  1. Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

    Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

    Malaysia was Told to be the HOK Powerhouse in SEA

    Malaysia has emerged as a formidable force in the Honor of Kings (HOK) scene, consistently demonstrating dominance through impressive performances. Team Secret, in particular, has showcased their resilience and skill, notably surpassing challenges from top contenders like Alter Ego.

    Meanwhile, Nova Esports encountered a setback with a loss to Blacklist International, highlighting the competitive intensity leading up to the big battle for the final slot in HOK Invitational Season 2.

    Game 1

    Analyzing the draft, Nova Esports secured Da Qiao, a formidable hero known for her intimidating presence in fights, complemented by high crowd control and mobility from heroes like Guan Yu and Fuzi, alongside Pei for target chase. In contrast, Team Secret drafted compositions focused on enabling Son and protecting him from threats, setting the stage for contrasting strategies from both teams.

    The early game saw Team Secret securing the Tyrant, bolstered by a kill on Loong, establishing an early advantage. Despite expectations for Nova Esports to capitalize on early engagements, their attempts were thwarted. Leading to a pivotal moment at the 9-minute mark where Team Secret capitalized on a failed engage, securing three

    A pivotal moment arose during a Tyrant fight when Loong’s massive engage effectively neutralized three members of Nova, facilitating an uncontested Tyrant take for Team Secret. Nova attempted to retaliate by diving the backline, but Yuhan on Yaria consistently denied ZhanQ’s access. Thwarting his maneuvers and disrupting Nova’s plans.

    While Game 4 could be seen as a stroke of luck for Team Secret. Their strategic adjustments in Game 5, forcing Nova Esports onto an uncomfortable draft. Proved pivotal in securing the series .

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  2. Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

    Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

    Think of your favorite video games and what you gain from hours, weeks, and even years of playing. They certainly provide entertainment value, along with bragging rights and a sense of achievement when you complete a tricky mission or defeat a big boss. By the time you finish a game, you've probably amassed a fortune in that virtual realm, but those gold coins (or whatever in-game currency it may be) are useless once you switch off your PC or console. They're not really yours and they have no value in the real world. 

    This is what play-to-earn (P2E) games want to change. This relatively new phenomenon is disrupting the traditional gaming landscape by merging it with economic incentives that hold real-world value. Read on for a beginner-friendly guide to P2E games, along with examples of platforms eager crypto earners have gravitated to. 

    What Are Play-to-Earn Games? 

    Play-to-earn games enable players to collect in-game assets that can be traded or sold for real money. These platforms use b





    P2E titles are available on various gaming platforms. If you want to try out some blockchain games on PC, a capable gaming laptop like the will give you the best experience. Its powerful processors and cutting-edge cooling system not only enable uninterrupted gameplay but also deliver high-level performance for your content creation and daily productivity needs. 


    Do you want a convenient way to stay updated on gaming trends, PC guides, AI news, and more? The Acer Corner Email Digest is a weekly summary of our latest articles, and you can tailor it to your preferred topics. Sign up . 

    Nitro 16 Gaming Laptop

    Predator Helios 16 Gaming Laptop

    Nitro V 16 Gaming Laptop


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  3. Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

    Where to Find Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

    Welcome, brave adventurer, to the world of Palworld, where collecting resources and crafting are as much a part of your journey as the exciting battles and exploration. One resource that stands out for crafty players is the elusive Meteorite Fragments in Palworld, a newly introduced treasure that will aid you in creating powerful weaponry. Let’s dive into where and how you can acquire these celestial pieces to fortify your arsenal.

    The Thrill of the Hunt: Locating Meteorite Fragments

    The quest for Meteorite Fragments in Palworld begins with a spectacle: a meteor shower cascading across the sky. When you spot this cosmic event, pay close attention to the game screen and your compass tracker for notifications about the meteor’s landing site. Good news – you won’t need to traverse islands to reach your prize, as these extraterrestrial rocks plummet nearby.

    Here’s your step-by-step guide once a meteor crashes:

    1. Watch for the alert signaling a meteor is about to fall.
    2. Locate the meteor landing sp

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    • Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

      Team Secret’s Last Struggle against Nova for Last slot in HOK Invitational S2

      Malaysia was Told to be the HOK Powerhouse in SEA

      Malaysia has emerged as a formidable force in the Honor of Kings (HOK) scene, consistently demonstrating dominance through impressive performances. Team Secret, in particular, has showcased their resilience and skill, notably surpassing challenges from top contenders like Alter Ego.

      Meanwhile, Nova Esports encountered a setback with a loss to Blacklist International, highlighting the competitive intensity leading up to the big battle for the final slot in HOK Invitational Season 2.

      Game 1

      Analyzing the draft, Nova Esports secured Da Qiao, a formidable hero known for her intimidating presence in fights, complemented by high crowd control and mobility from heroes like Guan Yu and Fuzi, alongside Pei for target chase. In contrast, Team Secret drafted compositions focused on enabling Son and protecting him from threats, setting the stage for contrasting strategies from both teams.

      The early game saw Team Secret securing the Tyrant, bolstered by a kill on Loong, establishing an early advantage. Despite expectations for Nova Esports to capitalize on early engagements, their attempts were thwarted. Leading to a pivotal moment at the 9-minute mark where Team Secret capitalized on a failed engage, securing three

      A pivotal moment arose during a Tyrant fight when Loong’s massive engage effectively neutralized three members of Nova, facilitating an uncontested Tyrant take for Team Secret. Nova attempted to retaliate by diving the backline, but Yuhan on Yaria consistently denied ZhanQ’s access. Thwarting his maneuvers and disrupting Nova’s plans.

      While Game 4 could be seen as a stroke of luck for Team Secret. Their strategic adjustments in Game 5, forcing Nova Esports onto an uncomfortable draft. Proved pivotal in securing the series .

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    • Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

      Get Paid to Play: An Introduction to Blockchain Gaming

      Think of your favorite video games and what you gain from hours, weeks, and even years of playing. They certainly provide entertainment value, along with bragging rights and a sense of achievement when you complete a tricky mission or defeat a big boss. By the time you finish a game, you've probably amassed a fortune in that virtual realm, but those gold coins (or whatever in-game currency it may be) are useless once you switch off your PC or console. They're not really yours and they have no value in the real world. 

      This is what play-to-earn (P2E) games want to change. This relatively new phenomenon is disrupting the traditional gaming landscape by merging it with economic incentives that hold real-world value. Read on for a beginner-friendly guide to P2E games, along with examples of platforms eager crypto earners have gravitated to. 

      What Are Play-to-Earn Games? 

      Play-to-earn games enable players to collect in-game assets that can be traded or sold for real money. These platforms use b





      P2E titles are available on various gaming platforms. If you want to try out some blockchain games on PC, a capable gaming laptop like the will give you the best experience. Its powerful processors and cutting-edge cooling system not only enable uninterrupted gameplay but also deliver high-level performance for your content creation and daily productivity needs. 


      Do you want a convenient way to stay updated on gaming trends, PC guides, AI news, and more? The Acer Corner Email Digest is a weekly summary of our latest articles, and you can tailor it to your preferred topics. Sign up . 

      Nitro 16 Gaming Laptop

      Predator Helios 16 Gaming Laptop

      Nitro V 16 Gaming Laptop


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    • Immutable 生態玩家破百萬!盤點 13 款主推遊戲,策略、FPS 通通有

      Immutable 生態玩家破百萬!盤點 13 款主推遊戲,策略、FPS 通通有

      今年年初,遊戲公鏈 Immutable 推出了由 Polygon 提供支持的 Immutable zkEVM 主網的搶先體驗版,其生態的快速發展就此正式拉開序幕。進入第二季度,隨著《Guild of Guardians》的推出,以及獎勵超 5,000 萬美元、號稱史上最大規模的 Web3 遊戲任務和獎勵計劃:「主線任務」的發佈,其一體化遊戲玩家身份解決方案 Immutable Passport 實現了巨大的成長,註冊人數正式突破 100 萬大關,其中僅在 5 月份就翻了一番。

      Immutable zkEVM 旨在向遊戲開發者提供專用鏈,其將 ZK-Rollup 技術的優勢與以太坊生態系相結合,具有 EVM 兼容性、低成本、大規模擴充功能能力和企業級安全性。而除了在遊戲基礎設施上予以支持,Immutable 還開始向遊戲開發者提供資金。今年 3 月,Immutable 與風險投資公司 King River Capital 聯合 Polygon Labs 成立了 1 億美元的 Web3 遊戲基金「Inevitable Games Fund」(IGF)。其中 Immutable 和 Polygon Labs 將尋找投資機會,King River 將管理投資流程並在遊戲工作室和 Web3 基礎設施公司中部署資金。

      得益於技術基礎與資金支持,Immutable zkEVM 很快就吸引到了一大批遊戲開發者的入駐。據 Immutable 聯合創辦人 Robbie Ferguson 稱,在今年的前 5 個月,Immutable 簽約資金充足的遊戲數量已達 147 款,超過 2023 年全年,未來 5 個月,其還將計劃推出 60 多款遊戲。而在這兩百多款遊戲中,目前與「主線任務」相關的十餘款遊戲顯然就是其當下佈局的重點。它們是哪些遊戲?又有什麼亮眼表現?本文 PANews 將對這些遊戲進行盤點。


      一款多個遊戲組成的遊戲世界,包括模擬經營類遊戲 Zero、開放世界冒險類遊戲 Overworld、自走棋策略競技類遊戲 Arena 和 NFT 收集類遊戲 Beyond,每個遊戲都擁有獨特的遊戲玩法機制來面向不同的玩家群體,但是又通過不同遊戲之間互通資源的開採和利用將這四個遊戲串聯了起來。鏈遊 Illuvium 已於 5 月底啟動 Open Beta 版測試網

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    • 第一人稱 FPS 競技新作《午夜謀殺俱樂部》發表,六位玩家在漆黑屋內展開致命對決!

      第一人稱 FPS 競技新作《午夜謀殺俱樂部》發表,六位玩家在漆黑屋內展開致命對決!

        美國遊戲工作室 Velan Studios 宣布,預定今年秋季在 PC Steam 上推出一款新作遊戲《午夜謀殺俱樂部》(Midnight Murder Club,中文名稱暫譯),同步公開 Steam 商店頁面與宣傳影片讓玩家確認。

        本作是一款以捉迷藏為主題的 FPS 競技遊戲,最多支援 6 名玩家連線對戰,玩家們將在一間漆黑的西式房屋中參加死亡遊戲,使用手電筒尋找敵人並打倒對方;雖然手電筒在搜尋時很有用處,但其光線也會有暴露自身位置的風險,而發射出去的子彈軌跡會以紅色光線顯示,每個人都能看到一段時間,玩家可根據不同狀況決定要開燈激戰還是繼續躲在暗處。



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    • 大海!泳裝!壽司!《勝利女神:妮姬》x《潛水員戴夫》聯名活動 7/4 開跑

      大海!泳裝!壽司!《勝利女神:妮姬》x《潛水員戴夫》聯名活動 7/4 開跑

        Shift Up 旗下人氣美少女射擊遊戲《勝利女神:妮姬》,於今(26)日晚間中宣布將從 7 月 4 日起與暢銷海洋冒險遊戲《潛水員戴夫》舉辦期間限定聯名活動。


        除了《潛水員戴夫》合作以外,節目中還公開了預定實裝的新妮姬、時裝造型、快閃店、音樂會和線下活動等豐富內容,並預告 2024 下半年還有其他基於知名 IP 的大規模合作計畫,具體細節就有待官方日後揭曉。



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    • How to Fix Error 30005 in Elden Ring

      How to Fix Error 30005 in Elden Ring

      Welcome, Tarnished Warriors! Are you ready to traverse the vast and treacherous lands of Elden Ring? Hold your horses; it seems some of you are experiencing a bit of a hiccup. We’re talking about the dreaded Error 30005 in Elden Ring that can abruptly halt your adventure before it even begins.

      Fear not, for this error is commonly tied to the Easy Anti-Cheat software, which ensures fair play among all. While it’s there to keep the cheaters at bay, occasionally, it misfires and causes frustration for the honest folk. Let's tackle this pesky error together.

      Understanding Error Code 30005

      So what exactly is Error 30005? In simple terms, it’s a nuisance that prevents you from launching Elden Ring because the Easy Anti-Cheat system swings into action a bit too zealously. While it’s great at stopping cheats in their tracks, sometimes it flags up false alarms, mistaking your gaming excitement for foul play. But worry not! You've got this, and together we’ll get you back on the path to becoming Elden Lord.

      Deleting the Sys File

      First up, let’s deal with Error 30005 in Elden Ring by going on a mini-quest to delete a certain troublesome file. Here’s your treasure map:

      1. Venture into your C drive.
      2. Navigate to ‘Program Files (x86)’ and bravely step into the ‘

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        1. Fans Want Relegation to Apply to All VALORANT Teams

          Fans Want Relegation to Apply to All VALORANT Teams

          As a fan of VALORANT esports, you may have applauded the recent modifications Riot Games announced for the pro circuit—but for some, the changes don’t go quite far enough. The inclusion of performance-based relegation in Valorant for Ascension teams joining the VCT leagues starting in 2025 has been well-received. However, it has stirred voices within the community calling for equality across the board.

          Explaining the New Rule Changes

          Starting in 2025, the rules around staying in VCT will change to give Ascension teams more control over their fate. The ability to secure a VCT spot will hinge upon yearly performance with specific targets set.

          New Rules for VALORANT Relegation and Staying in VCT:

          • Promotion Length: One year instead of two
          • Qualifying for Champions: Extends the team’s time in the VCT
          • Top Eight Finish: Guarantees a spot in the Ascension tournament

          Community’s Call for Equal Relegation Conditions

          The community’s push for performance-based relegation in Valorant to be applicable to all VCT teams reflects a desire for egalitarian competition rules. Figures like Ludwig, the co-owner of Moist M

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