  1. 《火炬之光:無限》SS5 玩偶俱樂部賽季前瞻直播週六登場

    《火炬之光:無限》SS5 玩偶俱樂部賽季前瞻直播週六登場

      《火炬之光:無限》全新賽季 SS5「玩偶俱樂部」即將在 7 月 5 日正式推出,前瞻發布會也將於 6 月 29 日(六)19:00 在三平台(Youtube、Twitch、Facebook)同步直播。本賽季將是《火炬》有史以來最大更新版本,除了新賽季玩法、新英雄特性外,官方將進行多項重大的養成改動,希望提供玩家們更多樣的打寶策略以及刷寶樂趣!


    SS5 玩偶俱樂部前瞻發布會

      在前瞻發布會中,玩家們將可一覽新賽季的重點改動內容,包含新賽季玩法、新英雄特性、新養成系統、新傳奇裝備以及系統改動與優化更新。在本次的年度版本中,官方還對生活品質(QoL)與 UI 介面進行重點調整。若想提前一步得知這些重要資訊,並在新賽季中搶先他人一步,那就千萬不可錯過明晚的賽季前瞻直播!





      與以往的台港澳座談會不同,本賽季將由兩位神秘的賞金獵人親身前往《火炬之光:無限》的出生地,與製作團隊各部門人員當面對談!除了揭開遊戲製作公司的真實面貌外,也會為玩家挖掘出新賽季內容、甚至是《火炬之光》往後的製作方向及機密資訊!「賞金獵人大出擊」將在 6/30(日)19:00 於《火炬之光:無限官方》官方 Youtube 頻道首播。

    參加前瞻獎勵並領取 Twitch 掉寶!

      準備收看前瞻直播的玩家們,也別忘了前往官方粉絲團,參加直播分享活動,參與活動就有機會獲得月卡、MyCard 點數與《火炬之光》鑰匙圈!直播當下也將舉行 Twitch 掉寶活動,玩家們千萬要鎖定 Twitch「火炬之光無限官方頻道」唷!


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  2. 黑暗奇幻冒險新作《CREEP ZONE》發表,推翻怪物女王從被斬首的命運中解放

    黑暗奇幻冒險新作《CREEP ZONE》發表,推翻怪物女王從被斬首的命運中解放

      遊戲團隊 SKOOTA GAMES 於今(28)日宣布,預定在 PC Steam 上推出一款新作遊戲《CREEP ZONE》,同步公開 Steam 商店頁面讓玩家確認,目前本作僅支援日文。

      《CREEP ZONE》是一款以精細手繪風格呈現的探索冒險遊戲,故事發生在一個只有怪物居住的世界,主角 Coco 公主遲遲無法使用她所擁有的強大力量,作為國家女王的母親認為問題是 Coco 腦袋底下所連接的「腫塊」所致,只要切除就行,然而不願像母親一樣只剩一顆頭顱過活的 Coco 決定召集手下反抗母親。

      在遊戲中,玩家將扮演詭計多端的 Coco 馴服這個世界裡的怪物,獲得比母親更多的爪牙才能推翻對方。在探索城市的過程中,可以對怪物們伸出援手,或是酗酒咆哮、做各種壞事或詛咒他們,掌握住對方的弱點讓它們臣服於你,但要注意的是這些行動需秘密進行不能被母親知道,如果發現的話脖子以下就要準備說再見了。


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  3. 奇幻生活模擬《Kindred Vale》發表,在阿爾卑斯山美麗自然中與精靈共度悠閒慢活

    奇幻生活模擬《Kindred Vale》發表,在阿爾卑斯山美麗自然中與精靈共度悠閒慢活

      奧地利遊戲工作室 stillalive studios 宣布,由他們開發兼發行的生活模擬遊戲新作《Kindred Vale》將於 2025 年上半在 PC Steam 開放搶先體驗,同步公開 Steam 商店頁面與宣傳影片讓玩家確認。

      《Kindred Vale》的遊戲舞台設定在阿爾卑斯山附近的虛構小鎮「Kindred Vale」,過去這裡的人類與精靈們共同生活,但兩者已漸行漸遠,人類再也看不到精靈;玩家將扮演唯一能看到精靈的主人公,為了恢復雙方之間的友好關係在此處展開新生活。


      除了精靈以外,小鎮上也有人類 NPC,他們都有屬於自己的故事,能與他們建立友誼或是互相戀愛;此外遊戲中還有慢活元素,玩家能烹飪採集而來的食物,或是到河邊釣魚,製作家具來裝飾自己住處等等,還能夠收集與小鎮歷史有關的物品並將其陳列在博物館中。

      開發團隊表示搶先體驗版會提供探索和釣魚等基本遊戲元素,以及故事情節和與 NPC 之間交流戀愛等內容,並預定在今年九月於 Kickstarters 平台舉辦募資活動,根據該活動的成功與否來開發如多人遊戲和額外區域等新目標,若對美麗自然風景和可愛精靈感興趣的話,不妨關注這款《Kindred Vale》吧!


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  4. Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

    Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

    Think of your favorite video games and what you gain from hours, weeks, and even years of playing. They certainly provide entertainment value, along with bragging rights and a sense of achievement when you complete a tricky mission or defeat a big boss. By the time you finish a game, you've probably amassed a fortune in that virtual realm, but those gold coins (or whatever in-game currency it may be) are useless once you switch off your PC or console. They're not really yours and they have no value in the real world. 

    This is what play-to-earn (P2E) games want to change. This relatively new phenomenon is disrupting the traditional gaming landscape by merging it with economic incentives that hold real-world value. Read on for a beginner-friendly guide to P2E games, along with examples of platforms eager crypto earners have gravitated to. 

    What Are Play-to-Earn Games? 

    Play-to-earn games enable players to collect in-game assets that can be traded or sold for real money. These platforms use b





    P2E titles are available on various gaming platforms. If you want to try out some blockchain games on PC, a capable gaming laptop like the will give you the best experience. Its powerful processors and cutting-edge cooling system not only enable uninterrupted gameplay but also deliver high-level performance for your content creation and daily productivity needs. 


    Do you want a convenient way to stay updated on gaming trends, PC guides, AI news, and more? The Acer Corner Email Digest is a weekly summary of our latest articles, and you can tailor it to your preferred topics. Sign up . 

    Nitro 16 Gaming Laptop

    Predator Helios 16 Gaming Laptop

    Nitro V 16 Gaming Laptop


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  5. Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

    Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

    Welcome, brave adventurer, to the world of Palworld, where collecting resources and crafting are as much a part of your journey as the exciting battles and exploration. One resource that stands out for crafty players is the elusive Meteorite Fragments in Palworld, a newly introduced treasure that will aid you in creating powerful weaponry. Let’s dive into where and how you can acquire these celestial pieces to fortify your arsenal.

    The Thrill of the Hunt: Locating Meteorite Fragments

    The quest for Meteorite Fragments in Palworld begins with a spectacle: a meteor shower cascading across the sky. When you spot this cosmic event, pay close attention to the game screen and your compass tracker for notifications about the meteor’s landing site. Good news – you won’t need to traverse islands to reach your prize, as these extraterrestrial rocks plummet nearby.

    Here’s your step-by-step guide once a meteor crashes:

    1. Watch for the alert signaling a meteor is about to fall.
    2. Locate the meteor landing sp

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    • Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

      Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

      Malaysia was Told to be the HOK Powerhouse in SEA

      Malaysia has emerged as a formidable force in the Honor of Kings (HOK) scene, consistently demonstrating dominance through impressive performances. Team Secret, in particular, has showcased their resilience and skill, notably surpassing challenges from top contenders like Alter Ego.

      Meanwhile, Nova Esports encountered a setback with a loss to Blacklist International, highlighting the competitive intensity leading up to the big battle for the final slot in HOK Invitational Season 2.

      Game 1

      Analyzing the draft, Nova Esports secured Da Qiao, a formidable hero known for her intimidating presence in fights, complemented by high crowd control and mobility from heroes like Guan Yu and Fuzi, alongside Pei for target chase. In contrast, Team Secret drafted compositions focused on enabling Son and protecting him from threats, setting the stage for contrasting strategies from both teams.

      The early game saw Team Secret securing the Tyrant, bolstered by a kill on Loong, establishing an early advantage. Despite expectations for Nova Esports to capitalize on early engagements, their attempts were thwarted. Leading to a pivotal moment at the 9-minute mark where Team Secret capitalized on a failed engage, securing three

      A pivotal moment arose during a Tyrant fight when Loong’s massive engage effectively neutralized three members of Nova, facilitating an uncontested Tyrant take for Team Secret. Nova attempted to retaliate by diving the backline, but Yuhan on Yaria consistently denied ZhanQ’s access. Thwarting his maneuvers and disrupting Nova’s plans.

      While Game 4 could be seen as a stroke of luck for Team Secret. Their strategic adjustments in Game 5, forcing Nova Esports onto an uncomfortable draft. Proved pivotal in securing the series .

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    • Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

      Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

      Welcome, brave adventurer, to the world of Palworld, where collecting resources and crafting are as much a part of your journey as the exciting battles and exploration. One resource that stands out for crafty players is the elusive Meteorite Fragments in Palworld, a newly introduced treasure that will aid you in creating powerful weaponry. Let’s dive into where and how you can acquire these celestial pieces to fortify your arsenal.

      The Thrill of the Hunt: Locating Meteorite Fragments

      The quest for Meteorite Fragments in Palworld begins with a spectacle: a meteor shower cascading across the sky. When you spot this cosmic event, pay close attention to the game screen and your compass tracker for notifications about the meteor’s landing site. Good news – you won’t need to traverse islands to reach your prize, as these extraterrestrial rocks plummet nearby.

      Here’s your step-by-step guide once a meteor crashes:

      1. Watch for the alert signaling a meteor is about to fall.
      2. Locate the meteor landing sp

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      • Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

        Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

        Think of your favorite video games and what you gain from hours, weeks, and even years of playing. They certainly provide entertainment value, along with bragging rights and a sense of achievement when you complete a tricky mission or defeat a big boss. By the time you finish a game, you've probably amassed a fortune in that virtual realm, but those gold coins (or whatever in-game currency it may be) are useless once you switch off your PC or console. They're not really yours and they have no value in the real world. 

        This is what play-to-earn (P2E) games want to change. This relatively new phenomenon is disrupting the traditional gaming landscape by merging it with economic incentives that hold real-world value. Read on for a beginner-friendly guide to P2E games, along with examples of platforms eager crypto earners have gravitated to. 

        What Are Play-to-Earn Games? 

        Play-to-earn games enable players to collect in-game assets that can be traded or sold for real money. These platforms use b





        P2E titles are available on various gaming platforms. If you want to try out some blockchain games on PC, a capable gaming laptop like the will give you the best experience. Its powerful processors and cutting-edge cooling system not only enable uninterrupted gameplay but also deliver high-level performance for your content creation and daily productivity needs. 


        Do you want a convenient way to stay updated on gaming trends, PC guides, AI news, and more? The Acer Corner Email Digest is a weekly summary of our latest articles, and you can tailor it to your preferred topics. Sign up . 

        Nitro 16 Gaming Laptop

        Predator Helios 16 Gaming Laptop

        Nitro V 16 Gaming Laptop


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      • Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

        Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

        Malaysia was Told to be the HOK Powerhouse in SEA

        Malaysia has emerged as a formidable force in the Honor of Kings (HOK) scene, consistently demonstrating dominance through impressive performances. Team Secret, in particular, has showcased their resilience and skill, notably surpassing challenges from top contenders like Alter Ego.

        Meanwhile, Nova Esports encountered a setback with a loss to Blacklist International, highlighting the competitive intensity leading up to the big battle for the final slot in HOK Invitational Season 2.

        Game 1

        Analyzing the draft, Nova Esports secured Da Qiao, a formidable hero known for her intimidating presence in fights, complemented by high crowd control and mobility from heroes like Guan Yu and Fuzi, alongside Pei for target chase. In contrast, Team Secret drafted compositions focused on enabling Son and protecting him from threats, setting the stage for contrasting strategies from both teams.

        The early game saw Team Secret securing the Tyrant, bolstered by a kill on Loong, establishing an early advantage. Despite expectations for Nova Esports to capitalize on early engagements, their attempts were thwarted. Leading to a pivotal moment at the 9-minute mark where Team Secret capitalized on a failed engage, securing three

        A pivotal moment arose during a Tyrant fight when Loong’s massive engage effectively neutralized three members of Nova, facilitating an uncontested Tyrant take for Team Secret. Nova attempted to retaliate by diving the backline, but Yuhan on Yaria consistently denied ZhanQ’s access. Thwarting his maneuvers and disrupting Nova’s plans.

        While Game 4 could be seen as a stroke of luck for Team Secret. Their strategic adjustments in Game 5, forcing Nova Esports onto an uncomfortable draft. Proved pivotal in securing the series .

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      • Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

        Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

        Welcome, brave adventurer, to the world of Palworld, where collecting resources and crafting are as much a part of your journey as the exciting battles and exploration. One resource that stands out for crafty players is the elusive Meteorite Fragments in Palworld, a newly introduced treasure that will aid you in creating powerful weaponry. Let’s dive into where and how you can acquire these celestial pieces to fortify your arsenal.

        The Thrill of the Hunt: Locating Meteorite Fragments

        The quest for Meteorite Fragments in Palworld begins with a spectacle: a meteor shower cascading across the sky. When you spot this cosmic event, pay close attention to the game screen and your compass tracker for notifications about the meteor’s landing site. Good news – you won’t need to traverse islands to reach your prize, as these extraterrestrial rocks plummet nearby.

        Here’s your step-by-step guide once a meteor crashes:

        1. Watch for the alert signaling a meteor is about to fall.
        2. Locate the meteor landing sp

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