開發、Wired Productions 與 Gamera Games 聯手發行,預定在 PC(Steam、Epic Games Store、 Series X|S 等平台上推出,Steam 頁面顯示支援繁體中文的恐怖冒險遊戲《業力:黑暗世界》(Karma:The Dark World)公開了最新預告片,並宣布 DEMO 版將於 10 月 14 日開始的 Steam 新品節上釋出。

      《業力:黑暗世界》是一款以第一人稱視角進行的心理驚悚恐怖遊戲,故事設定在 1984 年的東德,在這個烏托邦世界中,玩家化身為萊維坦公司思想局「Roam」的調查幹員,踏入這個詭異且黑暗的世界,找回遺失的記憶並履行自己的使命。


      充滿令人不安的畫面與驚悚演出的《業力:黑暗世界》即將在 Steam 新品節推出 DEMO 版供玩家嘗鮮,對遊戲題材與風格感興趣的話不妨加入願望清單才不會錯過 DEMO 版上線通知喔!


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  2. 日本遊戲大賞 2024 十大最受期待新作揭曉,經典與創新齊聚未來遊戲部門

    日本遊戲大賞 2024 十大最受期待新作揭曉,經典與創新齊聚未來遊戲部門

      日本遊戲大賞 2024 的未來遊戲部門(フューチャー部門),於今(29)日東京電玩展「TGS 2024」官方直播節目中公開獲選的十款遊戲作品。

      未來遊戲部門是對於本次出展廠商的未發售作品為對象,讓玩家進行投票選出心目中最期待的作品,其中由 Altus 開發、預定在 10/11 日正式發售的《暗喻幻想:ReFantazio》連續兩年獲得未來遊戲部門獎項,以及來自中國鷹角網絡的《明日方舟:終末地》等作品。

    日本遊戲大賞 2024 未來遊戲部門獲獎名單

    《勇者鬥惡龍 3 HD-2D 重製版》(Square Enix)

    《真.三國無雙 起源》(KOEI)


    《復活邪神2:七英雄的復仇》(Square Enix)



    《幻想水滸傳 I&II HD重製版 門之紋章戰爭/杜南統一戰爭》(KONAMI)

    《魔物獵人 荒野》(CAPCOM)

    《人中之龍8外傳 夏威夷海盜》(SEGA)




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  3. 《FF14:黃金的遺產》7.1 改版預定 11 月中旬上線,新主線與副本內容搶先看

    《FF14:黃金的遺產》7.1 改版預定 11 月中旬上線,新主線與副本內容搶先看

      SQUARE ENIX 旗下人氣 MMORPG《Final Fantasy XIV》在今(29)日東京電玩展上的製作人直播節目「Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII」中,製作人吉田直樹宣布《黃金的遺產》Patch 7.1「與未知的邂逅」(未知との邂逅)預定在今年 11 月中旬上線,搶先公開預定實裝的部分內容。


    新友好部族 PeruPeru 族(戰鬥系職業專用)




    New Game+ 對應 7.0 主線/職業/職能任務

    副本預計將支線都加入副本幫手(NPC),7.1 更新修練所副本支援

    初心者之館追加機制訓練(戰鬥職業 Lv49 開始可以訓練)

    PvP 更新

      PvP 動作實行/判定處理大幅更新、動作追加/調整、地圖調整&平衡調整、系列賽第七季開始

    新 4 人副本「廢地探索 Yuweyawata」

    新 24 人副本《FF11》合作「Echoes of Vana'diel」第一彈:Jeuno The First Walk

      吉田直樹還提到在檢查時,發現使用《FF14》的 UI 呈現總覺得不到味,最終還是決定延用《FF11》的 UI(英語為主)來表現。




      難度約與零式相近,第一彈為暗闇之雲激鬥戰,與一般的 24 人副本不同的是沒有前置 BOSS,攻破副本後也會有其專屬獎勵。

    絕系列新章節「另一個未來」(7.1 發布後一週 or 兩週公開)



      不同地區的房屋可以自由選擇預設內裝風格,追加去除柱子的新內裝(可免費切換),目前正在研討內部空間擴充(如玩家買的是 S 房,進去後是 L 空間等等)。

      除了上述內容以外,節目最後也提到《黃金的遺產》遊戲原聲帶預定 10/30 發售、THE PRIMALS 橫濱演唱會回放存檔觀看門票販售中、新官方周邊開始預約,以及預定在今年 11/23 日發售的桌遊版說明書和遊戲本體預約中等資訊,關於 Patch 7.1 上線時間和更多資訊就有待日後 PLL 公開。



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  4. Ubisoft France Employees Plans Strike on October 2024

    Ubisoft France Employees Plans Strike on October 2024

    Gamers, it’s time to look beyond the screen because the real-life saga unfolding at Ubisoft France could directly impact the games we love. Employees are gearing up for a significant Ubisoft Strike, which is set to echo through the halls of one of the gaming industry’s giants.

    The Prelude to the Strike

    You’re likely familiar with Ubisoft’s epic “Assassin’s Creed” series, but the latest drama isn’t unfolding in historical settings—it’s happening in the company’s modern-day offices. Ubisoft is shifting gears towards a hybrid work model, mandating at least three days of office work each week. This change has sparked controversy, with the French union STJV decrying the move as more detrimental than beneficial to the staff.

    The Heart of the Discontent

    The heart of the issue lies in the balance—or imbalance—between work flexibility and corporate expectations. Ubisoft’s Montreal team felt the sting of a similar policy last year, which contradicted previous assurances of long-term remote work. The

      For us, the gamers, the Ubisoft Strike is more than an internal dispute—it’s a signal of changing times in the industry we’re all passionate about. As Ubisoft France employees brace for their strike in October, the ripple effects could very well influence the games on your shelf and the future of work in gaming. Stay tuned, and let’s hope for a resolution that benefits all parties .

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    1. K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

      K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

      What do players truly expect from K'Sante much-anticipated rework, now that it has officially launched on the PBE? This shift has sparked intense discussions among players and analysts alike. While the intricacies of balancing metrics and statistics are important, this article aims to explore the broader implications of these changes and what they mean for the champion’s identity and gameplay experience.

      Unveiling the Changes

      The rework for K'Sante introduces significant changes aimed at refining his identity as a tank and fighter. These adjustments affect his base stats and abilities, aiming to increase clarity between his tanky form and skirmishing potential while balancing his overall power.

      Key changes include a reduction in K'Sante's attack range from 175 to 150, which is a critical adjustment, as it forces him to engage more closely in combat. His passive ability, Dauntless Instinct, no longer grants bonus attack range but receives a substantial increase in base damage, rising from

      While some see the changes as a necessary shift toward balance, others feel it strips away some of K’Sante’s defining characteristics. The path forward lies in how Riot addresses community feedback and whether they find the right balance between skill expression and .

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    2. Ubisoft France Employees Plans Strike on October 2024

      Ubisoft France Employees Plans Strike on October 2024

      Gamers, it’s time to look beyond the screen because the real-life saga unfolding at Ubisoft France could directly impact the games we love. Employees are gearing up for a significant Ubisoft Strike, which is set to echo through the halls of one of the gaming industry’s giants.

      The Prelude to the Strike

      You’re likely familiar with Ubisoft’s epic “Assassin’s Creed” series, but the latest drama isn’t unfolding in historical settings—it’s happening in the company’s modern-day offices. Ubisoft is shifting gears towards a hybrid work model, mandating at least three days of office work each week. This change has sparked controversy, with the French union STJV decrying the move as more detrimental than beneficial to the staff.

      The Heart of the Discontent

      The heart of the issue lies in the balance—or imbalance—between work flexibility and corporate expectations. Ubisoft’s Montreal team felt the sting of a similar policy last year, which contradicted previous assurances of long-term remote work. The

        For us, the gamers, the Ubisoft Strike is more than an internal dispute—it’s a signal of changing times in the industry we’re all passionate about. As Ubisoft France employees brace for their strike in October, the ripple effects could very well influence the games on your shelf and the future of work in gaming. Stay tuned, and let’s hope for a resolution that benefits all parties .

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      1. K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

        K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

        What do players truly expect from K'Sante much-anticipated rework, now that it has officially launched on the PBE? This shift has sparked intense discussions among players and analysts alike. While the intricacies of balancing metrics and statistics are important, this article aims to explore the broader implications of these changes and what they mean for the champion’s identity and gameplay experience.

        Unveiling the Changes

        The rework for K'Sante introduces significant changes aimed at refining his identity as a tank and fighter. These adjustments affect his base stats and abilities, aiming to increase clarity between his tanky form and skirmishing potential while balancing his overall power.

        Key changes include a reduction in K'Sante's attack range from 175 to 150, which is a critical adjustment, as it forces him to engage more closely in combat. His passive ability, Dauntless Instinct, no longer grants bonus attack range but receives a substantial increase in base damage, rising from

        While some see the changes as a necessary shift toward balance, others feel it strips away some of K’Sante’s defining characteristics. The path forward lies in how Riot addresses community feedback and whether they find the right balance between skill expression and .

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      2. K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

        K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

        What do players truly expect from K'Sante much-anticipated rework, now that it has officially launched on the PBE? This shift has sparked intense discussions among players and analysts alike. While the intricacies of balancing metrics and statistics are important, this article aims to explore the broader implications of these changes and what they mean for the champion’s identity and gameplay experience.

        Unveiling the Changes

        The rework for K'Sante introduces significant changes aimed at refining his identity as a tank and fighter. These adjustments affect his base stats and abilities, aiming to increase clarity between his tanky form and skirmishing potential while balancing his overall power.

        Key changes include a reduction in K'Sante's attack range from 175 to 150, which is a critical adjustment, as it forces him to engage more closely in combat. His passive ability, Dauntless Instinct, no longer grants bonus attack range but receives a substantial increase in base damage, rising from

        While some see the changes as a necessary shift toward balance, others feel it strips away some of K’Sante’s defining characteristics. The path forward lies in how Riot addresses community feedback and whether they find the right balance between skill expression and .

        • ...
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      3. Ubisoft France Employees Plans Strike on October 2024

        Ubisoft France Employees Plans Strike on October 2024

        Gamers, it’s time to look beyond the screen because the real-life saga unfolding at Ubisoft France could directly impact the games we love. Employees are gearing up for a significant Ubisoft Strike, which is set to echo through the halls of one of the gaming industry’s giants.

        The Prelude to the Strike

        You’re likely familiar with Ubisoft’s epic “Assassin’s Creed” series, but the latest drama isn’t unfolding in historical settings—it’s happening in the company’s modern-day offices. Ubisoft is shifting gears towards a hybrid work model, mandating at least three days of office work each week. This change has sparked controversy, with the French union STJV decrying the move as more detrimental than beneficial to the staff.

        The Heart of the Discontent

        The heart of the issue lies in the balance—or imbalance—between work flexibility and corporate expectations. Ubisoft’s Montreal team felt the sting of a similar policy last year, which contradicted previous assurances of long-term remote work. The

          For us, the gamers, the Ubisoft Strike is more than an internal dispute—it’s a signal of changing times in the industry we’re all passionate about. As Ubisoft France employees brace for their strike in October, the ripple effects could very well influence the games on your shelf and the future of work in gaming. Stay tuned, and let’s hope for a resolution that benefits all parties .

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        1. K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

          K’Sante Incoming Rework: A Blessing or a Curse?

          What do players truly expect from K'Sante much-anticipated rework, now that it has officially launched on the PBE? This shift has sparked intense discussions among players and analysts alike. While the intricacies of balancing metrics and statistics are important, this article aims to explore the broader implications of these changes and what they mean for the champion’s identity and gameplay experience.

          Unveiling the Changes

          The rework for K'Sante introduces significant changes aimed at refining his identity as a tank and fighter. These adjustments affect his base stats and abilities, aiming to increase clarity between his tanky form and skirmishing potential while balancing his overall power.

          Key changes include a reduction in K'Sante's attack range from 175 to 150, which is a critical adjustment, as it forces him to engage more closely in combat. His passive ability, Dauntless Instinct, no longer grants bonus attack range but receives a substantial increase in base damage, rising from

          While some see the changes as a necessary shift toward balance, others feel it strips away some of K’Sante’s defining characteristics. The path forward lies in how Riot addresses community feedback and whether they find the right balance between skill expression and .

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