Dev Notes
  1. PLANET9 Billboard: 日日速配電競遊戲資訊

    PLANET9 Billboard: 日日速配電競遊戲資訊

    立即下載 PLANET9 Billboard !


    距離我們上次在PC Client上的消息已經有一段時間了。我們竭盡所能提供所需的內容,以使電子競技更好,因此,我們很高興地宣布,我們的PC Client即將推出新的面貌,旨在為您提供豐富多樣的遊戲內容!歡迎使用PLANET9 Billboard。

    電子競技正在不同遊戲標題的社群、集體興趣以及希望與志同道合的人相遇和聯繫的基礎上建立。PLANET9 Billboard的目的是讓用戶們一目了然地了解世界各地的電子競技事件,包括世界各地的電子競技事件、最熱門遊戲的更新和發布新聞、電子競技玩家分享的生活故事和靈感,當然還有在PLANET9上進行的獨家活動和產品促銷。

    讓我們一起來參觀並體驗PLANET9 Billboard的功能吧!

    PLANET9 Billboard是PC Client的核心功能。我們希望透過即時更新電子競技內容來提升您的體驗。


    在PLANET9 Billboard 上方列表有幾個圖標和按鈕可以使用。位於左側的PLANET9 logo是一個訪問PLANET9官方網站的按鈕,這與大多數網頁的工作方式相同。而登入按鈕就如上圖所示非常的直觀。第一次使用時可能會對右上方四個圖標感到困惑。

    1. 第一個圖標是啟用ProClip工具,如果ProClip尚未安裝,則將會跳出安裝視窗。
    2. 第二個圖標為導向我們的政策聲明網站連結。
    3. 第三個圖標是顯示PLANET9的公告。
    4. 第四個圖標是啟用或關閉用於瀏覽適合內容的保護模式。
    5. 登入PLANET9 Billboard後,右上方將會出現新的通知按鈕,點擊後會顯示有關帳號通知的視窗。

    Billboard主體分為三個主要部分。左上角的黃色區域顯示了來自PLANET9部落格的最新文章。儘管我們不斷製作與遊戲行業相關的思想性和鼓舞人心的文章,但我們計劃與其他媒體合作,帶來更廣泛的內容。左下角的紅色區域是橫幅,顯示在PLANET9上運行的熱門活動。 Billboard右側的四張卡片顯示了各種類型的內容集合,包括部落格、比賽、產品促銷等!

    我們知道在PLANET9 Billboard上仍有很多改進的空間,我們真誠地相信您的意見可以幫助我們走向更好的道路。所以請不要猶豫,若有任何問題或意見皆可透過PLANET9 Billboard工具中的反饋功能或聯繫我們向我們反應。

    立即下載 PLANET9 Billboard !...

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  2. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance


    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enha

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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  3. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance


    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enha

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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  4. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance


    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enha

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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  5. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enhan

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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  6. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance


    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enha

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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  7. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enhan

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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  8. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance


    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enha

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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  9. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enhan

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


    閱讀更多 »
  10. PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    PC Client Billboard: Esport World At A Glance

    Download PLANET9 Billboard Now!

    It's been quite a while from our last news on PC Client. We tried our best to offer what is just needed to make Esports better, and therefore, we are pleased to announce that a new outlook is coming on our PC Client, aiming to offer a good varities of gaming contents to you! Welcome, PLANET9 Billboard.

    Esports is being built around communities across different game titles, collective interests, and the desire to meet and connect with similar-minded people. With the purpose for people to learn about Esport events around the world, PLANET9 Billboard aims to provide a rich content at a glance, including eSport events across the world, update and release news of the hottest games, life stories and inspirations shared from eSport players, and of course the exclusive events and product promotions running on PLANET9.

    Let's take a tour and experience the features of PLANET9 Billboard together.

    PLANET9 Billboard is the key feature to our PC-Client. We'd like to enhan

    1. The forth icon is to enable/disable Protection mode for browsing suitable conten

    We know that there are still much space for us to improve on PLANET9 Billboard, and we truly believe that your opinion is what help us to get on the right track. Please don't hesitate to leave your comments to us via the feedback funcion in PLANET9 Billboard or  .


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