  1. How to Get King’s Rock in Pokemon GO

    How to Get King’s Rock in Pokemon GO

    In the world of Pokemon GO, evolution is a journey, with King’s Rock serving as a crucial stepping stone for certain Water-type Pokemon. The idea of transforming a beloved Slowpoke into the regal Slowking, or a steadfast Poliwhirl into the jubilant Politoed, has trainers eager to acquire this prized item.

    Methods to Acquire King’s Rock

    King’s Rock in Pokemon GO may seem elusive, but it's within reach if you know where to look:

    • Pokestops: Your main source, with improved odds on a seven-day streak.
    • Gifts: A potential surprise from friends.
    • Team GO Rocket: Defeat leaders for a chance to snag one.
    • Research Rewards: Sometimes offered for completing tasks.

    A focused effort on frequent Pokestop visits can significantly raise your chances of discovering a King’s Rock.

    Strategies for Efficient King’s Rock Farming

    If you’re on the prowl for King’s Rock in Pokemon GO, prioritize areas brimming with PokeStops. Cities or parks with clusters of PokeStops are your playground—spin them all, and keep an eye on that seventh consecutive daily spin for a guaranteed evolution item that could be King’s Rock.

    Pokemon Eligible for King’s Rock Evolution

    In your quest for King’s Rock in Pokemon GO,

    • : Evolves into Slowking
    • : Transforms into Politoed

    • ...
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  2. How to Get King’s Rock in Pokemon GO

    How to Get King’s Rock in Pokemon GO

    In the world of Pokemon GO, evolution is a journey, with King’s Rock serving as a crucial stepping stone for certain Water-type Pokemon. The idea of transforming a beloved Slowpoke into the regal Slowking, or a steadfast Poliwhirl into the jubilant Politoed, has trainers eager to acquire this prized item.

    Methods to Acquire King’s Rock

    King’s Rock in Pokemon GO may seem elusive, but it's within reach if you know where to look:

    • Pokestops: Your main source, with improved odds on a seven-day streak.
    • Gifts: A potential surprise from friends.
    • Team GO Rocket: Defeat leaders for a chance to snag one.
    • Research Rewards: Sometimes offered for completing tasks.

    A focused effort on frequent Pokestop visits can significantly raise your chances of discovering a King’s Rock.

    Strategies for Efficient King’s Rock Farming

    If you’re on the prowl for King’s Rock in Pokemon GO, prioritize areas brimming with PokeStops. Cities or parks with clusters of PokeStops are your playground—spin them all, and keep an eye on that seventh consecutive daily spin for a guaranteed evolution item that could be King’s Rock.

    Pokemon Eligible for King’s Rock Evolution

    In your quest for King’s Rock in Pokemon GO,

    • : Evolves into Slowking
    • : Transforms into Politoed

    • ...
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  3. 《Second Wave 第二浪潮》宣佈免費化!可與付費版玩家一起遊玩體驗版即日推出

    《Second Wave 第二浪潮》宣佈免費化!可與付費版玩家一起遊玩體驗版即日推出

      韓國 Challengers Games 自家開發、自 2024 年 5 月底在 Steam 等平台推出搶先體驗版,支援繁體中文等語系,同時支援第一人稱視點 FPS/第三人稱視點 TPS 動作射擊玩法的 MOBA 遊戲《Second Wave 第二浪潮》,宣佈正式變更為免費遊戲,並推出可跟付費版玩家在相同環境一起遊玩的體驗版登場。

      《Second Wave 第二浪潮》為一款結合 MOBA和 TPS/FPS 玩法,讓玩家一起來參與團隊射擊激烈戰鬥,為玩家帶來刺激遊戲對戰體驗的新作遊戲。同時除了刺激緊張的戰鬥玩法外,本作還將會有超過 40 萬文字的小說劇情故事,讓玩家來探索亞爾曼蒂亞的歷史和圍繞《第二浪潮》的傳說,與小說中的角色相遇,參與戰場獲取神奇礦石。

      同時遊戲中,除了有多樣不同戰鬥風格的英雄角色讓玩家選擇使用外,還將會收錄 6vs6 佔領戰、4vs4vs4 三方對戰與 3vs3vs3vs3 礦石抓鬥等三種不同玩法,並提供各式各樣的外觀服裝讓玩家自訂使用,也為遊戲增添更多趣味。還沒體驗過本作的玩家們,可以趁現在免費體驗版的推出來趕快試玩看看。

      另外,隨著本作免費遊戲化,官方也宣佈自 5 月 31 日搶先體驗版推出後,針對有付費購買搶先體驗版的玩家們,發送 10,000 顆水晶以表示謝意。同時,付費版也將會於 6 月底結束下載,玩家們可要注意。


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  4. Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    TAIPEI (April 22, 2024) Echoing this year's Earth Day theme of “Planet vs Plastics”, Acer has partnered with Plastic Bank and has pledged to collect and recycle at least 50 tons of plastic waste from the environment in 2024. The Canada-based social enterprise focuses on tackling the growing issues of plastic pollution by building recycling ecosystems and creating livelihood opportunities in vulnerable coastal areas.

    Acer's Impact Program Partnership with Plastic Bank is projected to prevent the equivalent of more than 2.5 million plastic bottles[2] from entering the oceans through the efforts of collection members in Southeast Asia. Members bring their collected plastic to Plastic Bank collection branches in exchange for the local market price of the gathered material as well as bonuses that help provide additional income and access to social benefits, like meal vouchers, health insurance, and more. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

    Acer's collaboration with Plastic Bank supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 1 for no poverty, SDG 8 for decent work and economic growth, SDG 12 for responsible consumption and production, SDG 14 for life below water, and SDG 17 for partnership for the goals. Acer's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals also include adapting 20-30% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic content in computers and displays by 2025 and working towards the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Acer has been making strides to incorporate PCR versions of the plastic types used in electronic consumer products with its eco-conscious Vero line, and has reinforced its commitment to carbon neutrality with the launch of its first carbon-neutral PC, the Acer Aspire Vero 16, which debuted in December 2023. Acer will continue to evolve with the industry and changing lifestyles by promoting innovative and eco-conscious solutions for the long-term sustainability of its operations and the environment.

    [1] Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) refers to plastic waste of various sizes located within 50 kilometers of the coastline, where there is an inefficient waste management. ​ If these plastics are not collected, they may directly enter the ocean. Source: Solutions for Plastic Pollution | Plastic Bank ​ ​
    ​[2] Based on an internal study conducted by Plastic Bank: 
    Sustainability Efforts | Understanding Plastic Bank's Impact - Plastic Bank...

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  5. Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    TAIPEI (April 22, 2024) Echoing this year's Earth Day theme of “Planet vs Plastics”, Acer has partnered with Plastic Bank and has pledged to collect and recycle at least 50 tons of plastic waste from the environment in 2024. The Canada-based social enterprise focuses on tackling the growing issues of plastic pollution by building recycling ecosystems and creating livelihood opportunities in vulnerable coastal areas.

    Acer's Impact Program Partnership with Plastic Bank is projected to prevent the equivalent of more than 2.5 million plastic bottles[2] from entering the oceans through the efforts of collection members in Southeast Asia. Members bring their collected plastic to Plastic Bank collection branches in exchange for the local market price of the gathered material as well as bonuses that help provide additional income and access to social benefits, like meal vouchers, health insurance, and more. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

    Acer's collaboration with Plastic Bank supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 1 for no poverty, SDG 8 for decent work and economic growth, SDG 12 for responsible consumption and production, SDG 14 for life below water, and SDG 17 for partnership for the goals. Acer's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals also include adapting 20-30% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic content in computers and displays by 2025 and working towards the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Acer has been making strides to incorporate PCR versions of the plastic types used in electronic consumer products with its eco-conscious Vero line, and has reinforced its commitment to carbon neutrality with the launch of its first carbon-neutral PC, the Acer Aspire Vero 16, which debuted in December 2023. Acer will continue to evolve with the industry and changing lifestyles by promoting innovative and eco-conscious solutions for the long-term sustainability of its operations and the environment.

    [1] Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) refers to plastic waste of various sizes located within 50 kilometers of the coastline, where there is an inefficient waste management. ​ If these plastics are not collected, they may directly enter the ocean. Source: Solutions for Plastic Pollution | Plastic Bank ​ ​
    ​[2] Based on an internal study conducted by Plastic Bank: 
    Sustainability Efforts | Understanding Plastic Bank's Impact - Plastic Bank...

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  6. Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    TAIPEI (April 22, 2024) Echoing this year's Earth Day theme of “Planet vs Plastics”, Acer has partnered with Plastic Bank and has pledged to collect and recycle at least 50 tons of plastic waste from the environment in 2024. The Canada-based social enterprise focuses on tackling the growing issues of plastic pollution by building recycling ecosystems and creating livelihood opportunities in vulnerable coastal areas.

    Acer's Impact Program Partnership with Plastic Bank is projected to prevent the equivalent of more than 2.5 million plastic bottles[2] from entering the oceans through the efforts of collection members in Southeast Asia. Members bring their collected plastic to Plastic Bank collection branches in exchange for the local market price of the gathered material as well as bonuses that help provide additional income and access to social benefits, like meal vouchers, health insurance, and more. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

    Acer's collaboration with Plastic Bank supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 1 for no poverty, SDG 8 for decent work and economic growth, SDG 12 for responsible consumption and production, SDG 14 for life below water, and SDG 17 for partnership for the goals. Acer's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals also include adapting 20-30% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic content in computers and displays by 2025 and working towards the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Acer has been making strides to incorporate PCR versions of the plastic types used in electronic consumer products with its eco-conscious Vero line, and has reinforced its commitment to carbon neutrality with the launch of its first carbon-neutral PC, the Acer Aspire Vero 16, which debuted in December 2023. Acer will continue to evolve with the industry and changing lifestyles by promoting innovative and eco-conscious solutions for the long-term sustainability of its operations and the environment.

    [1] Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) refers to plastic waste of various sizes located within 50 kilometers of the coastline, where there is an inefficient waste management. ​ If these plastics are not collected, they may directly enter the ocean. Source: Solutions for Plastic Pollution | Plastic Bank ​ ​
    ​[2] Based on an internal study conducted by Plastic Bank: 
    Sustainability Efforts | Understanding Plastic Bank's Impact - Plastic Bank...

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  7. Helldivers 2 Donates to Charity to Honor Its Players Choice in Major Order

    Helldivers 2 Donates to Charity to Honor Its Players Choice in Major Order

    In an inspiring blend of gaming and altruism, Helldivers 2 extends the battlefield beyond the screen with a charity initiative impacting the real world. The developers have transformed players’ in-game choices into a force for good. They partnered with Save the Children to honor the decision to protect the virtual children in the Helldivers 2 universe.

    Major Order Event and Charitable Decision

    The pivotal moment came when Helldivers 2 players were presented with a Major Order. Save the virtual children at Super Citizen Anne’s Hospital or pursue valuable resources elsewhere. Choosing compassion over personal gain. The players’ noble decision inspired the developers to contribute to Save the Children. Extending the impact of the Helldivers 2 charity beyond the gaming community.

    Community Engagement and Reaction

    The Helldivers 2 charity news received a positive uproar within the gaming community, praising the game developers for matching the heroic in-game actions with real-life benevolence. Players of Helldivers 2 took to social media to express their pride in contributing to such a noble outcome. Demonstrating that the community’s bond extends far beyond the shared digital experiences.

    The Impact of Players’ Choice in Helldivers 2

    This innovation of in-game decisions and philanthropy demonstrates the power of the gaming community w

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  8. Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    TAIPEI (April 22, 2024) Echoing this year's Earth Day theme of “Planet vs Plastics”, Acer has partnered with Plastic Bank and has pledged to collect and recycle at least 50 tons of plastic waste from the environment in 2024. The Canada-based social enterprise focuses on tackling the growing issues of plastic pollution by building recycling ecosystems and creating livelihood opportunities in vulnerable coastal areas.

    Acer's Impact Program Partnership with Plastic Bank is projected to prevent the equivalent of more than 2.5 million plastic bottles[2] from entering the oceans through the efforts of collection members in Southeast Asia. Members bring their collected plastic to Plastic Bank collection branches in exchange for the local market price of the gathered material as well as bonuses that help provide additional income and access to social benefits, like meal vouchers, health insurance, and more. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

    Acer's collaboration with Plastic Bank supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 1 for no poverty, SDG 8 for decent work and economic growth, SDG 12 for responsible consumption and production, SDG 14 for life below water, and SDG 17 for partnership for the goals. Acer's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals also include adapting 20-30% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic content in computers and displays by 2025 and working towards the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Acer has been making strides to incorporate PCR versions of the plastic types used in electronic consumer products with its eco-conscious Vero line, and has reinforced its commitment to carbon neutrality with the launch of its first carbon-neutral PC, the Acer Aspire Vero 16, which debuted in December 2023. Acer will continue to evolve with the industry and changing lifestyles by promoting innovative and eco-conscious solutions for the long-term sustainability of its operations and the environment.

    [1] Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) refers to plastic waste of various sizes located within 50 kilometers of the coastline, where there is an inefficient waste management. ​ If these plastics are not collected, they may directly enter the ocean. Source: Solutions for Plastic Pollution | Plastic Bank ​ ​
    ​[2] Based on an internal study conducted by Plastic Bank: 
    Sustainability Efforts | Understanding Plastic Bank's Impact - Plastic Bank...

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  9. Helldivers 2 Donates to Charity to Honor Its Players Choice in Major Order

    Helldivers 2 Donates to Charity to Honor Its Players Choice in Major Order

    In an inspiring blend of gaming and altruism, Helldivers 2 extends the battlefield beyond the screen with a charity initiative impacting the real world. The developers have transformed players’ in-game choices into a force for good. They partnered with Save the Children to honor the decision to protect the virtual children in the Helldivers 2 universe.

    Major Order Event and Charitable Decision

    The pivotal moment came when Helldivers 2 players were presented with a Major Order. Save the virtual children at Super Citizen Anne’s Hospital or pursue valuable resources elsewhere. Choosing compassion over personal gain. The players’ noble decision inspired the developers to contribute to Save the Children. Extending the impact of the Helldivers 2 charity beyond the gaming community.

    Community Engagement and Reaction

    The Helldivers 2 charity news received a positive uproar within the gaming community, praising the game developers for matching the heroic in-game actions with real-life benevolence. Players of Helldivers 2 took to social media to express their pride in contributing to such a noble outcome. Demonstrating that the community’s bond extends far beyond the shared digital experiences.

    The Impact of Players’ Choice in Helldivers 2

    This innovation of in-game decisions and philanthropy demonstrates the power of the gaming community w

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  10. Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    Acer Commits to Collecting 50 Tons of Plastic Waste From the Environment Through Plastic Bank Partnership

    TAIPEI (April 22, 2024) Echoing this year's Earth Day theme of “Planet vs Plastics”, Acer has partnered with Plastic Bank and has pledged to collect and recycle at least 50 tons of plastic waste from the environment in 2024. The Canada-based social enterprise focuses on tackling the growing issues of plastic pollution by building recycling ecosystems and creating livelihood opportunities in vulnerable coastal areas.

    Acer's Impact Program Partnership with Plastic Bank is projected to prevent the equivalent of more than 2.5 million plastic bottles[2] from entering the oceans through the efforts of collection members in Southeast Asia. Members bring their collected plastic to Plastic Bank collection branches in exchange for the local market price of the gathered material as well as bonuses that help provide additional income and access to social benefits, like meal vouchers, health insurance, and more. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

    Acer's collaboration with Plastic Bank supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 1 for no poverty, SDG 8 for decent work and economic growth, SDG 12 for responsible consumption and production, SDG 14 for life below water, and SDG 17 for partnership for the goals. Acer's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals also include adapting 20-30% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastic content in computers and displays by 2025 and working towards the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Acer has been making strides to incorporate PCR versions of the plastic types used in electronic consumer products with its eco-conscious Vero line, and has reinforced its commitment to carbon neutrality with the launch of its first carbon-neutral PC, the Acer Aspire Vero 16, which debuted in December 2023. Acer will continue to evolve with the industry and changing lifestyles by promoting innovative and eco-conscious solutions for the long-term sustainability of its operations and the environment.

    [1] Ocean Bound Plastic (OBP) refers to plastic waste of various sizes located within 50 kilometers of the coastline, where there is an inefficient waste management. ​ If these plastics are not collected, they may directly enter the ocean. Source: Solutions for Plastic Pollution | Plastic Bank ​ ​
    ​[2] Based on an internal study conducted by Plastic Bank: 
    Sustainability Efforts | Understanding Plastic Bank's Impact - Plastic Bank...

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