  1. Diablo 4 Mount Bug Caused by Last Update Finally Fixed

    Diablo 4 Mount Bug Caused by Last Update Finally Fixed

    Diablo 4 players faced an unexpected challenge recently, but not from the legions of hell. Instead, a mount bug emerged, causing distress within the Diablo 4 community. Thankfully, the development team was quick to acknowledge the issue and committed to resolving the unexpected disappearance of mounts that players experienced after the game’s latest update.

    The Diablo 4 Mount Bug Mount Bug

    The mount bug became a pressing concern after the 1.4.2 update, disrupting the mounts in exploring the vast world of Sanctuary. The bug not only surprised players with vanishing steeds but also dampened the overall adventuring spirit that is a hallmark of the Diablo series.

    Developer Response and Community Management

    Responding to mounting concerns, Diablo 4’s development team addressed the troublesome mount bug. Adam Fletcher, the Community Manager, reassured players that a remedy was forthcoming. This communication was crucial in maintaining transparency and trust within the Diablo 4 community during t

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  2. Is Plug and Play Dead? The Future of Easy PC Upgrades

    Is Plug and Play Dead? The Future of Easy PC Upgrades

    Remember the days when adding a new graphics card or boosting your RAM felt like a breeze?  The "plug and play" (PnP) era revolutionized personal computers, making hardware upgrades accessible even for non-technical users.  But with the ever-increasing complexity of PC components, some might wonder: is the golden age of PnP behind us? 

    While the landscape of PC hardware has certainly evolved, the desire for user-friendly upgrade options hasn't diminished.  Many users who aren't tech wizards still want the ability to maintain and customize their computers to optimize performance or extend their lifespan.  The good news is the future of PC upgrades isn't about abandoning ease of use entirely. It's about embracing innovative solutions that cater to a user-centric approach. This article looks at the history of PnP technology, considers the reasons why it might not always be the answer for modern hardware, and explores the possibilities that lie ahead for user-friendly PC upgrades. 

    What Is P 








    : Future PCs might feature more hot-swappable components, allowing users to replace or upgrade parts without shutting down their systems. This innovation could make the upgrade process even more convenient and reduce downtime. 

    : Artificial intelligence could play a significant role in future PC upgrades. AI algorithms could automatically detect the optimal configuration for new hardware, adjusting system settings for maximum performance and compatibility. This would further simplify the upgrade process and ensure that users get the best possible experience from their devices.  

    : Ongoing efforts to standardize hardware components and interfaces will be crucial in making upgrades easier. Industry-wide standards ensure that components from different manufacturers can work together seamlessly, reducing compatibility issues and simplifying the upgrade process. 

    : PC manufacturers will play a vital role in this future. By prioritizing user-friendly designs and investing in research and development, they can create systems that are easier to upgrade and maintain. Companies like Acer are already leading the way with innovative products like the , which offers a powerful combination of performance and ease of use. 

    Aspire C27 All-in-One Desktop

    Aspire C 24 All-In-One Desktop

    Aspire Go 15 Laptop

    Aspire 3 Laptop


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  3. Paper Rex: Favorites to Early Exit – The Unexpected Turn at Masters Shanghai

    Paper Rex: Favorites to Early Exit – The Unexpected Turn at Masters Shanghai

    Paper Rex during Pacific Stage 1 was a massive hurdle to fight against, especially with Jing back in the roster. The team was as strong as ever, consistently making international appearances. With a 4-1 score heading into the playoffs of Pacific, they were confident. Their only defeat came from Team Secret during the group stages, and they even defeated Gen G, the runner-up from the last Masters Madrid.

    This set the stage for Paper Rex in Masters Shanghai. Defeating Gen G, the runner-up of Masters Madrid, was a statement of their strength. The “W gaming” strategy they always used kept everyone on their toes.


    In the playoffs, Paper Rex maintained their dominance. They beat DRX, who was at the top of the Omega Group leaderboard, and cruised through everyone, including Gen G. Although it was a tight match, they managed to win in the end.

    Direct Playoff Seeds: A Tough Journey for Everyone Except Paper Rex


    100T in the Americas region was one of the strongest contenders for the t

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  4. 《真.女神轉生V Vengeance》正式發售!發售紀念贈獎活動舉辦中

    《真.女神轉生V Vengeance》正式發售!發售紀念贈獎活動舉辦中

      SEGA 世雅宣布,Atlus 新作《真.女神轉生V Vengeance》,自 2024 年 6 月 14 日(五)即日起在 Nintendo Switch、PS5、PS4、Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One、Steam、Windows 平台發售。Atlus 官方 Facebook 專頁現正舉辦紀念贈獎活動,將送出 PS5 及精美遊戲周邊。



      Atlus 官方 Facebook 專頁現正舉辦贈獎活動,慶祝本作正式發售。

    .活動時間:即日起至 6/28 23:59

    .參加方式:按讚追蹤 Atlus 官方 Facebook 粉絲團@一位好友並留言「加入復仇女神的行列,來玩真VV」,即可參與活動,並有機會獲得 PS5(共一台)或精美遊戲周邊(共兩名)!


    何謂《真.女神轉生V Vengeance》?

      《真.女神轉生V》於 2021 年發售後創下全球累積銷量超過 100 萬套以上的佳績,是 Atlus 引以為傲的 RPG。獲得玩家極高評價的本作,在系統、劇情等各項內容更加進化之後將於各大遊戲平台登場!


      此外,戰鬥系統、惡魔合體與一般區域的探索也添加了新的元素,有了更加深奧的進化。《真.女神轉生V》是一部正統 RPG 作品,相信無論是已玩過或是趁此機會初次體驗本系列的玩家都能充分享受遊玩樂趣!






      襲擊人類、企圖製造渾沌世界的惡魔們。以及守護神的秩序的天使組織「伯特利」。被捲入這場對立紛戰的主人公在探索達識時遇到了「尋峯洋子」,並與之一同行動。使用魔法並肩作戰的洋子與主人公將對抗自稱「獻身女祭」的 4 名女妖。



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  5. 《Exodus》公開最新序章介紹影片!探索綠色群星挑戰未知威脅


      Archetype Entertainment 開發中的 SF 科幻風動作 RPG《Exodus》,官網再度宣佈更新,釋出以本作序章系列第五章關卡舞台「綠之群星」為主題的最新介紹影片讓玩家欣賞確認。

      《Exodus》為過去原 BioWare 開發者「James Ohlen」於 2019 年成立的新開發工作室 Archetype Entertainment,目前全力開發中的 SF 科幻動作 RPG。遊戲中,將以未來世界地球瀕臨死亡、人類最後希望的群星探索者「Traveler 旅人」探索宇宙尋找新家園做為開端,展開這次的全新戰鬥冒險之旅。



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  6. Game Boy 風格開放世界冒險 RPG《Petal Runner》Steam 頁面上線

    Game Boy 風格開放世界冒險 RPG《Petal Runner》Steam 頁面上線

      遊戲發行商 iam8bit Presents 近日宣布,預定在 PC Steam 上推出一款由 Nano Park Studios 開發的新作遊戲《Petal Runner》,目前僅支援英文。

      《Petal Runner》是一款以 Game Boy 點陣圖風格所呈現的開放世界冒險 RPG 遊戲,在這個賽博龐克世界裡,存在著名為「HanaPets」的人造寵物,它們依靠花朵產生的能量來幫助人類並與人類共同生活,HanaPets 平常都生活在設備當中,但只要有能量就能實體化。

      玩家在遊戲中要扮演主角 Cali,與他的 HanaPets 夥伴 Kira 踏上了成為運送寵物能量的「Petal Runner」成員的旅程,目標是造訪不同地區的機構收集認證徽章,並了解該機構才有的獨特故事,還能挑戰照顧 HanaPets、體操、音樂遊戲等不同風格的小遊戲。

      描繪人與寵物之間自我探索之旅的《Petal Runner》預定在 Steam 上發售,對懷舊 Game Boy 風格的遊戲畫面感興趣的話不妨加入願望清單關注喔。


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  7. 《GTA 線上模式》「資料外流/短暫旅程」拿雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣聲望值!「暴力碰碰車(重混版)」橫衝直撞拿雙倍獎勵

    《GTA 線上模式》「資料外流/短暫旅程」拿雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣聲望值!「暴力碰碰車(重混版)」橫衝直撞拿雙倍獎勵

      在《GTA 線上模式》本週的更新中,進行「資料外流」協助富蘭克林尋找德瑞博士被偷的手機和幕後主謀,可獲得雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣及聲望值。不僅如此,進行「合約專家」最終階段並把這起手機盜竊案的主謀抓住給德瑞,還可完成每週挑戰並獲得 10 萬 GTA 遊戲幣獎勵。


      進軍為名人解決各種疑難雜症的產業,前往朝代 8 商務仲介購買您的事務所,本週事務所房地產及相關的升級與改裝項目有七折優惠,包括能讓您使用伊瑪尼科技改裝的載具工坊。

    「短暫旅程」雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣及聲望值

      進行「短暫旅程」扮演富蘭克林和拉瑪,把拉瑪生機打造成合法的草藥培植帝國,可獲得雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣及聲望值的報酬。GTA+ 會員進行「短暫旅程」還可享有雙倍的獎勵,總共四倍 GTA 遊戲幣及聲望值。

      您可透過您 iFruit 中的「快速加入」→「聯絡人任務」→「短暫旅程」或暫停選單的「Rockstar 製作」任務列表進行相關的三個任務。

    「暴力碰碰車(重混版)」雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣及聲望值

      進行「暴力碰碰車(重混版)」把對手通通撞開並力拼高位,在高空中不斷縮小的安全區範圍內競技較量。存活到時間結束或是爆炸收場,即日起至 6 月 19 日止可獲得雙倍 GTA 遊戲幣及聲望值。



    .蘭帕達提米其利 GT(經典跑車,六折)

    .古羅帝 GT500(經典跑車)





      前往豪華車業陳列室,透過櫥窗欣賞兩輛威力勁爆的美式肌肉車:絕緻穿刺者 LX(美式肌肉車)及威皮公路霸者 GT(美式肌肉車)。

      絕品衛士 XS(轎跑車)原本的自帶性能就已經頂尖,但阿浩決定再多加碼一些馬力,讓它成為高級測試車。PS5 與 Xbox Series X|S 平台的玩家可造訪洛聖都車聚的阿浩特製改裝,近距離仔細欣賞。

      進行洛聖都車聚系列賽贏得五場競速,就能開走一輛全新的菲斯特陸上彗星狩獵(跑車)。前往洛聖都車聚的試駕賽道,體驗三輛重出江湖的載具感受懷舊氛圍,即日起至 6 月 19 日止通通都有六折優惠:

    .菲斯特陸上彗星 SR(跑車,六折)





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  8. 《七龍珠 電光炸裂!Zero》公開最新介紹影片,分享遊戲內「章節對戰/自訂對戰」最新情報

    《七龍珠 電光炸裂!Zero》公開最新介紹影片,分享遊戲內「章節對戰/自訂對戰」最新情報

      Bandai Namco Entertainment 萬代南夢宮娛樂預定 10 月 10 日在 PS5/Xbox Series X|S、10 月 11 日在 Steam 推出的《七龍珠Z 電光炸裂!》系列最新作《七龍珠 電光炸裂!Zero》(Dragon Ball:Sparking!Zero/ドラゴンボールZ Sparking!Zero),公開最新實機展示介紹影片「Gameplay Showcase 2」讓玩家先睹為快。

      本作為以鳥山明人氣 IP《七龍珠》改編的對戰動作遊戲《七龍珠Z 電光炸裂!》(或稱《七龍珠Z Sparking!》)系列最新續作。在這次的實機展示介紹影片中,為玩家們帶來對戰模式中的「Episode Battle」章節對戰與「Custom Battle」自訂對戰等兩個模式的最新展示,讓玩家能對本作的模式玩法有更深入的了解。

    「Episode Battle」(エピソードバトル)章節對戰




    「Custom Battle」(カスタムバトル)自訂對戰

      至於在自訂對戰方面,這是可以讓玩家使用編輯模式來自訂戰場等各種要素的原創對戰模式。而且玩家還可以將自己創作的內容分享給其他玩家一起共享使用。另外在本模式中的「Extra Battle」(エクストラバトル)特別對戰中,能可以在遊戲版原創的戰鬥場景中進行對戰。



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  9. Call of Duty: MW3 & Warzone Included in Esports World Cup

    Call of Duty: MW3 & Warzone Included in Esports World Cup

    Activision’s juggernaut, Call of Duty, gears up for an epic showdown as Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) and Warzone headline the Esports World Cup. With a generous prize pool that turns heads, the Esports World Cup later this summer in Riyadh promises high stakes. Additionally, the fierce competition is synonymous with the Call of Duty franchise.

    Two Titles, Two Tournaments

    The Call of Duty Esports World Cup distinguishes itself by featuring not just one, but two separate tournaments for MW3 and Warzone. This dual representation caters to diverse Playstyles within the CoD community, promising a comprehensive showcase of tactical shooter excellence on an international stage.

    Prize Pool and Team Structure

    At the Call of Duty Esports World Cup, MW3 players will vie for a formidable 1 million on offer. These impressive sums reflect the high levels of competition and prestige associated with each tournament:

    • MW3 Tournament: 16 teams competing for $1.8 million.
    • Warzone Tournament: 21 teams striving for a $1 million prize pool.

    For fans eager to follow the action, the Esports World Cup schedule is as follows:

    • Warzone: Competitions from July 3 to 6.
    • MW3: Battles from August 15 to 18, after the Call of Duty League Championship concludes.

    Organizational Commitment

    Ralf Reichert, CEO of the Esports World Cup Foundation, embraced the inclusion of the Call of Duty titles. Asserting that it completes their 2024 schedule with one of the world’s most popular games, reinforcing the organization’s ambition to deliver a global gaming festival.


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  10. Call of Duty: MW3 & Warzone Included in Esports World Cup

    Call of Duty: MW3 & Warzone Included in Esports World Cup

    Activision’s juggernaut, Call of Duty, gears up for an epic showdown as Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) and Warzone headline the Esports World Cup. With a generous prize pool that turns heads, the Esports World Cup later this summer in Riyadh promises high stakes. Additionally, the fierce competition is synonymous with the Call of Duty franchise.

    Two Titles, Two Tournaments

    The Call of Duty Esports World Cup distinguishes itself by featuring not just one, but two separate tournaments for MW3 and Warzone. This dual representation caters to diverse Playstyles within the CoD community, promising a comprehensive showcase of tactical shooter excellence on an international stage.

    Prize Pool and Team Structure

    At the Call of Duty Esports World Cup, MW3 players will vie for a formidable 1 million on offer. These impressive sums reflect the high levels of competition and prestige associated with each tournament:

    • MW3 Tournament: 16 teams competing for $1.8 million.
    • Warzone Tournament: 21 teams striving for a $1 million prize pool.

    For fans eager to follow the action, the Esports World Cup schedule is as follows:

    • Warzone: Competitions from July 3 to 6.
    • MW3: Battles from August 15 to 18, after the Call of Duty League Championship concludes.

    Organizational Commitment

    Ralf Reichert, CEO of the Esports World Cup Foundation, embraced the inclusion of the Call of Duty titles. Asserting that it completes their 2024 schedule with one of the world’s most popular games, reinforcing the organization’s ambition to deliver a global gaming festival.


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