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  1. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  2. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  3. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  4. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  5. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  6. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  7. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  8. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  9. Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Apex Legends Esports Season 15 Meta Analysis | PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    The play-in stage and qualifier stage of the Newer Esports x PLANET9 Apex Legends World Elite Community Series EP.1 - Break The Ice has ended. We believe everyone has known more about the new changes of season 15, especially for the team comp. And here we will be talking and analyzing the new tournament meta of Apex Legends.

    The legend of Valkyrie is still continuing

    As many players and coaches have pointed out, the takeoff of Valkyrie gives teams a very strong rotate ability, no matter how many times the dev has nerfed it. In particular, the changes to the closing lap in these seasons have forced teams to enter early. This change allows teams with Valkyrie to have a greater say in the turn, and they can choose to enter early and look for resources later in the circle or look for resources first on the edge of the circle. This reduces the dependence on the luck of closing laps and gives them more control over the map.

    Crypto + Valkyrie + Wattson

    Compared to the previous tournament meta of

    Interview Video:


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  10. Australian Trio Triumphs at PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Australian Trio Triumphs at PLANET9 x Newer Esports Apex Legends WES Episode 1

    Newer Esports - Apex Legends WORLD ELITE Community SERIES - EP#1: Break The Ice has come to the end. Congratulations to Boogie Boarder, FC MDY, and Dewa United for winning the tournament. Let's check out some highlight moments of the tournament.

    The WES Grand Final will be conducted using the semi-match-point system. Team(s) first gaining 50 points will be qualified, any qualified team winning a 1st in a game will directly become the champion of the series and the ranking of other teams will be arranged according to their accumulated points. If no champion wins within 12 games, the tournament will end and teams would be ranked according to the total score.

    The last WES Champion Free Agent used 9 games to take the championship, but this time Boogie Boarder has used only 5 games to take the trophy home. Since they are ranked number 2 in their groups in the challenger stage. Therefore, they begin the final with 9 bonus points. They won Game 2 and Game 4, which leads them to the match point.


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