  1. 熱血搞笑動作遊戲大結局!《熱血三國志 亂世風雲》公開商品介紹前導預告&前半部故事

    熱血搞笑動作遊戲大結局!《熱血三國志 亂世風雲》公開商品介紹前導預告&前半部故事

      Arc System Works 亞克系統亞洲分店公開了《熱血三國志 亂世風雲》(Nintendo Switch、PS4、Steam)商品介紹前導預告及前半部故事。本作預定 11 月 7 日發售,支援繁體中文等語系。



      本作的故事是從「赤壁之戰」之後開始,一直到三國演義的高潮「五丈原之戰」,不斷地持續奔跑吧!集結了 100 多名《熱血》系列人氣角色!盡情享受瘋狂喧鬧的詼諧故事吧!

    《熱血三國志 亂世風雲》故事第一章及第二章介紹







    《熱血三國志 亂世風雲》新角色介紹



    體驗《熱血》系列獨特的 IF 故事吧!

      以不斷面對新名將的「劉備陣營」以及超越這些的宿敵「曹操陣營」的激烈攻防戰為中心,再加上《熱血》系列獨特大膽的編排,創造出前所未見的 IF 故事。




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  2. 《暗喻幻想:ReFantazio》序章體驗版即日免費推出,揭開奇幻國度冒險序幕!


      SEGA 世雅預定 2024 年 10 月 11 日(五)在 Xbox Series X|S、Windows、PS5、PS4、Steam 等平台推出、Atlus 旗下 Studio Zero 製作,支援繁中等語系的新作 RPG《暗喻幻想:ReFantazio》(メタファー:リファンタジオ)於今(25)日完成發表會上直播中宣布可以繼承到正式版內容的序章體驗版即日起免費推出。

      《暗喻幻想:ReFantazio》為《女神異聞錄3》、《女神異聞錄4》、《女神異聞錄5》創作者最新作品,同時也是 Atlus 品牌 35 週年紀念作;故事主人公是被厭惡歧視的少數種族「艾爾達族」的少年,與妖精夥伴「嘉莉卡」為了解開這個國家的王子身上的詛咒而一同展開旅程,在旅途的過程中結識許多人產生了羈絆,最終了解這個王國的真正面貌。

      開發團隊表示序章內容可以玩到約 5、6 小時左右的豐富內容(依玩家遊戲方式而定),體驗版將會在線上節目結束後依序在 Xbox 和 PlayStation 等平台上推出,Steam 版則會在 9/26 日發布。


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  3. 挑戰豆腐的極限!全新物理平台遊戲《The Strongest TOFU》即將發售

    挑戰豆腐的極限!全新物理平台遊戲《The Strongest TOFU》即將發售

      遊戲發行商 Phoenixx 宣布,由 Zounoashi Games 所開發的 2D 橫向卷軸平台遊戲《The Strongest TOFU》(スゴイツヨイトウフ)將於日本時間 10 月 2 日於 PC Steam 上推出,支援日文、英文、繁體中文和簡體中文等語言。

      《The Strongest TOFU》是一款結合物理演算要素的橫向卷軸遊戲,玩家在遊戲中要控制豆腐這種大家熟悉的食物,透過簡單的操作來征服各個關卡,但要注意的是豆腐是一種很脆弱的食材,從高處掉下來就會碎裂,還有可能會被途中遭遇的敵人吃掉,能否安全抵達關卡終點就很考驗玩家的操作技術。




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  4. 《七騎士2》推出全新神話英雄「定罪的宿命太烏」


      網石集團 Netmarble Corporation 宣布,旗下《七騎士2》推出全新遊戲更新。全新神話英雄和多項限時活動現已開放供玩家體驗。




      《七騎士 2》正在舉辦眾多限時活動並提供豐富獎勵:

    .神話太烏登場紀念簽到活動(9 月 25 日至 10 月 23 日):活動期間內登入遊戲簽到 10 天,最多可獲得「英雄召喚券×70」。

    .杰烏的硬幣商店(9 月 25 日至 11 月 20 日):玩家可以使用「杰烏的硬幣」兌換「杰烏派對歡迎禮物」、「突破石」與「解放石」等各種獎勵。「杰烏派對歡迎禮物」中包含豐厚的遊戲內道具,如「選擇裝備機率提升召喚券」、「寵物 Step Up 召喚券」與「英雄召喚券」等。


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  5. 《Stand-Alone》免費 demo 版開放試玩!看賽博小羊揮動大劍挑戰邪惡狼群來襲

    《Stand-Alone》免費 demo 版開放試玩!看賽博小羊揮動大劍挑戰邪惡狼群來襲

      Lifuel 開發中、預定 2025 年在 Steam 等平台推出、支援繁體中文等語系的像素風 2D 橫向卷軸 Roguelite 類型動作遊戲《Stand-Alone》,自即日起在 Steam 推出 demo 下載試玩。

      Stand-Alone》為一款像素風格的橫版動作 Roguelite 遊戲,透過流暢的像素動畫和技能連擊玩法,帶給玩家豐富又爽快的戰鬥體驗。玩家將扮演一隻手拿科幻巨劍的小綿羊,透過自訂技能發展屬於自己的獨特戰鬥風格,在這個科幻末世的荒涼世界中,迎接邪惡狼群的挑戰!



      至於在這次公開的免費 demo 版方面將會收錄遊戲中第一個章節讓玩家先行挑戰,體驗本作美麗順暢的像素美術演出,以及充滿挑戰感的連擊系統跟爽快遊戲動作操作樂趣。對本作有興趣的玩家們,可以趁現在趕快先來下載遊戲體驗一番。


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  6. 《魔物獵人 荒野》開放預購,限量豪華版附獨特折疊式自行車引發關注

    《魔物獵人 荒野》開放預購,限量豪華版附獨特折疊式自行車引發關注

      CAPCOM 於今(25)日正式公開狩獵動作遊戲《魔物獵人》系列最新作《魔物獵人 荒野》的發售日期,並從即日起開放下載版預購,有趣的是,在 CAPCOM 官方線上購物網站「eCAPCOM」中推出的限量「超級典藏版」中,不知為何包括一台折疊式腳踏車在特典當中,售價更是超過了 18 萬日圓。


      隨著發售日的公開,遊戲也已經開放 PS5/Xbox Series X|S/Steam 等平台的下載版預購,除了標準版以外,還同步推出內含豐富特典的豪華版&高級豪華版,玩家可在豪華版中獲得豐富的 DLC 內容(像是動作、外觀、裝飾、隨從外觀、髮型、貼圖套裝等等),而高級特典則是在上述內容以外還會追加其他獵人外觀裝備,以及預定在 2025 年春夏兩季分別推出的外觀 DLC 組合包,相關售價可到不同平台商店中確認。

      與此同時在官方網路商店 eCAPCOM 中也會推出 Steam/PS5 版附多項實體特典的 Collector's Edition 和更高級的 Ultra Collector's Edition,後者最大賣點就是同捆的折疊式自行車,該自行車是以遊戲中登場的騎乘動物「鷺鷹龍」形象為藍本、以 DAHON 的 K9X 型號為基礎設計,配備 16 吋車輪、九段變速和 TEKTRO 碟煞系統,車架與輪胎也染成了鷺鷹龍的顏色,單買自行車的話售價為 16 萬 5 千日圓。

      有趣的是《魔物獵人》為慶祝系列 20 週年紀念,與知名摩托車製造商杜卡迪合作推出以黑龍為概念設計的 Monster SP 慶祝車款,限量 20 台,售價 262 萬日圓,將會在 9/26 開始的東京電玩展於 CAPCOM 攤位上展示。


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  7. 商務首選!搭載Intel Core Ultra處理器「TravelMate P4 16」商務AI筆電 全新AI功能提升工作效率

    商務首選!搭載Intel Core Ultra處理器「TravelMate P4 16」商務AI筆電 全新AI功能提升工作效率

    Acer TravelMate P4 16」商務AI筆電,為了行動專業人士而打造,除強化安全性與連線能力,更搭載Intel Core Ultra 7處理器展現強大效能。

    經常出差旅行嗎?那麼你絕對需要一台大尺寸強效、續航且安全性兼備的商務筆電,隨著AI PC世代到來,具備全新AI功能的商務筆電是提升工作效率的最佳選擇,近期全新升級的「Acer TravelMate P4 16」商務AI筆電,便是為了行動專業人士而打造,除強化安全性與連線能力,更搭載Intel Core Ultra 7處理器展現強大效能,搭配一鍵開啟的Copilot專用鍵,打造全新AI使用體驗,有感提升行動工作者的生產力!

    TravelMate P4 16 商務AI筆電外型簡約、低調洗煉。

    TravelMate P4 16 商務AI筆電外型簡約、低調洗煉。

    「TravelMate P4 16」商務AI筆電外型簡約、低調洗煉,不管出席任何場合都是滿分選擇。

    TravelMate P4 16 (TMP416-53-TCO-7529商務AI筆電搭載最新Intel Core Ultra 7 155U處理器、Intel AI Boost和Intel Graphics,提供行動辦公所需的高效穩定性能。

    TravelMate P4 16 (TMP416-53-TCO-7529商務AI筆電搭載最新Intel Core Ultra 7 155U處理器、Intel AI Boost和Intel Graphics,提供行動辦公所需的高效穩定性能。

    TravelMate P4 16 (TMP416-53-TCO-7529商務AI筆電搭載最新Intel Core Ultra 7 155U處理器、Intel AI Boost和Intel Graphics,提供行動辦公所需的高效穩定性能,並支援Intel Unison、16GB 雙通道 DDR5 記憶體、512GB PCIe SSD 儲存空間,支援快速充電的鋰離子電池,電池續航力長達 14 小時,讓你隨處享受自由不受限的行動工作體驗。

    商務人士最在意的資安問題,TravelMate P4 16也嚴格為你把關,提供最完善先進的安全與管理功能,配有獨立的可信任平台模組(TPM 2.0)、配備指紋辨識器、IR Camera(人臉辨識)以及附防窺撥片的FHD攝影鏡頭。


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  8. How to Build a Research Institute on Frostpunk 2

    How to Build a Research Institute on Frostpunk 2

    In Frostpunk 2, establishing a Research Institute is crucial for accessing the Idea Tree and unlocking the full potential of your frostbitten city. This essential building is not just another structure; it’s the brain of your city’s technological advancement. If you’re stepping into the first chapter, constructing a Research Institute should be high on your agenda.

    Expanding Housing Districts

    Before you can build a Research Institute in Frostpunk 2, you must first expand a Housing District. This is no small feat, as Housing Districts require careful planning and resource allocation for expansion. Here’s what you need to do:

    1. Click on a Housing District to view its information pane.
    2. Select the arrows icon to initiate expansion.
    3. Choose three adjacent tiles for the expansion.
    4. Confirm your selection with the checkmark.

    Remember, expanding a Housing District costs 50 Heatstamps and 50 Prefabs, and it can be expanded again to increase output and add another building slot.

    Building the Research Instit

      Building a Research Institute in Frostpunk 2 is a significant step toward securing your city’s future. By carefully managing your resources and planning your expansion, you can unlock the advancements needed to face the challenges . Don’t underestimate the power of knowledge—let your Research Institute be the cornerstone of your success in Frostpunk 2.

      • ...
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    1. What’s New in Hyper-V? Upcoming Features and Enhancements 

      What’s New in Hyper-V? Upcoming Features and Enhancements 

      In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses and individuals alike are constantly looking for ways to optimize their computing resources and streamline their workflows. One technology that has revolutionized the way we approach computing is virtualization, and at the forefront of this revolution is Microsoft's Hyper-V.  

      The Rise of Virtual Machines 

      Virtual machines (VMs) have become an essential tool in modern computing, offering numerous benefits. They allow users to run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine, which is particularly useful for software development, testing, and running legacy applications. VMs provide a safe environment to test software without risking the host system, making them ideal for handling potential malware safely. Additionally, VMs enable efficient resource utilization, reducing hardware costs and improving disaster recovery capabilities. 

      What is Hyper-V? 

      Hyper-V is a native hypervisor, a type-1 hypervisor, developed by Microsoft that enables users to create and manage virtual machines on Windows systems. It provides a robust and scalable solution for running multiple operating systems on a single physical machine. Think of it like having several computers inside one physical computer. Each of these "virtual computers" can run its own programs and appl



      offers several advantages, including rapid system deployment, easy restoration to previous states, and the flexibility to transfer virtual environments between different physical hosts. Windows-specific Hyper-V functionalities encompass the VM Gallery with Quick Create options and a default NAT network switch. Notably, Hyper-V on Windows employs a distinctive memory management strategy, accommodating scenarios where the host machine runs both virtual machines and regular software concurrently. 

      Hyper-V requires a 64-bit processor with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT), CPU support for VM Monitor Mode Extension, a minimum of 4 GB of RAM, and Windows 11 Pro or Enterprise. It can be effectively utilized on modern computers that meet these requirements, such as the . 

      The upcoming with significant scalability improvements, supporting more compute processors and RAM for larger workloads. The updated GPU partitioning feature allows multiple VMs to share a single GPU, optimizing performance for AI and machine learning applications. Additionally, Hyper-V now supports live migration of VMs on workgroup clusters, providing greater flexibility without requiring Active Directory domains. The revised dynamic processor compatibility ensures efficient operation in mixed CPU environments. These enhancements make Hyper-V a robust and versatile virtualization solution, capable of meeting the demands of modern data centers and enterprise environments. 




          TravelMate P4 Laptop

          Acer Chromebook 311

          Swift 14 AI Laptop


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        • Nitro 14: Small Gaming Laptop with a Big Attitude

          Nitro 14: Small Gaming Laptop with a Big Attitude

          Choices, choices, and more choices! For the modern on the go gamer, finding a laptop that delivers a combination of power, portability and battery life isn't always a stroll in the park. Larger screen format gaming laptops obviously provide more screen real estate, but their size and weight can be a burden to lug around in your backpack or briefcase. On top of the inconvenience of  weight and bulk that larger devices bring, most of us have work or school to deal with. While an 18-inch portable gaming beast like thePredator Helios 18 will help you on your quest to slay your way to AAA title victory, the RGB lighting extravaganza might not fit in too well in the office or library.

          If you're looking for a smaller gaming laptop that can also feel at home in work and school environments, then theAcer Nitro 14 may be just what you're looking for. Akin to a gaming laptop incarnation of Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas, the Nitro 14 is small, yet bursting with attitude and certainly not to be messed with! This Acer Nitro laptop is stacked high with powerhouse hardware and AI intuition, ready to help you embark on a new chapter in your mobile gaming odyssey. If you think you can handle the power and enviable compact portability of the Nitro 14, then read on!

          Acer Nitro 14 AMD

          A tactical fiend with more power stuffed into its slim 0.8” high frame than you can shake a metaphorical stick at, the Nitro 14 AMD comes equipped with an AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS processor (Octa-core 3.80 GHz), and a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 GPU with 8 GB dedicated memory. Yes, the 8040 series processors feature integrated AI, enabling you to enter the center of on-device AI-enhanced game and work experiences. If that has whetted your appetite, let's go ahead and get into the main course, the tech-specs of theNitro 14 Gaming Laptop - AN14-41-R74Z, currently available for $1,249.99:

          • Operating System: Windows 11 Home 
          • Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 7 8845HS processor Octa-core 
          • Processor Speed: 3.80 GHz 
          • Processor Speed (turbo): 5.10 GHz 
          • Graphics Card: NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4060 with 8 GB dedicated memory 
          • Display: 14.5-inch WQXGA (1920 x 1200) 16:10 IPS 120 Hz 
          • Display Screen Technology: GDDR6 
          • Memory: 16 GB LPDDR5X 
          • Memory Card Reader: microSD 
          • Storage: 512 GB SSD 
          • Wireless: IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax 
          • Built in Devices: Microphone, webcam, dual speakers  
          • Interfaces/Ports: 1 x HDMI, 2 x USB  
          • Input: RGB Backlit keyboard, Touchpad 
          • Battery: Li-Ion 76 Eh 
          • Color: Black 
          • Dimensions: 12.76 x 10.07 x 0.8 inches  
          • Weight (Approx): 4.45 lbs

          Artificially enhanced intelligence

          Let's take a closer look under the hood and get a taste of what the Nitro 14 AMD is really about! As you can see from the tech-specs, this is an AI enabled gaming laptop ready to evolve seamlessly with developments in AI. TheAMD Ryzen™ 7 8845HS processor integrated with AMD's dedicated new AI engine, namely AMD Ryzen AI, delivering NPU performance of up to 16 TOPS, and total processor performance of up to 38 TOPS. -If you're unsure about TOPs and NPUs,  here'san in-depth article covering the basics of AI PC terminology.

          Greet AMD's RTX 40 series GPUs

          Serious gaming requires serious hardware. AMD's Ryzen 7 8845HS is your ticket to discovering a fantastic world of new, premium AI experiences in gaming, work, and more

          Nitro 14

          Nitro 16

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